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Planned changes to be implemented on Oct. 1


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@Red Haired Savage.5430 said:

@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Mender's Might's description was updated on the main thread. It will heal the warrior when they grant might to an ally. They generally specify other allies if that is the intent.

IF this applies to might you grant yourself then Might Makes Right and Menders Might are going to be high self sustain. In a team fight with phalanx strength and Might Makes Right there will be high levels of self healing on the warrior.

So, what is the healing amount, and what are the odds of them nerfing it if self granted might counts?

If the healing is on par with MMR then wow...

One thing I'd want to know that the tooltip is missing what's the target cap on phalanx strength? The difference between 5 and 10 would be massive.

Did it have a target cap before?

I don't remember it's been that long since I've used it.

It's always been 5. Most obvious in Raids where 1 Warrior couldn't buff the whole 10 man squad. I doubt it's been increased in this patch since there's no note on it.

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@RiyazGuerra.9203 said:I don't know about you guys but as soon as I get home from work I am looking forward to crafting my Zehtuka's armor set with superior runes of the Monk. Weapon sets: Dagger/Axe, Axe/Warhorn. Jewelry: Magi

Really looking forward to the new warhorn support warrior.

Can you explain what's making you excited because all I see is them adding more might and fury (you could already do this), a probably ~2k heal on 15s ICD, and more healing power so barely anything is any different.

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@Jzaku.9765 said:

@RiyazGuerra.9203 said:I don't know about you guys but as soon as I get home from work I am looking forward to crafting my Zehtuka's armor set with superior runes of the Monk. Weapon sets: Dagger/Axe, Axe/Warhorn. Jewelry: Magi

Really looking forward to the new warhorn support warrior.

Can you explain what's making you excited because all I see is them adding more might and fury (you could already do this), a probably ~2k heal on 15s ICD, and more healing power so barely anything is any different.

Removing dmg condis heals now, you grant barrier, resistance, fury, 10%dmg (in wvw) for 10ppl for the next 2 attacks

Those changes are more focused on wvw id say, and less about pve

@Jzaku.9765 said:Burning Arrows merged into Crack Shot was a good change. Rarely has Crack Shot ever been considered but now it's likely the meta pick for condi Warrior who had no choice but to pick the power trait Warrior's Sprint instead.Mending Might doesn't have a proper description, might wanna check that.

I don't understand the Tactics changes.

  • The Cool Stuff™ they're trying to push with the traitline centers around Soldier's Focus, but it has an ICD of 15s. We live in an era of instant, immediate access to 25 might and on-demand burst healing - what is the Soldier's Focus synergy offered in the line doing to compete?
    1. 3 stacks of might every 15 seconds from Marching Orders? Pointless - Way too slow for group-focused play AND so low stacks that you will still be forced to take Phalanx Strength and associated synergy to stack might, which renders this ability redundant.
    2. An uncontrollable heal that ticks every 15s when the buff refreshes itself from Soldier's Comfort? This better be some kind of massive heal (doubtful) because you can barely control when it triggers.
    3. Skill CD reduction from Martial Cadence? It's a strong effect - but there is absolutely no way you can plan a rotation around the variable timings this trait will trigger, leaving getting value out of the proc incredibly hard to capitalize on.

Warhorn Changes:

  • I'm really not sure about Charge's damage increasing effect. This kind of effect has historically been too clunky to see use (see: Elementalist's Arcane Power which has never seen play for it's damage bonus effect). Blast Finisher utility is great, but Warrior still only has access to Fire fields so the scope of what they can reliably do is tiny. (Spellbreaker used to have Lightning but now you can't blast while casting Winds of Disenchantment). All I can see it used for is Raid Squads asking you to 10 man buff before engaging a boss and various cheesy 1-shot attempts in wvw/pvp.
  • Call to Arms change sounds fantastic. Nothing to complain about there. I assume we lose weakness on it since it no longer needs the unblockable skill fact, but Barrier fulfills a similar purpose that works more reliably.
  • Roaring Reveille and Soldier's Comfort being in competing slots is mildly frustrating in the context of our current meta of Healer builds that HAVE to offer boons to compete with Druid. I don't see Healer Warrior working at all even with the proposed changes though.

It looks like Anet is trying to push 2 things with the Tactics rework: Might/Fury Stacking and Healing. I think the fact that Warrior having to pick between the 2 from the changes presented is just going to make it utterly unable to compete with Druid, who fills the same space to 10 people but offers both in 1 package (+spirits). It'll never see play without offering more.Also, Shout healing is still really bad because holding them to heal when you need it is completely contradictory to the skills fulfilling their normal purpose (Can't stack might with FGJ if you want to have healing in your pocket for example) and Warrior still hasn't had a replacement source of Regen that was removed from the banner trait.

You can controll when to trigger the heal and when to get the 3sec weapons cdrThose effects trigger after landing a burst skill, which means you can hold your burst for when you need them (which isnt rly a good thing, since you want to burst alot, BUT you can controll them :p

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@RedShark.9548 said:Granting Might in WvW is wasted because Rev exists.

I think it still could serve as the secondary source when your group is pressured and allied Revenant are swapped out of Leg. Dragon Stance for group sustain, and the short duration and combat only restriction could also imply the intended usage, so maybe not totally meaningless.

Getting more Healingpower from VS doesnt change the fact that there are only 2 playable shouts.

Yeah I was looking forward so much to possible Shouts revised. 'On My Mark!' really needs to become an on-target AoE with small radius, and 'Fear Me!' with its CD reduced and probably functions enhanced.

@Infusion.7149 said:(WvW wise) If revs fall out of favor and it's mostly scourges + firebrands then maybe spellbreaker/core warrior with tactics might be worth taking more often. +50% damage will power through scourges' barriers as well as scrapper's and weavers'.

They might fall out of favor as the primary source of damage at range, as people are already speculating potential application of Warrior's Cunning with Rifle. Though I do not think they'd ever be completely replaced. They still provides awesome utility (just Phase Smash alone is irreplaceable in confined spaces to proc AoEs preemptively), Boon support, damage reduction (Rite of the Great Dwarf) etc, and even CoR after the nerf would not be all too shabby at all.

@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Here is a new Zerg tactic. 5 tactics zerkers in voice chat to coordinate. After combat initiates everyone pops signet of fury and enters bmode. 1st warrior uses charge, then swaps rifle. All warriors are in rifle. They use signet of might and then Gunflame one after the other, then use Blood Reckoning and use Gunflame in order again. Clean up with volley and Gunflame on recharge.

^ Imaging pin sniping with this.

@"Katary.7096" said:Was expecting the tactics rework to emphasize the support aspect, instead it will offer more options to boost personal damage output than it does now. Thematically misses the mark in my opinion. And while I like to see countermeasures against barrier added to the game, it's probably not a good idea to make them available to a single class.

I think the '7% damage bonus against foes suffering from a movement-impairing condition' on Leg Specialist is a bit excessive. Since the cooldown now is calculated per target, the original effect would be dangerous enough.

And Warrior's Cunning...I like how it provides a new, 'tactical' option in WvW, but not quite so seeing it implemented as personal damage buff. As for the universality of access to specific functions, there seems to be a shift in design thinking now, on which I wrote a post.

@RedShark.9548 said:Those effects trigger after landing a burst skill, which means you can hold your burst for when you need them (which isnt rly a good thing, since you want to burst alot, BUT you can controll them :p

Well, if you melee in a zerg fight, chances are that you need the healing and CD reduction as you burst anyway :P So probably not holding it.

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@Virtuality.8351 said:

@RedShark.9548 said:Granting Might in WvW is wasted because Rev exists.

I think it still could serve as the secondary source when your group is pressured and allied Revenant are swapped out of Leg. Dragon Stance for group sustain, and the short duration and combat only restriction could also imply the intended usage, so maybe not totally meaningless.

Getting more Healingpower from VS doesnt change the fact that there are only 2 playable shouts.

Yeah I was looking forward so much to possible Shouts revised. 'On My Mark!' really needs to become an on-target AoE with small radius, and 'Fear Me!' with its CD reduced and probably functions enhanced.

@Infusion.7149 said:(WvW wise) If revs fall out of favor and it's mostly scourges + firebrands then maybe spellbreaker/core warrior with tactics might be worth taking more often. +50% damage will power through scourges' barriers as well as scrapper's and weavers'.

They might fall out of favor as the primary source of damage at range, as people are already speculating potential application of Warrior's Cunning with Rifle. Though I do not think they'd ever be completely replaced. They still provides awesome utility (just Phase Smash alone is irreplaceable in confined spaces to proc AoEs preemptively), Boon support, damage reduction (Rite of the Great Dwarf) etc, and even CoR after the nerf would not be all too shabby at all.

@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Here is a new Zerg tactic. 5 tactics zerkers in voice chat to coordinate. After combat initiates everyone pops signet of fury and enters bmode. 1st warrior uses charge, then swaps rifle. All warriors are in rifle. They use signet of might and then Gunflame one after the other, then use Blood Reckoning and use Gunflame in order again. Clean up with volley and Gunflame on recharge.

^ Imaging pin sniping with this.

@"Katary.7096" said:Was expecting the tactics rework to emphasize the support aspect, instead it will offer more options to boost personal damage output than it does now. Thematically misses the mark in my opinion. And while I like to see countermeasures against barrier added to the game, it's probably not a good idea to make them available to a single class.

I think the '7% damage bonus against foes suffering from a movement-impairing condition' on Leg Specialist is a bit excessive. Since the cooldown now is calculated per target, the original effect would be dangerous enough.

And Warrior's Cunning...I like how it provides a new, 'tactical' option in WvW, but not quite so seeing it implemented as personal damage buff. As for the universality of access to specific functions, there seems to be a shift in design thinking now, on which I wrote a

@RedShark.9548 said:Those effects trigger after landing a burst skill, which means you can hold your burst for when you need them (which isnt rly a good thing, since you want to burst alot, BUT you can controll them :p

Well, if you melee in a zerg fight, chances are that you need the healing and CD reduction as you burst anyway :P So probably not holding it.

Hu, when did i say the first part about might being wasted because of revs?

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@RedShark.9548 said:

@RedShark.9548 said:Granting Might in WvW is wasted because Rev exists.

I think it still could serve as the secondary source when your group is pressured and allied Revenant are swapped out of Leg. Dragon Stance for group sustain, and the short duration and combat only restriction could also imply the intended usage, so maybe not totally meaningless.

Getting more Healingpower from VS doesnt change the fact that there are only 2 playable shouts.

Yeah I was looking forward so much to possible Shouts revised. 'On My Mark!' really needs to become an on-target AoE with small radius, and 'Fear Me!' with its CD reduced and probably functions enhanced.

@Infusion.7149 said:(WvW wise) If revs fall out of favor and it's mostly scourges + firebrands then maybe spellbreaker/core warrior with tactics might be worth taking more often. +50% damage will power through scourges' barriers as well as scrapper's and weavers'.

They might fall out of favor as the primary source of damage at range, as people are already speculating potential application of Warrior's Cunning with Rifle. Though I do not think they'd ever be completely replaced. They still provides awesome utility (just Phase Smash alone is irreplaceable in confined spaces to proc AoEs preemptively), Boon support, damage reduction (Rite of the Great Dwarf) etc, and even CoR after the nerf would not be all too shabby at all.

@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Here is a new Zerg tactic. 5 tactics zerkers in voice chat to coordinate. After combat initiates everyone pops signet of fury and enters bmode. 1st warrior uses charge, then swaps rifle. All warriors are in rifle. They use signet of might and then Gunflame one after the other, then use Blood Reckoning and use Gunflame in order again. Clean up with volley and Gunflame on recharge.

^ Imaging pin sniping with this.

@"Katary.7096" said:Was expecting the tactics rework to emphasize the support aspect, instead it will offer more options to boost personal damage output than it does now. Thematically misses the mark in my opinion. And while I like to see countermeasures against barrier added to the game, it's probably not a good idea to make them available to a single class.

I think the '7% damage bonus against foes suffering from a movement-impairing condition' on Leg Specialist is a bit excessive. Since the cooldown now is calculated per target, the original effect would be dangerous enough.

And Warrior's Cunning...I like how it provides a new, 'tactical' option in WvW, but not quite so seeing it implemented as personal damage buff. As for the universality of access to specific functions, there seems to be a shift in design thinking now, on which I wrote a

@RedShark.9548 said:Those effects trigger after landing a burst skill, which means you can hold your burst for when you need them (which isnt rly a good thing, since you want to burst alot, BUT you can controll them :p

Well, if you melee in a zerg fight, chances are that you need the healing and CD reduction as you burst anyway :P So probably not holding it.

Hu, when did i say the first part about might being wasted because of revs?

Don't know, but you did state it. At this point they having 1 Phalanx Strength warrior in the subgroup accelerates the might gain though. It will end up being the case that just having the warrior there playing at minimum level is all that is required. Banner Slave in PvE, and Phalanx Slave/barrier clearer in WvW.

Granted there is a lot now and in tactics so there will be more support than just phalanx strength.

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@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

@RedShark.9548 said:Granting Might in WvW is wasted because Rev exists.

I think it still could serve as the secondary source when your group is pressured and allied Revenant are swapped out of Leg. Dragon Stance for group sustain, and the short duration and combat only restriction could also imply the intended usage, so maybe not totally meaningless.

Getting more Healingpower from VS doesnt change the fact that there are only 2 playable shouts.

Yeah I was looking forward so much to possible Shouts revised. 'On My Mark!' really needs to become an on-target AoE with small radius, and 'Fear Me!' with its CD reduced and probably functions enhanced.

@Infusion.7149 said:(WvW wise) If revs fall out of favor and it's mostly scourges + firebrands then maybe spellbreaker/core warrior with tactics might be worth taking more often. +50% damage will power through scourges' barriers as well as scrapper's and weavers'.

They might fall out of favor as the primary source of damage at range, as people are already speculating potential application of Warrior's Cunning with Rifle. Though I do not think they'd ever be completely replaced. They still provides awesome utility (just Phase Smash alone is irreplaceable in confined spaces to proc AoEs preemptively), Boon support, damage reduction (Rite of the Great Dwarf) etc, and even CoR after the nerf would not be all too shabby at all.

@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Here is a new Zerg tactic. 5 tactics zerkers in voice chat to coordinate. After combat initiates everyone pops signet of fury and enters bmode. 1st warrior uses charge, then swaps rifle. All warriors are in rifle. They use signet of might and then Gunflame one after the other, then use Blood Reckoning and use Gunflame in order again. Clean up with volley and Gunflame on recharge.

^ Imaging pin sniping with this.

@"Katary.7096" said:Was expecting the tactics rework to emphasize the support aspect, instead it will offer more options to boost personal damage output than it does now. Thematically misses the mark in my opinion. And while I like to see countermeasures against barrier added to the game, it's probably not a good idea to make them available to a single class.

I think the '7% damage bonus against foes suffering from a movement-impairing condition' on Leg Specialist is a bit excessive. Since the cooldown now is calculated per target, the original effect would be dangerous enough.

And Warrior's Cunning...I like how it provides a new, 'tactical' option in WvW, but not quite so seeing it implemented as personal damage buff. As for the universality of access to specific functions, there seems to be a shift in design thinking now, on which I wrote a

@RedShark.9548 said:Those effects trigger after landing a burst skill, which means you can hold your burst for when you need them (which isnt rly a good thing, since you want to burst alot, BUT you can controll them :p

Well, if you melee in a zerg fight, chances are that you need the healing and CD reduction as you burst anyway :P So probably not holding it.

Hu, when did i say the first part about might being wasted because of revs?

Don't know, but you did state it. At this point they having 1 Phalanx Strength warrior in the subgroup accelerates the might gain though. It will end up being the case that just having the warrior there playing at minimum level is all that is required. Banner Slave in PvE, and Phalanx Slave/barrier clearer in WvW.

Granted there is a lot now and in tactics so there will be more support than just phalanx strength.

I wouldnt play phalanx as support, if i go support i go all the way, meaning vigorous shouts.

Shoutwarrior is so much fun imo.Talking zergs in wvw ofc.You can even cast shouts while casting bubble, which is a huge advantage over the meta bubble zerker warrior

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@RedShark.9548 said:

@RedShark.9548 said:Granting Might in WvW is wasted because Rev exists.

I think it still could serve as the secondary source when your group is pressured and allied Revenant are swapped out of Leg. Dragon Stance for group sustain, and the short duration and combat only restriction could also imply the intended usage, so maybe not totally meaningless.

Getting more Healingpower from VS doesnt change the fact that there are only 2 playable shouts.

Yeah I was looking forward so much to possible Shouts revised. 'On My Mark!' really needs to become an on-target AoE with small radius, and 'Fear Me!' with its CD reduced and probably functions enhanced.

@Infusion.7149 said:(WvW wise) If revs fall out of favor and it's mostly scourges + firebrands then maybe spellbreaker/core warrior with tactics might be worth taking more often. +50% damage will power through scourges' barriers as well as scrapper's and weavers'.

They might fall out of favor as the primary source of damage at range, as people are already speculating potential application of Warrior's Cunning with Rifle. Though I do not think they'd ever be completely replaced. They still provides awesome utility (just Phase Smash alone is irreplaceable in confined spaces to proc AoEs preemptively), Boon support, damage reduction (Rite of the Great Dwarf) etc, and even CoR after the nerf would not be all too shabby at all.

@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Here is a new Zerg tactic. 5 tactics zerkers in voice chat to coordinate. After combat initiates everyone pops signet of fury and enters bmode. 1st warrior uses charge, then swaps rifle. All warriors are in rifle. They use signet of might and then Gunflame one after the other, then use Blood Reckoning and use Gunflame in order again. Clean up with volley and Gunflame on recharge.

^ Imaging pin sniping with this.

@"Katary.7096" said:Was expecting the tactics rework to emphasize the support aspect, instead it will offer more options to boost personal damage output than it does now. Thematically misses the mark in my opinion. And while I like to see countermeasures against barrier added to the game, it's probably not a good idea to make them available to a single class.

I think the '7% damage bonus against foes suffering from a movement-impairing condition' on Leg Specialist is a bit excessive. Since the cooldown now is calculated per target, the original effect would be dangerous enough.

And Warrior's Cunning...I like how it provides a new, 'tactical' option in WvW, but not quite so seeing it implemented as personal damage buff. As for the universality of access to specific functions, there seems to be a shift in design thinking now, on which I wrote a

@RedShark.9548 said:Those effects trigger after landing a burst skill, which means you can hold your burst for when you need them (which isnt rly a good thing, since you want to burst alot, BUT you can controll them :p

Well, if you melee in a zerg fight, chances are that you need the healing and CD reduction as you burst anyway :P So probably not holding it.

Hu, when did i say the first part about might being wasted because of revs?

Don't know, but you did state it. At this point they having 1 Phalanx Strength warrior in the subgroup accelerates the might gain though. It will end up being the case that just having the warrior there playing at minimum level is all that is required. Banner Slave in PvE, and Phalanx Slave/barrier clearer in WvW.

Granted there is a lot now and in tactics so there will be more support than just phalanx strength.

I wouldnt play phalanx as support, if i go support i go all the way, meaning vigorous shouts.

Shoutwarrior is so much fun imo.Talking zergs in wvw ofc.You can even cast shouts while casting bubble, which is a huge advantage over the meta bubble zerker warrior

Oh no doubt, I'm just pointing out that there is better might stacking potential for warriors now, especially now that giving allies might heals you.

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@RedShark.9548 said:

@RedShark.9548 said:Granting Might in WvW is wasted because Rev exists.

I think it still could serve as the secondary source when your group is pressured and allied Revenant are swapped out of Leg. Dragon Stance for group sustain, and the short duration and combat only restriction could also imply the intended usage, so maybe not totally meaningless.

Getting more Healingpower from VS doesnt change the fact that there are only 2 playable shouts.

Yeah I was looking forward so much to possible Shouts revised. 'On My Mark!' really needs to become an on-target AoE with small radius, and 'Fear Me!' with its CD reduced and probably functions enhanced.

@Infusion.7149 said:(WvW wise) If revs fall out of favor and it's mostly scourges + firebrands then maybe spellbreaker/core warrior with tactics might be worth taking more often. +50% damage will power through scourges' barriers as well as scrapper's and weavers'.

They might fall out of favor as the primary source of damage at range, as people are already speculating potential application of Warrior's Cunning with Rifle. Though I do not think they'd ever be completely replaced. They still provides awesome utility (just Phase Smash alone is irreplaceable in confined spaces to proc AoEs preemptively), Boon support, damage reduction (Rite of the Great Dwarf) etc, and even CoR after the nerf would not be all too shabby at all.

@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Here is a new Zerg tactic. 5 tactics zerkers in voice chat to coordinate. After combat initiates everyone pops signet of fury and enters bmode. 1st warrior uses charge, then swaps rifle. All warriors are in rifle. They use signet of might and then Gunflame one after the other, then use Blood Reckoning and use Gunflame in order again. Clean up with volley and Gunflame on recharge.

^ Imaging pin sniping with this.

@"Katary.7096" said:Was expecting the tactics rework to emphasize the support aspect, instead it will offer more options to boost personal damage output than it does now. Thematically misses the mark in my opinion. And while I like to see countermeasures against barrier added to the game, it's probably not a good idea to make them available to a single class.

I think the '7% damage bonus against foes suffering from a movement-impairing condition' on Leg Specialist is a bit excessive. Since the cooldown now is calculated per target, the original effect would be dangerous enough.

And Warrior's Cunning...I like how it provides a new, 'tactical' option in WvW, but not quite so seeing it implemented as personal damage buff. As for the universality of access to specific functions, there seems to be a shift in design thinking now, on which I wrote a

@RedShark.9548 said:Those effects trigger after landing a burst skill, which means you can hold your burst for when you need them (which isnt rly a good thing, since you want to burst alot, BUT you can controll them :p

Well, if you melee in a zerg fight, chances are that you need the healing and CD reduction as you burst anyway :P So probably not holding it.

Hu, when did i say the first part about might being wasted because of revs?

Sorry for the confusion. I was responding to multiple people together in one comment :P

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@"Stand The Wall.6987" said:Warrior's Cunning: This new trait increases damage by 25% against foes with health above 90%. Additionally, it increases damage by 50% against foes that have barrier. These bonuses do not stack.

so instead of getting 2 shotted by arc divider, it will now only require 1 hit. brilliant!

if you get 2 shot by arc divider, you might want to look at your build again.

also, please tell me which traitline the warrior is going to swap out for tactics.

one is berserkersecond is discipline (who would want to play a glass warrior without that?)for third id still take defense, or strengththose are much more reliable than tactics, which is only good when the enemy has barrier

sure you will see "epic" youtube montages of ppl doing sicccc dmg with that trait, but those are youtube MONTAGES in the end, that dont show how many times they failed miserably

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@RedShark.9548 said:

@"Stand The Wall.6987" said:Warrior's Cunning: This new trait increases damage by 25% against foes with health above 90%. Additionally, it increases damage by 50% against foes that have barrier. These bonuses do not stack.

so instead of getting 2 shotted by arc divider, it will now only require 1 hit. brilliant!

if you get 2 shot by arc divider, you might want to look at your build again.

also, please tell me which traitline the warrior is going to swap out for tactics.

one is berserkersecond is discipline (who would want to play a glass warrior without that?)for third id still take defense, or strengththose are much more reliable than tactics, which is only good when the enemy has barrier

sure you will see "epic" youtube montages of ppl doing sicccc dmg with that trait, but those are youtube MONTAGES in the end, that dont show how many times they failed miserably

I was talking about wvw altho i'm sure it will see use in pvp as well. i'm guessing people will drop discipline.

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:

@Stand The Wall.6987 said:Warrior's Cunning: This new trait increases damage by 25% against foes with health above 90%. Additionally, it increases damage by 50% against foes that have barrier. These bonuses do not stack.

so instead of getting 2 shotted by arc divider, it will now only require 1 hit. brilliant!

if you get 2 shot by arc divider, you might want to look at your build again.

also, please tell me which traitline the warrior is going to swap out for tactics.

one is berserkersecond is discipline (who would want to play a glass warrior without that?)for third id still take defense, or strengththose are much more reliable than tactics, which is only good when the enemy has barrier

sure you will see "epic" youtube montages of ppl doing sicccc dmg with that trait, but those are youtube MONTAGES in the end, that dont show how many times they failed miserably

I was talking about wvw altho i'm sure it will see use in pvp as well. i'm guessing people will drop discipline.

Im talking about wvw aswell.Dropping Disci is not worth is. Sure some memers will do it, but they will be less sufficient than warriors with disci overall)Disci has reliable dmg modifiers in warriors sprint, burst mastery, even destruction of the empowered if you like that over brawlers recovery and finally it offers fast hands (using more weaponskills because you can swap weapons faster results in more dmg and pressure)

Sure its good against scrapper, because they cant controll that barrier, but thiefs, mesmer, ranger, and other warriors dont even have barrier, its a dead trait against classes like that.

And in zergs its basically the same, just that you randomly get barriers, which are usually pretty big, and not those small numbers scrapper is talkind about.And in zergs, not having fast hands is a sad thing aswell as a full glass warrior, because you might be able to get 1 or 2 (with full counter reset) burst skills off, not to mention that you cant even cast dmg skills while casting your bubble, and usually the enemies die in the bubble without warrior dmg, other classes have better, more reliable dmg that isnt melee

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@RedShark.9548 said:

@Stand The Wall.6987 said:Warrior's Cunning: This new trait increases damage by 25% against foes with health above 90%. Additionally, it increases damage by 50% against foes that have barrier. These bonuses do not stack.

so instead of getting 2 shotted by arc divider, it will now only require 1 hit. brilliant!

if you get 2 shot by arc divider, you might want to look at your build again.

also, please tell me which traitline the warrior is going to swap out for tactics.

one is berserkersecond is discipline (who would want to play a glass warrior without that?)for third id still take defense, or strengththose are much more reliable than tactics, which is only good when the enemy has barrier

sure you will see "epic" youtube montages of ppl doing sicccc dmg with that trait, but those are youtube MONTAGES in the end, that dont show how many times they failed miserably

I was talking about wvw altho i'm sure it will see use in pvp as well. i'm guessing people will drop discipline.

Im talking about wvw aswell.Dropping Disci is not worth is. Sure some memers will do it, but they will be less sufficient than warriors with disci overall)Disci has reliable dmg modifiers in warriors sprint, burst mastery, even destruction of the empowered if you like that over brawlers recovery and finally it offers fast hands (using more weaponskills because you can swap weapons faster results in more dmg and pressure)

Sure its good against scrapper, because they cant controll that barrier, but thiefs, mesmer, ranger, and other warriors dont even have barrier, its a dead trait against classes like that.

And in zergs its basically the same, just that you randomly get barriers, which are usually pretty big, and not those small numbers scrapper is talkind about.And in zergs, not having fast hands is a sad thing aswell as a full glass warrior, because you might be able to get 1 or 2 (with full counter reset) burst skills off, not to mention that you cant even cast dmg skills while casting your bubble, and usually the enemies die in the bubble without warrior dmg, other classes have better, more reliable dmg that isnt melee

Well, again I'll point out that Warrior's Cunning also deals 25% against foes with more than 90% health, so it still won't be a dead trait against foes without barrier.

Leg Specialist will be as realiable as Warrior's Sprint as far as damage modifiers go, and Empowered, while a lower modifier than Destruction of the Empowered, is also still a reliable modifier and is baked into Tactics now. Martial Cadence will reduce weapon skill CDs, which itself reduces the need to weapon swap, so there is that too. I think at the beginning of a fight Tactics may provide more damage modifiers now than Discipline, which may be enough to justify taking it. This is in addition to extra sustain from Mender's Might (although we do not have clarification yet if it counts self granted might). So, when we see the final numbers this afternoon it may very well be the case that Tactics and Discipline can be interchanged, or that Tactics is a poor mans Discipline that is situationally better with some self sustain built into it.

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@RedShark.9548 said:other classes have better, more reliable dmg that isnt melee

eh?!you don't need fast hands for zerging since all you're doing is spamming arc divider off cd. biggest loss is probably destruction of the empowered. burst mastery doesn't even work for berserker anymore, not that you need it for zerging. there isn't much point to using discipline.

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:

@"RedShark.9548" said:other classes have better, more reliable dmg that isnt melee

eh?!you don't need fast hands for zerging since all you're doing is spamming arc divider off cd. biggest loss is probably destruction of the empowered. burst mastery doesn't even work for berserker anymore, not that you need it for zerging. there isn't much point to using discipline.

You go into berserker, press arc divider once, use the trash heal to reset primal, use arc divider a second time.....GreatSick "spam"

You also lose winds of disenchantment, which kills waaay more ppl with the help of your zerg than you by yourself, topkek

Edit: how is that quote from me about other classes having more dmg and that at range even related to fast hands?What i wanted to say was, that im not a fan of the "dmg" zerg warrior build, because its not very efficient imo

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@"RedShark.9548" said:GreatSick "spam"

You also lose winds of disenchantment, which kills waaay more ppl with the help of your zerg than you by yourself, topkek

Edit: how is that quote from me about other classes having more dmg and that at range even related to fast hands?What i wanted to say was, that im not a fan of the "dmg" zerg warrior build, because its not very efficient imo

the efficacy of the new tactics line doesn't have anything to do with what you think of arc spam or spb's winds of disenchantmentthe quote was meant to for the first line of my post only. warrior has some of the best and most reliable melee damage in the business.

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:

@"RedShark.9548" said:GreatSick "spam"

You also lose winds of disenchantment, which kills waaay more ppl with the help of your zerg than you by yourself, topkek

Edit: how is that quote from me about other classes having more dmg and that at range even related to fast hands?What i wanted to say was, that im not a fan of the "dmg" zerg warrior build, because its not very efficient imo

the efficacy of the new tactics line doesn't have anything to do with what you think of arc spam or spb's winds of disenchantmentthe quote was meant to for the first line of my post only. warrior has some of the best and most reliable melee damage in the business.

And yet all melee dmg is unreliable in a zerg compared to any ranged class.And thats what i compare it to, because if ranged ppl can do the same amount or even more dmg all the time and not just in pushes, why even go for a melee dmg build? There is literally no point.

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:can't wait to see consecutive 15k gunflames either lol.

Yea in montages, gj. Posting a video of a selected few videoshots that actually worked.

This is a gimmick, i dont even care if its nerfed, removed or reworked lol, its just not used by ppl who have a brain, the rest might use it and win 1 out of 10 matchups. Who cares, its already in the game in other classes, why not give warrior one too. Lel

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Well if its Gunflame in a Zerg fight, then No there will not be 30% crit damage, not even 20% due to vulnerability, and the unblockable won't proc on the first hit, so yeah an extra 25-50% damage on the first Gunflame will probably be better. If it were back to back Arc Dividers, then yeah sure, you'd get those goodies after the BMode Strike and/or first wave of Arc Divider.

Tactics Rifle Zerker may be stronger than Arms Rifle Zerker.

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@"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:Well if its Gunflame in a Zerg fight, then No there will not be 30% crit damage, not even 20% due to vulnerability, and the unblockable won't proc on the first hit, so yeah an extra 25-50% damage on the first Gunflame will probably be better. If it were back to back Arc Dividers, then yeah sure, you'd get those goodies after the BMode Strike and/or first wave of Arc Divider.

Tactics Rifle Zerker may be stronger than Arms Rifle Zerker.

bro, zerg fight is a long fight with tons of downs, not a one shot and finish kinda thing.you will proc 30% crit damage and you will proc unblockable and you will have more signet uptime for CD reduce for more berserk up time thrus you will do more damage in a zerg fight.

like what do you mean by "not even 20%due to vulnerability on first hit", it's auto proc on burst skill, it's the same as warrior's cunningalso u go gunflame/arcing slice in a zerg, 5 people takes 20 vuln and everybody deals 20% more damage to them...that alone is better then warrior's cunning for damage in zerg fight.

and like by your logic, on first hit people wouldn't have barrier either..like who build barrier when fight start, your entire first hit argument crumbles.

i don't know why you keep trying to convince yourself how tactic will be better then arms for damage, you are so tunnel visioned and stubborn yet you lack logic to back yourself up, so all you do is throw random sentences that make no sense.

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@RedShark.9548 said:

@Stand The Wall.6987 said:can't wait to see consecutive 15k gunflames either lol.

Yea in montages, gj. Posting a video of a selected few videoshots that actually worked.

This is a gimmick, i dont even care if its nerfed, removed or reworked lol, its just not used by ppl who have a brain, the rest might use it and win 1 out of 10 matchups. Who cares, its already in the game in other classes, why not give warrior one too. Lel

again, i'm talking about zerging. its really easy to land hits in a zerg. I don't see why you're so reluctant to realize that this damage boost is going to be insanely op.

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@Lighter.5631 said:

@Stand The Wall.6987 said:can't wait to see consecutive 15k gunflames either lol.

wait, so ur tactic gunflame/arcing slice is gonna hit harder then 30% crit damage, 20% damage through vul, 100% crit chance and auto proc unblockable that is not limited to 90% hp nor barrier - arms line gunflame/arcing slice?man that's nice

so, what are you talking about?

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