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Why do (some) GW1 players like Cantha?


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@"Luthan.5236" said:But I doubt it will be to my taste. Jade island was closest to what I would have expected of some asian styled continend and in terms of beauty that design is closest to my taste.

I think overall that's for the best, though. If all of Cantha was like that, you can bet there'd be (more) complaints about turning the game into a generic, dime-a-dozen, Asian import MMO, or pandering to a certain demographic, maybe the word "weeb" thrown about for good measure. At least this way, you have some areas that give you what you expect and other areas that are uniquely Guild Wars. Reused assets was definitely a limitation of the old game but environment design and exploration is one for GW2's strengths, so seeing that potential realized would be incredible.

Besides the locales, think of everything else we could get: new armor skins and weapon skins (of which I feel we currently don't have much that fit Canthan themed characters), and themed elite specs if it gets a full expansion. I know people call it just another human area, but we could explore and hear the story from the sides of the tengu, yeti, naga, and wardens. It's not that I don't want to see brand new areas, like Doern's mysterious home or a hypothetical primitive Asuran cave town, but Cantha is a place that we know exists with story cliffhangers inserted into the current game so it feels like a missing piece of GW2.

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