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So about not win-trading


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Good morning and happy Monday, everyone.As you can possibly guess, there's not a ton I can say, as I am sure there will be users in the mix who would highly prefer to not have their actions put forward to the public and who have kept mum since their accounts were closed.However, I can give a few points.Firstly, there was no ban for ArcDPS. Not sure how that rumour started, but it seems to come up every time a padlock is placed and so far each time it was brought up, that was not the core issue. That folks spoke up who never used it could have been a tip-off, too.And with that addressed, I can only go into general things here.Last week, a user was actioned for very, very blatant cheating in PvP (which is why the meme thread is kind of funny to me right now...). The user in question had a bunch of other violations piled in as we investigation the situation and we actioned his accounts and the accounts used to cheat with.In doing so, we also found that he had access to about five dozen other game accounts. As these were accounts that were otherwise undamaged (no gold stolen, no characters deleted, no economic change to them after access) we found them to not be hacked, but shared with permission. All accounts this user accessed were also shut down under the same ban reason, as the cheater used them at some point.I would like to take this chance to please, please urge you all, yet again, to not share access to your game accounts. Ever. Because you do not know your online buddy as well as you think you might. They may be up to no good, they may use your account to do very shady stuff... or their promise to help bump you up in PvP might come at the price of a few months of dishonour.Aside from the user who used cheating software, all users who know they themselves did not still need to open a ticket to the customer support team, so we can help them secure their game accounts fully. We need to make sure passwords are changed and that each of these users understand that their accounts need to not be shared going forward to stay safe. Please note that if their accounts were used for cheating by that user, they may still be actioned for the cheating done on them.

Man oh man, blaming PVE changes to veer the attention off of the clear misconduct in PVP. Color me surprised.

Can't wait to see the defenses for this later on.

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@Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

@bravan.3876 said:I wish we could get a Hall of Shame with all account names ever got punished for wintrading in PvP can be seen...

That would just encourage people who seek any attention, even negative attention, to wintrade specifically to make it to the hall of shame.

Best punishment is removal, no fanfare.

I doubt anyone not wintrading already would start because of that. We don't need to name it like that, just a sticked thread in this forum with acc names, i would love to have an easy link for every wannabe pro trying to ego kitten on someone, pretending they are good :joy: Aside from a perma ban and title remove ofc... but we will never get that anyway, i just like to dream.

@Vagrant.7206 said:

@bravan.3876 said:I wish we could get a Hall of Shame with all account names ever got punished for wintrading in PvP can be seen...

Ah yes, xysayzyash.1023. His name will go down in infamy.

You would be surprised how many account names you would recognize on that list, even more when you also know their smurf accounts...

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This is great, and these kind of changes are what we really need to make Ranked fun again.

Hope Arenanet keeps it up exactly like this. No fanfare, no big show at the end of it all, just straight up bans. That's how you hit the wintraders where it hurts, their egos.

I hope they continue to look into this; not just proactively, but retrospectively too. There's been players suspended temporarily for wintrading in the past, and I think that's a little unfair. While they may have not been tied to 60 accounts, they still went out of their way to wintrade. For all the effort match manipulation takes, and the effect it has on players, it should be treated as seriously as it is here for anyone caught doing it buyer or seller, past or present. Keep it up Anet!

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