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New use for drinks idea


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@"paShadoWn.5723" said:The whole game industry is a pointless waste of time so the answer would be "for the kitten of it".

Yes, but what purpose would it serve in this game? I ju don't see how it would enhance the combat here, among dodging, keeping track of cooldowns, weapon swap, etc.

I can definitely see it as a mechanic in a game, I just don't see it meshing with this game.

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Maybe just add some effects to the drinks, but with... two sides: positive and negative.For example if you drink alkohol:Debuffs:

  • Decreased critical strike chance by 30%.
  • Increased incoming confusion duration by 50%
  • Increased incoming stun/daze duration by 33%
  • Decreased endurance regeneration by 20%
  • Decreased incoming healing by 10%
  • Decreased incoming stability duration by 50%
  • Chance to get knocked down for 1 second on dodge (the effect if you drink something from Guild Keg).
  • Chance to miss if your target is above range treshold (900)


  • Decreased incoming poison and torment duration by 50%
  • Convert 7% of your precision into ferocity.
  • Increased fury duration by 33%.
  • Increased movement speed by 15%
  • Decreased incoming chill duration by 80%
  • Decreased incoming fear duration by 50%
  • Remove movement-impairing conditions if you gain vigor.
  • Shout if you get hit. Gain might and fury to your allies for 6 seconds (30s recharge).
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@paShadoWn.5723 said:WoW haves both food and drinks as a nice touch of game realism, and i really miss eating and drinking animations in this game. It would serve the same purpose as playing music and other humane stuff.

Except food and drinks played into the resource system as Mana recovery, something this games DOES NOT have. Even if it did- the target pacing of this game's combat would implement it in a way where Mana would reset to baseline between fights anyway, and its time to exhaustion no greater then 60 seconds.

WoW's entire combat system is built around Quest-long endurance, which was the standard for when it came out. Guildwars and GW2 are built around shorter, but much higher stakes skirmishes, drawing more from contemporary action games. Its also why health regens so fast out of combat, in order to reset engagement conditions.

I also can't believe anyone from WoW would ever advocate for a long term upkeep debuff given the game's history, and its affect on game design over the last decade. Everyone at this point should know about the global XP penalty thats been there since the game's beta, where it lowers your XP gains the longer you play.

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That's a lot of facts thrown into the thread without any meaning.Let me reiterate my point: said debuff would serve as a cautionary for players to make a break to not burn out irl.It would be especially effective if the drinks to remove the debuff would be expensive/hard to obtain.Essentially it would be similar to energy system of many games.

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@ OP nice thoughts, but in all honesty chances of Anet even listening to, and implementing such an idea is between: Jack and S t, and Jack just left town.

I'd just like all alcoholic drinks you can drink in game to give different effects based on the amount you drink like i) Increased adrenalin, ii) Face colour changes to more white or green the more you drink, iii) character loss of balance and co-ordination, iv) puking, v) collapse, vi) unconsciousness.

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Dunno, but sure would like a drinking emote, cup and all. Even smoking, a pipe like Gandalf you knowBut nowadays we can't have anything like it in games rated Teen… Poisoning, bleeding, and killing each other with a hammer is ok though (sorry a bit off topic, don't mind me)

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@"paShadoWn.5723" said:That's a lot of facts thrown into the thread without any meaning.Let me reiterate my point: said debuff would serve as a cautionary for players to make a break to not burn out irl.It would be especially effective if the drinks to remove the debuff would be expensive/hard to obtain.Essentially it would be similar to energy system of many games.

So you went from "it doesn't matter", to "realism" and role play, to "dictate how long you can play before we punish you for it, unless you obtain expensive items to not suffer it". The hole you're digging keeps getting deeper.

The fact you even brought up an "Energy" right after I brought up the WoW Rest EXP bonus (with word play referring back to its early incarnation as an Exp penalty) shows you're completely misunderstanding the fundamental nature of what those Energy systems are for, why they're being used in a lot of games, and why people are against the idea.

its forcing an arbitrary upkeep ritual that actively breaks the flow of the game to be a prominent distraction/inconvenience, and then saying its "OK" by selling a solution that costs additional effort/time (or money), despite pitching it as 'encouraging players' to take a break. The psychological tricks invoked by the whole concept aside, the idea you're presenting falls on its face by suggesting that its there to prevent burn out by forcing people to take a break from whatever they're doing, only to invest a huge amount of effort/gold to obtain the item that removes the debuff that lets them resume whatever they were doing before. You're not getting them to play less, you're provoking them to play even more to counter act the system, for the net result of doing twice as much work for the same amount of rewards.

See... normal people logic would recognize the obstacle and deal with it in the most Effort efficient way they can think of. But Gamer logic is built on the conditioning of every obstacle existing for the purpose of being overcome, and is meant to be overcome through action. This is EXACTLY why so many games are monetized the way they are now, because our engagement with games have always been prefaced on the idea that interactions are meant to be "active". If we are expected to wait, there has to be a thread of logical reasoning that runs through various parts of the game's systems that support this as a part of the underlying game play...... NOT as an aside and/or external element imposing its will, and running contrary to what the game is actually doing.

The difference is like having to wait for night to attack a bandit camp, because they'll be asleep and stealth becomes an option.. Verses only allowing people to use the rides in an amusement park in blocks of 2 hours, but then have to take a mandatory 30 minute break at the park's special rest stops....... unless you paid for a special pass to keep going, or sing the Russian anthem backwards while spinning a plate on your nose, so you're allowed out early. Its not as hyperbolic as sounds at first.

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