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Beginning PVP with Thief

Bam Stroker.1639

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Hey all--I've been playing GW2 for about a year and just recently got into Conquest PVP. I enjoy it but I'm still trying to get better at rotation, learning the maps, etc.

I'm enjoying playing Daredevil and roaming around decapping and +1ing fights. I've been trying some of the builds from the meta battle website but I feel they're a bit lost on me--I'm definitely not an expert in a fight and when someone 1v1s me, I almost always get owned, or I get owned while trying to escape. The metabattle builds seem really geared toward high-level players who are experts at the class. I don't see myself every becoming an awesome PVPer--I'm just looking to have fun, so I don't mind at all if something isn't considered meta.

Can anyone give me some suggestions or even build ideas for a PVP roamer? Ideally, any tactics/combos/builds would be geared toward a beginner. If it helps, I love using the Daredevil Dash ability and the Shadow Portal preparation is great fun for me. I've been watching lots of videos on how to rotate and +1, but any other tips about how to be a better team player would also be massively appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

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when someone 1v1s me, I almost always get owned

Because thief is not mainly a 1v1 profession. If/when you do start a duel, you need to understand your opponent's profession/build nearly as well as yours. Ideally, at least.

I get owned while trying to escape.

This is where planning your engage, along with managing initiative costs, comes along. What weapon sets you're running is a big factor as well - also the reason why Shortbow's been a mainstay for core and most daredevil thieves as long as it has.

Daredevil Dash ability and the Shadow Portal

And this is directly related to the first quote. If you run a setup such as this, you can't expect massive gains in your fighting ability. Mobility (more often than not) has a cost to it.

I've been watching lots of videos on how to rotate and +1, but any other tips about how to be a better team player would also be massively appreciated.

This is exactly how thief performs in a team (deadeye to a lesser extent). When you can't help in fights, you roam and decap, potentially take side objectives. You should not stick around in a single place for too long, unless you absolutely have to - say, 3-4 members of your team are dead, the enemies are manning your home and middle.

I assume you're running Basilisk Venom as an Elite?

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@"Bam Stroker.1639" said:Can anyone give me some suggestions or even build ideas for a PVP roamer? Ideally, any tactics/combos/builds would be geared toward a beginner. If it helps, I love using the Daredevil Dash ability and the Shadow Portal preparation is great fun for me. I've been watching lots of videos on how to rotate and +1, but any other tips about how to be a better team player would also be massively appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

Thief, at least in PvP isn't designed to be a 1v1 profession. Due to its low health, thief isn't going to be victorious in fights against professions that have far better sustain skills like guardian or revenant so you'll only be +1-ing or outnumbering fights and decapping points the majority of time. As for builds, I'm a non-meta person, that is I don't just copy paste a build from Metabattle thinking that it's the only good build. I find it lazy to just take someone else's build without coming up with your own builds. Now sometimes you do get those situations where a meta build is the only viable build that is worth running, Power Herald being a good example of a meta build that is only worth running compared to core revenant and renegade.

I never liked the sword/dagger core thief build mainly because I don't like the weapon, so I decided to make a build that is in my opinion better at bursting targets in outnumbered fights using dagger/dagger. Here is the build I use for core thief in PvP. I know a lot of people will ask: "Why not use dagger/pistol instead of dagger/dagger?". It's because you've got evasion on Death Blossom (dagger/dagger 3) and because I like the Assassin's Signet > Cloak and Dagger > Steal > Backstab combo. It's a very high risk, high reward type of playstyle that can kill almost every profession. If you're curious, try it out and see if you like it. Also, please use Basilisk Venom if you want your team to like you rather than being a selfish coward who uses Dagger Storm which is a very crutch skill.

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@"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:

when someone 1v1s me, I almost always get owned

Because thief is not mainly a 1v1 profession. If/when you do start a duel, you need to understand your opponent's profession/build nearly as well as yours. Ideally, at least.

I get owned while trying to escape.

This is where planning your engage, along with managing initiative costs, comes along. What weapon sets you're running is a big factor as well - also the reason why Shortbow's been a mainstay for core and most daredevil thieves as long as it has.

Daredevil Dash ability and the Shadow Portal

And this is directly related to the first quote. If you run a setup such as this, you can't expect massive gains in your fighting ability. Mobility (more often than not) has a cost to it.

I've been watching lots of videos on how to rotate and +1, but any other tips about how to be a better team player would also be massively appreciated.

This is exactly how thief performs in a team (deadeye to a lesser extent). When you can't help in fights, you roam and decap, potentially take side objectives. You should not stick around in a single place for too long, unless you absolutely have to - say, 3-4 members of your team are dead, the enemies are manning your home and middle.

I assume you're running Basilisk Venom as an Elite?

I do really enjoy the high mobility, so I guess I need to plan for crisper disengages. I'm starting to get a better sense for other classes (avoid warriors, pray deadeyes don't. one-shot me) but still have lots to learn.

Re: Shadow Portal, any thoughts on this? Currently I just drop it when it is off cooldown in a safe-ish place somewhere near the middle of the map. Do you think it is more effective as an "escape hatch" when fights go poorly or as a way to rotate faster? Let's assume I'll try to avoid duels.

I have been running Basilisk venom--I use it right as I run into a +1. Currently I always start the match by running to capture the home node. Is it better to go mid and give everyone the venom?

Thanks for your help and comments!

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I never liked the sword/dagger core thief build mainly because I don't like the weapon, so I decided to make a build that is in my opinion better at bursting targets in outnumbered fights using dagger/dagger. Here is the build I use for core thief in PvP. I know a lot of people will ask: "Why not use dagger/pistol instead of dagger/dagger?". It's because you've got evasion on Death Blossom (dagger/dagger 3) and because I like the Assassin's Signet > Cloak and Dagger > Steal > Backstab combo. It's a very high risk, high reward type of playstyle that can kill almost every profession. If you're curious, try it out and see if you like it. Also, please use Basilisk Venom if you want your team to like you rather than being a selfish coward who uses Dagger Storm which is a very crutch skill.

I actually have very little experience with Dagger Storm--Thief and PVP are both new for me. I've been using Basilisk venom because the cooldown is (I think?) the lowest of the elite skills. Glad to hear that it will make the team like me!

That combo seems like something I'll need to get down in my muscle memory--I'm still fairly button-mashy at this point. I will definitely try your build out tomorrow! Like I said, it's not important for me to have a meta build because I am still learning the profession mechanics. Plus, I'd lean toward something that is fun and comfortable for me. Speaking of, do you think double pistol daredevil is viable?

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If you don’t care about meta then I’d run a variety of builds. Learning thief is all about knowing what each weapon can do and using that to outnumber opponents with spike damage.

Rifle (DE)Dagger/Pistol (DD/DE)Pistol/Dagger (DE)Pistol/Pistol (Core)Dagger/Dagger (Core)

Try these. Message me in game and I can go over things in more detail. If you are NA I can help you practice as well.

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Dagger/Pistol and Sword/Dagger are the standard weapon combo sets for a reason. It's because they have synergy with each other combined with forward mobility/engage potential that doesn't rely on Steal. The 2-handed weapons are similar in terms of level of performance.

Don't blow your Steal only for mobility. It is a your most valuable tool, and can give you a leg up on many situations.

Meta means the most generally useful build for the largest variety of situations while operating in its intended role under the current ruling circumstances. It's also what your team will assume you are running. Deviating from your intended role in the team can result in unintended miscommunication and false assumptions. This in turn increases likelyhood of losing. Although if you perform well in your new role, you can turn the disadvantage into an advantage.

Deadeyes shouldn't be an issue for you. If you get in their face, they are basically screwed. Deadeye only has distance and stealth as defenses, eliminating 1 of those will usually make them retreat.You can try out Pistol/Pistol if you want to but you'll quickly realize that the weapon set is doomed to fail and turn against you vs anything with decent reflect access. Like Firebrand, Elementalist, Defense Warriors or Mesmers in general.

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Depends on the type of thief you play...If you play D/P your job is to decap and +1If you are a staff thief your job is to camp far and +1 mid.If you are a D/D or S/D condi thief. your job is to decap, 1v1, camp far and teamfight mid.If you are a P/P thief. Your job is to decap and help mid.

There are many different jobs as a thief depending on your setup.You cant really be a decap with a staff thief because they lack mobility. but they excel at clogging far and giving your team a chance to cap mid and home.You cant really 1v1 as a D/P because you lack stability and defenses. But you excel at capping/decapping.You can get away with cap/decap as a condi D/D or S/D thief depending on their setup. But they excel at 1v1s and team fights at mid.Choose the style that fits you.

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@rowdy.5107 said:Oh and don't listen to people that say thief cant 1v1. they are stuck in the 2017 meta of D/P thieves. You play a S/D or D/D condi thief and you shouldn't lose a 1v1 fight to anybody :) js

Thief's ability to 1v1 came with the condi boost and s/d and d/d are top condi 1v1 weapons for me also but this may not last long with the condi DD cry's so be prepared to be a +1 decap bot again soon.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@rowdy.5107 said:Oh and don't listen to people that say thief cant 1v1. they are stuck in the 2017 meta of D/P thieves. You play a S/D or D/D condi thief and you shouldn't lose a 1v1 fight to anybody :) js

Thief's ability to 1v1 came with the condi boost and s/d and d/d are top condi 1v1 weapons for me also but this may not last long with the condi DD cry's so be prepared to be a +1 decap bot again soon.

lmao the life of a good build vs crybabies

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@rowdy.5107 said:

@rowdy.5107 said:Oh and don't listen to people that say thief cant 1v1. they are stuck in the 2017 meta of D/P thieves. You play a S/D or D/D condi thief and you shouldn't lose a 1v1 fight to anybody :) js

Thief's ability to 1v1 came with the condi boost and s/d and d/d are top condi 1v1 weapons for me also but this may not last long with the condi DD cry's so be prepared to be a +1 decap bot again soon.

lmao the life of a good build vs crybabies

Is short lived in gw2At least regarding thief.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@rowdy.5107 said:Oh and don't listen to people that say thief cant 1v1. they are stuck in the 2017 meta of D/P thieves. You play a S/D or D/D condi thief and you shouldn't lose a 1v1 fight to anybody :) js

Thief's ability to 1v1 came with the condi boost and s/d and d/d are top condi 1v1 weapons for me also but this may not last long with the condi DD cry's so be prepared to be a +1 decap bot again soon.

Thief's main role has never been that of a duelist (with the exception of staff thief). Yes, obviously a thief who knows what he's doing can 1v1 many classes in the game, with most builds. It is, however, a whole 'nother thing whether that's efficient time and objective -wise.

Again, it comes down to situational awareness and the position you're in.

Whenever I'm seeing or playing d/p thief, I find myself questioning why wouldn't I just play warrior or revenant, with superior survivability and CC. It is that bad . If you want a thief build you should practise right now, try s/d condi and s/d power. Although, again with s/d power, I find myself questioning how much easier warrior has things - with slightly inferior mobility, of course.

Condi s/d is a thief build that can stand on equal ground to other classes DPS-wise, and that's why it's hated. Obviously, on top of people not bothering with the nuances of fighting it, much less adjusting their builds. Despite people's cryouts, it does have some neat tricks up its sleeve that bandwagoners will never consider. It's a very position-reliant build, and playing it will most likely improve your spatial awareness.

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@NorthernRedStar.3054 said:

@rowdy.5107 said:Oh and don't listen to people that say thief cant 1v1. they are stuck in the 2017 meta of D/P thieves. You play a S/D or D/D condi thief and you shouldn't lose a 1v1 fight to anybody :) js

Thief's ability to 1v1 came with the condi boost and s/d and d/d are top condi 1v1 weapons for me also but this may not last long with the condi DD cry's so be prepared to be a +1 decap bot again soon.

Thief's main role has never been that of a duelist (with the exception of staff thief). Yes, obviously a thief who knows what he's doing can 1v1 many classes in the game, with most builds. It is, however, a whole 'nother thing whether that's
time and objective -wise.

Again, it comes down to situational awareness and the position you're in.

Whenever I'm seeing or playing d/p thief, I find myself questioning why wouldn't I just play warrior or revenant, with superior survivability and CC. It is
that bad
. If you want a thief build you should practise right now, try s/d condi and s/d power. Although, again with s/d power, I find myself questioning how much easier warrior has things - with slightly inferior mobility, of course.

Condi s/d is a thief build that can stand on equal ground to other classes DPS-wise, and that's why it's hated. Obviously, on top of people not bothering with the nuances of fighting it, much less adjusting their builds. Despite people's cryouts, it does have some neat tricks up its sleeve that bandwagoners will never consider. It's a very position-reliant build, and playing it will most likely improve your spatial awareness.

If ur trying to 1v1 on power s/d u are definitely better off going warrior or many other better dueling specs. As I said the condi boost made s/d a viable 1v1 and this is the gw2 community so ofcourse nerf thief threads ensued shortly after just like the now somewhat viable staff build. Thief has unjustly been delegated to a lame +1 role throughout its specs for way to long now. Just cause it was delegated to that role doesn't mean it should stay there. Especially when considering all its specs.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@"rowdy.5107" said:Oh and don't listen to people that say thief cant 1v1. they are stuck in the 2017 meta of D/P thieves. You play a S/D or D/D condi thief and you shouldn't lose a 1v1 fight to anybody :) js

Thief's ability to 1v1 came with the condi boost and s/d and d/d are top condi 1v1 weapons for me also but this may not last long with the condi DD cry's so be prepared to be a +1 decap bot again soon.

Thief's main role has never been that of a duelist (with the exception of staff thief). Yes, obviously a thief who knows what he's doing can 1v1 many classes in the game, with most builds. It is, however, a whole 'nother thing whether that's
time and objective -wise.

Again, it comes down to situational awareness and the position you're in.

Whenever I'm seeing or playing d/p thief, I find myself questioning why wouldn't I just play warrior or revenant, with superior survivability and CC. It is
that bad
. If you want a thief build you should practise right now, try s/d condi and s/d power. Although, again with s/d power, I find myself questioning how much easier warrior has things - with slightly inferior mobility, of course.

Condi s/d is a thief build that can stand on equal ground to other classes DPS-wise, and that's why it's hated. Obviously, on top of people not bothering with the nuances of fighting it, much less adjusting their builds. Despite people's cryouts, it does have some neat tricks up its sleeve that bandwagoners will never consider. It's a very position-reliant build, and playing it will most likely improve your spatial awareness.

If ur trying to 1v1 on power s/d u are definitely better off going warrior or many other better dueling specs. As I said the condi boost made s/d a viable 1v1 and this is the gw2 community so ofcourse nerf thief threads ensued shortly after just like the now somewhat viable staff build. Thief has unjustly been delegated to a lame +1 role throughout its specs for way to long now. Just cause it was delegated to that role doesn't mean it should stay there. Especially when considering all its specs.

That role is only for D/P tho… The "part time" thieves that only knew D/P will always say thief is only good for +1 and decapping.. which is true. But when it comes to D/D, S/D and Staff... You cant ask them to do the job of a D/P because they excel in actual fighting. Not running from fights. A D/D condi thief is built to get in somebodys face and rip it off. Its job is to welcome a 1v1 and even a 2v1 fight and still walk away alive. The S/D thief is meant to stick and move and kill everything it comes across. The staff thief is meant to stall out as many people as it can to give your team the cap advantage. These are things a D/P thief just cant do. But on the flip side. You cant expect these thieves to do what a D/P thief can do either.The days of "thieves are only good at decapping and +1" are over.Ill put my money on a D/D condi thief over a rev or a warrior in a 1v1 fight anyday.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@rowdy.5107 said:Oh and don't listen to people that say thief cant 1v1. they are stuck in the 2017 meta of D/P thieves. You play a S/D or D/D condi thief and you shouldn't lose a 1v1 fight to anybody :) js

Thief's ability to 1v1 came with the condi boost and s/d and d/d are top condi 1v1 weapons for me also but this may not last long with the condi DD cry's so be prepared to be a +1 decap bot again soon.

Thief's main role has never been that of a duelist (with the exception of staff thief). Yes, obviously a thief who knows what he's doing can 1v1 many classes in the game, with most builds. It is, however, a whole 'nother thing whether that's
time and objective -wise.

Again, it comes down to situational awareness and the position you're in.

Whenever I'm seeing or playing d/p thief, I find myself questioning why wouldn't I just play warrior or revenant, with superior survivability and CC. It is
that bad
. If you want a thief build you should practise right now, try s/d condi and s/d power. Although, again with s/d power, I find myself questioning how much easier warrior has things - with slightly inferior mobility, of course.

Condi s/d is a thief build that can stand on equal ground to other classes DPS-wise, and that's why it's hated. Obviously, on top of people not bothering with the nuances of fighting it, much less adjusting their builds. Despite people's cryouts, it does have some neat tricks up its sleeve that bandwagoners will never consider. It's a very position-reliant build, and playing it will most likely improve your spatial awareness.

If ur trying to 1v1 on power s/d u are definitely better off going warrior or many other better dueling specs. As I said the condi boost made s/d a viable 1v1 and this is the gw2 community so ofcourse nerf thief threads ensued shortly after just like the now somewhat viable staff build. Thief has unjustly been delegated to a lame +1 role throughout its specs for way to long now. Just cause it was delegated to that role doesn't mean it should stay there. Especially when considering all its specs.

I agree, thief's playstyle is a very unique one, and one that I enjoy a lot personally. There are some changes they could try out on a fundamental level (such as modifying Steal to be a skillshot while removing some of the mobility from shortbow) that could work out for the better of the class in long term.

But, as is the case with mesmer, we will be waiting for a long haul. More likely than not.

Although, I'd add that the 'burden' of being the main roamer of the team being thief's raises the skill cap of the class somewhat. Which, personally, I don't mind in and out of itself.

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@rowdy.5107 said:

@rowdy.5107 said:Oh and don't listen to people that say thief cant 1v1. they are stuck in the 2017 meta of D/P thieves. You play a S/D or D/D condi thief and you shouldn't lose a 1v1 fight to anybody :) js

Thief's ability to 1v1 came with the condi boost and s/d and d/d are top condi 1v1 weapons for me also but this may not last long with the condi DD cry's so be prepared to be a +1 decap bot again soon.

Thief's main role has never been that of a duelist (with the exception of staff thief). Yes, obviously a thief who knows what he's doing can 1v1 many classes in the game, with most builds. It is, however, a whole 'nother thing whether that's
time and objective -wise.

Again, it comes down to situational awareness and the position you're in.

Whenever I'm seeing or playing d/p thief, I find myself questioning why wouldn't I just play warrior or revenant, with superior survivability and CC. It is
that bad
. If you want a thief build you should practise right now, try s/d condi and s/d power. Although, again with s/d power, I find myself questioning how much easier warrior has things - with slightly inferior mobility, of course.

Condi s/d is a thief build that can stand on equal ground to other classes DPS-wise, and that's why it's hated. Obviously, on top of people not bothering with the nuances of fighting it, much less adjusting their builds. Despite people's cryouts, it does have some neat tricks up its sleeve that bandwagoners will never consider. It's a very position-reliant build, and playing it will most likely improve your spatial awareness.

If ur trying to 1v1 on power s/d u are definitely better off going warrior or many other better dueling specs. As I said the condi boost made s/d a viable 1v1 and this is the gw2 community so ofcourse nerf thief threads ensued shortly after just like the now somewhat viable staff build. Thief has unjustly been delegated to a lame +1 role throughout its specs for way to long now. Just cause it was delegated to that role doesn't mean it should stay there. Especially when considering all its specs.

That role is only for D/P tho… The "part time" thieves that only knew D/P will always say thief is only good for +1 and decapping.. which is true. But when it comes to D/D, S/D and Staff... You cant ask them to do the job of a D/P because they excel in actual fighting. Not running from fights. A D/D condi thief is built to get in somebodys face and rip it off. Its job is to welcome a 1v1 and even a 2v1 fight and still walk away alive. The S/D thief is meant to stick and move and kill everything it comes across. The staff thief is meant to stall out as many people as it can to give your team the cap advantage. These are things a D/P thief just cant do. But on the flip side. You cant expect these thieves to do what a D/P thief can do either.The days of "thieves are only good at decapping and +1" are over.Ill put my money on a D/D condi thief over a rev or a warrior in a 1v1 fight anyday.

S/d strikes a nice balance between those traits, imo. Which is why I prefer it over d/d condi.

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@NorthernRedStar.3054 said:

@rowdy.5107 said:Oh and don't listen to people that say thief cant 1v1. they are stuck in the 2017 meta of D/P thieves. You play a S/D or D/D condi thief and you shouldn't lose a 1v1 fight to anybody :) js

Thief's ability to 1v1 came with the condi boost and s/d and d/d are top condi 1v1 weapons for me also but this may not last long with the condi DD cry's so be prepared to be a +1 decap bot again soon.

Thief's main role has never been that of a duelist (with the exception of staff thief). Yes, obviously a thief who knows what he's doing can 1v1 many classes in the game, with most builds. It is, however, a whole 'nother thing whether that's
time and objective -wise.

Again, it comes down to situational awareness and the position you're in.

Whenever I'm seeing or playing d/p thief, I find myself questioning why wouldn't I just play warrior or revenant, with superior survivability and CC. It is
that bad
. If you want a thief build you should practise right now, try s/d condi and s/d power. Although, again with s/d power, I find myself questioning how much easier warrior has things - with slightly inferior mobility, of course.

Condi s/d is a thief build that can stand on equal ground to other classes DPS-wise, and that's why it's hated. Obviously, on top of people not bothering with the nuances of fighting it, much less adjusting their builds. Despite people's cryouts, it does have some neat tricks up its sleeve that bandwagoners will never consider. It's a very position-reliant build, and playing it will most likely improve your spatial awareness.

If ur trying to 1v1 on power s/d u are definitely better off going warrior or many other better dueling specs. As I said the condi boost made s/d a viable 1v1 and this is the gw2 community so ofcourse nerf thief threads ensued shortly after just like the now somewhat viable staff build. Thief has unjustly been delegated to a lame +1 role throughout its specs for way to long now. Just cause it was delegated to that role doesn't mean it should stay there. Especially when considering all its specs.

That role is only for D/P tho… The "part time" thieves that only knew D/P will always say thief is only good for +1 and decapping.. which is true. But when it comes to D/D, S/D and Staff... You cant ask them to do the job of a D/P because they excel in actual fighting. Not running from fights. A D/D condi thief is built to get in somebodys face and rip it off. Its job is to welcome a 1v1 and even a 2v1 fight and still walk away alive. The S/D thief is meant to stick and move and kill everything it comes across. The staff thief is meant to stall out as many people as it can to give your team the cap advantage. These are things a D/P thief just cant do. But on the flip side. You cant expect these thieves to do what a D/P thief can do either.The days of "thieves are only good at decapping and +1" are over.Ill put my money on a D/D condi thief over a rev or a warrior in a 1v1 fight anyday.

S/d strikes a nice balance between those traits, imo. Which is why I prefer it over d/d condi.

people just need to realize that D/D, S/D and Staff thieves are not OP and they are not unkillable. They just need to learn the mechanics and tweak up their builds to handle them. Instead of crying in forums for ANET to nerf them.I think people are freaking out because they are so used to a thief just running away from them and not getting into their face wanting to fight. Now they have to actually fight them... Changes everything.. as it should.

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@rowdy.5107 said:

@rowdy.5107 said:Oh and don't listen to people that say thief cant 1v1. they are stuck in the 2017 meta of D/P thieves. You play a S/D or D/D condi thief and you shouldn't lose a 1v1 fight to anybody :) js

Thief's ability to 1v1 came with the condi boost and s/d and d/d are top condi 1v1 weapons for me also but this may not last long with the condi DD cry's so be prepared to be a +1 decap bot again soon.

Thief's main role has never been that of a duelist (with the exception of staff thief). Yes, obviously a thief who knows what he's doing can 1v1 many classes in the game, with most builds. It is, however, a whole 'nother thing whether that's
time and objective -wise.

Again, it comes down to situational awareness and the position you're in.

Whenever I'm seeing or playing d/p thief, I find myself questioning why wouldn't I just play warrior or revenant, with superior survivability and CC. It is
that bad
. If you want a thief build you should practise right now, try s/d condi and s/d power. Although, again with s/d power, I find myself questioning how much easier warrior has things - with slightly inferior mobility, of course.

Condi s/d is a thief build that can stand on equal ground to other classes DPS-wise, and that's why it's hated. Obviously, on top of people not bothering with the nuances of fighting it, much less adjusting their builds. Despite people's cryouts, it does have some neat tricks up its sleeve that bandwagoners will never consider. It's a very position-reliant build, and playing it will most likely improve your spatial awareness.

If ur trying to 1v1 on power s/d u are definitely better off going warrior or many other better dueling specs. As I said the condi boost made s/d a viable 1v1 and this is the gw2 community so ofcourse nerf thief threads ensued shortly after just like the now somewhat viable staff build. Thief has unjustly been delegated to a lame +1 role throughout its specs for way to long now. Just cause it was delegated to that role doesn't mean it should stay there. Especially when considering all its specs.

That role is only for D/P tho… The "part time" thieves that only knew D/P will always say thief is only good for +1 and decapping.. which is true. But when it comes to D/D, S/D and Staff... You cant ask them to do the job of a D/P because they excel in actual fighting. Not running from fights. A D/D condi thief is built to get in somebodys face and rip it off. Its job is to welcome a 1v1 and even a 2v1 fight and still walk away alive. The S/D thief is meant to stick and move and kill everything it comes across. The staff thief is meant to stall out as many people as it can to give your team the cap advantage. These are things a D/P thief just cant do. But on the flip side. You cant expect these thieves to do what a D/P thief can do either.The days of "thieves are only good at decapping and +1" are over.Ill put my money on a D/D condi thief over a rev or a warrior in a 1v1 fight anyday.

S/d strikes a nice balance between those traits, imo. Which is why I prefer it over d/d condi.

people just need to realize that D/D, S/D and Staff thieves are not OP and they are not unkillable. They just need to learn the mechanics and tweak up their builds to handle them. Instead of crying in forums for ANET to nerf them.I think people are freaking out because they are so used to a thief just running away from them and not getting into their face wanting to fight. Now they have to actually fight them... Changes everything.. as it should.

How's the build feeling post-deadly ambition nerf?

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@NorthernRedStar.3054 said:

@rowdy.5107 said:Oh and don't listen to people that say thief cant 1v1. they are stuck in the 2017 meta of D/P thieves. You play a S/D or D/D condi thief and you shouldn't lose a 1v1 fight to anybody :) js

Thief's ability to 1v1 came with the condi boost and s/d and d/d are top condi 1v1 weapons for me also but this may not last long with the condi DD cry's so be prepared to be a +1 decap bot again soon.

Thief's main role has never been that of a duelist (with the exception of staff thief). Yes, obviously a thief who knows what he's doing can 1v1 many classes in the game, with most builds. It is, however, a whole 'nother thing whether that's
time and objective -wise.

Again, it comes down to situational awareness and the position you're in.

Whenever I'm seeing or playing d/p thief, I find myself questioning why wouldn't I just play warrior or revenant, with superior survivability and CC. It is
that bad
. If you want a thief build you should practise right now, try s/d condi and s/d power. Although, again with s/d power, I find myself questioning how much easier warrior has things - with slightly inferior mobility, of course.

Condi s/d is a thief build that can stand on equal ground to other classes DPS-wise, and that's why it's hated. Obviously, on top of people not bothering with the nuances of fighting it, much less adjusting their builds. Despite people's cryouts, it does have some neat tricks up its sleeve that bandwagoners will never consider. It's a very position-reliant build, and playing it will most likely improve your spatial awareness.

If ur trying to 1v1 on power s/d u are definitely better off going warrior or many other better dueling specs. As I said the condi boost made s/d a viable 1v1 and this is the gw2 community so ofcourse nerf thief threads ensued shortly after just like the now somewhat viable staff build. Thief has unjustly been delegated to a lame +1 role throughout its specs for way to long now. Just cause it was delegated to that role doesn't mean it should stay there. Especially when considering all its specs.

That role is only for D/P tho… The "part time" thieves that only knew D/P will always say thief is only good for +1 and decapping.. which is true. But when it comes to D/D, S/D and Staff... You cant ask them to do the job of a D/P because they excel in actual fighting. Not running from fights. A D/D condi thief is built to get in somebodys face and rip it off. Its job is to welcome a 1v1 and even a 2v1 fight and still walk away alive. The S/D thief is meant to stick and move and kill everything it comes across. The staff thief is meant to stall out as many people as it can to give your team the cap advantage. These are things a D/P thief just cant do. But on the flip side. You cant expect these thieves to do what a D/P thief can do either.The days of "thieves are only good at decapping and +1" are over.Ill put my money on a D/D condi thief over a rev or a warrior in a 1v1 fight anyday.

S/d strikes a nice balance between those traits, imo. Which is why I prefer it over d/d condi.

people just need to realize that D/D, S/D and Staff thieves are not OP and they are not unkillable. They just need to learn the mechanics and tweak up their builds to handle them. Instead of crying in forums for ANET to nerf them.I think people are freaking out because they are so used to a thief just running away from them and not getting into their face wanting to fight. Now they have to actually fight them... Changes everything.. as it should.

How's the build feeling post-deadly ambition nerf?

I don't really use this build anymore. Just for fun. I currently run a SA D/D condi hybrid which is nasty. Didn't even realize they nerfed deadly ambition until you said something and ive played at least 20+ matches since the update lol. So I guess its not that big of a deal. Im still able to get 3-4k poison ticks and 20+ stacks of poison.

I Just read the nerfLooks like you lose 1 stack of poison. Big deal lol. My damage comes from stacked cloaked venoms followed by my utility venoms, weakness, bleeding and 3k+ crit physical hits.

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@rowdy.5107 said:

@rowdy.5107 said:Oh and don't listen to people that say thief cant 1v1. they are stuck in the 2017 meta of D/P thieves. You play a S/D or D/D condi thief and you shouldn't lose a 1v1 fight to anybody :) js

Thief's ability to 1v1 came with the condi boost and s/d and d/d are top condi 1v1 weapons for me also but this may not last long with the condi DD cry's so be prepared to be a +1 decap bot again soon.

Thief's main role has never been that of a duelist (with the exception of staff thief). Yes, obviously a thief who knows what he's doing can 1v1 many classes in the game, with most builds. It is, however, a whole 'nother thing whether that's
time and objective -wise.

Again, it comes down to situational awareness and the position you're in.

Whenever I'm seeing or playing d/p thief, I find myself questioning why wouldn't I just play warrior or revenant, with superior survivability and CC. It is
that bad
. If you want a thief build you should practise right now, try s/d condi and s/d power. Although, again with s/d power, I find myself questioning how much easier warrior has things - with slightly inferior mobility, of course.

Condi s/d is a thief build that can stand on equal ground to other classes DPS-wise, and that's why it's hated. Obviously, on top of people not bothering with the nuances of fighting it, much less adjusting their builds. Despite people's cryouts, it does have some neat tricks up its sleeve that bandwagoners will never consider. It's a very position-reliant build, and playing it will most likely improve your spatial awareness.

If ur trying to 1v1 on power s/d u are definitely better off going warrior or many other better dueling specs. As I said the condi boost made s/d a viable 1v1 and this is the gw2 community so ofcourse nerf thief threads ensued shortly after just like the now somewhat viable staff build. Thief has unjustly been delegated to a lame +1 role throughout its specs for way to long now. Just cause it was delegated to that role doesn't mean it should stay there. Especially when considering all its specs.

That role is only for D/P tho… The "part time" thieves that only knew D/P will always say thief is only good for +1 and decapping.. which is true. But when it comes to D/D, S/D and Staff... You cant ask them to do the job of a D/P because they excel in actual fighting. Not running from fights. A D/D condi thief is built to get in somebodys face and rip it off. Its job is to welcome a 1v1 and even a 2v1 fight and still walk away alive. The S/D thief is meant to stick and move and kill everything it comes across. The staff thief is meant to stall out as many people as it can to give your team the cap advantage. These are things a D/P thief just cant do. But on the flip side. You cant expect these thieves to do what a D/P thief can do either.The days of "thieves are only good at decapping and +1" are over.Ill put my money on a D/D condi thief over a rev or a warrior in a 1v1 fight anyday.

S/d strikes a nice balance between those traits, imo. Which is why I prefer it over d/d condi.

people just need to realize that D/D, S/D and Staff thieves are not OP and they are not unkillable. They just need to learn the mechanics and tweak up their builds to handle them. Instead of crying in forums for ANET to nerf them.I think people are freaking out because they are so used to a thief just running away from them and not getting into their face wanting to fight. Now they have to actually fight them... Changes everything.. as it should.

How's the build feeling post-deadly ambition nerf?

I don't really use this build anymore. Just for fun. I currently run a SA D/D condi hybrid which is nasty. Didn't even realize they nerfed deadly ambition until you said something and ive played at least 20+ matches since the update lol. So I guess its not that big of a deal. Im still able to get 3-4k poison ticks and 20+ stacks of poison.

I Just read the nerf
Looks like you lose 1 stack of poison. Big deal lol. My damage comes from stacked cloaked venoms followed by my utility venoms, weakness, bleeding and 3k+ crit physical hits.

Lose 1 stick and icd is 10 sec from 5 so u get one stack of poison every 10 seconds from trait meaning back to mug

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@rowdy.5107 said:Oh and don't listen to people that say thief cant 1v1. they are stuck in the 2017 meta of D/P thieves. You play a S/D or D/D condi thief and you shouldn't lose a 1v1 fight to anybody :) js

Thief's ability to 1v1 came with the condi boost and s/d and d/d are top condi 1v1 weapons for me also but this may not last long with the condi DD cry's so be prepared to be a +1 decap bot again soon.

Thief's main role has never been that of a duelist (with the exception of staff thief). Yes, obviously a thief who knows what he's doing can 1v1 many classes in the game, with most builds. It is, however, a whole 'nother thing whether that's
time and objective -wise.

Again, it comes down to situational awareness and the position you're in.

Whenever I'm seeing or playing d/p thief, I find myself questioning why wouldn't I just play warrior or revenant, with superior survivability and CC. It is
that bad
. If you want a thief build you should practise right now, try s/d condi and s/d power. Although, again with s/d power, I find myself questioning how much easier warrior has things - with slightly inferior mobility, of course.

Condi s/d is a thief build that can stand on equal ground to other classes DPS-wise, and that's why it's hated. Obviously, on top of people not bothering with the nuances of fighting it, much less adjusting their builds. Despite people's cryouts, it does have some neat tricks up its sleeve that bandwagoners will never consider. It's a very position-reliant build, and playing it will most likely improve your spatial awareness.

If ur trying to 1v1 on power s/d u are definitely better off going warrior or many other better dueling specs. As I said the condi boost made s/d a viable 1v1 and this is the gw2 community so ofcourse nerf thief threads ensued shortly after just like the now somewhat viable staff build. Thief has unjustly been delegated to a lame +1 role throughout its specs for way to long now. Just cause it was delegated to that role doesn't mean it should stay there. Especially when considering all its specs.

That role is only for D/P tho… The "part time" thieves that only knew D/P will always say thief is only good for +1 and decapping.. which is true. But when it comes to D/D, S/D and Staff... You cant ask them to do the job of a D/P because they excel in actual fighting. Not running from fights. A D/D condi thief is built to get in somebodys face and rip it off. Its job is to welcome a 1v1 and even a 2v1 fight and still walk away alive. The S/D thief is meant to stick and move and kill everything it comes across. The staff thief is meant to stall out as many people as it can to give your team the cap advantage. These are things a D/P thief just cant do. But on the flip side. You cant expect these thieves to do what a D/P thief can do either.The days of "thieves are only good at decapping and +1" are over.Ill put my money on a D/D condi thief over a rev or a warrior in a 1v1 fight anyday.

S/d strikes a nice balance between those traits, imo. Which is why I prefer it over d/d condi.

people just need to realize that D/D, S/D and Staff thieves are not OP and they are not unkillable. They just need to learn the mechanics and tweak up their builds to handle them. Instead of crying in forums for ANET to nerf them.I think people are freaking out because they are so used to a thief just running away from them and not getting into their face wanting to fight. Now they have to actually fight them... Changes everything.. as it should.

How's the build feeling post-deadly ambition nerf?

I don't really use this build anymore. Just for fun. I currently run a SA D/D condi hybrid which is nasty. Didn't even realize they nerfed deadly ambition until you said something and ive played at least 20+ matches since the update lol. So I guess its not that big of a deal. Im still able to get 3-4k poison ticks and 20+ stacks of poison.

I Just read the nerf
Looks like you lose 1 stack of poison. Big deal lol. My damage comes from stacked cloaked venoms followed by my utility venoms, weakness, bleeding and 3k+ crit physical hits.

Lose 1 stick and icd is 10 sec from 5 so u get one stack of poison every 10 seconds from trait meaning back to mug

hmmmm good idea! might have to try it.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@rowdy.5107 said:Oh and don't listen to people that say thief cant 1v1. they are stuck in the 2017 meta of D/P thieves. You play a S/D or D/D condi thief and you shouldn't lose a 1v1 fight to anybody :) js

Thief's ability to 1v1 came with the condi boost and s/d and d/d are top condi 1v1 weapons for me also but this may not last long with the condi DD cry's so be prepared to be a +1 decap bot again soon.

Thief's main role has never been that of a duelist (with the exception of staff thief). Yes, obviously a thief who knows what he's doing can 1v1 many classes in the game, with most builds. It is, however, a whole 'nother thing whether that's
time and objective -wise.

Again, it comes down to situational awareness and the position you're in.

Whenever I'm seeing or playing d/p thief, I find myself questioning why wouldn't I just play warrior or revenant, with superior survivability and CC. It is
that bad
. If you want a thief build you should practise right now, try s/d condi and s/d power. Although, again with s/d power, I find myself questioning how much easier warrior has things - with slightly inferior mobility, of course.

Condi s/d is a thief build that can stand on equal ground to other classes DPS-wise, and that's why it's hated. Obviously, on top of people not bothering with the nuances of fighting it, much less adjusting their builds. Despite people's cryouts, it does have some neat tricks up its sleeve that bandwagoners will never consider. It's a very position-reliant build, and playing it will most likely improve your spatial awareness.

If ur trying to 1v1 on power s/d u are definitely better off going warrior or many other better dueling specs. As I said the condi boost made s/d a viable 1v1 and this is the gw2 community so ofcourse nerf thief threads ensued shortly after just like the now somewhat viable staff build. Thief has unjustly been delegated to a lame +1 role throughout its specs for way to long now. Just cause it was delegated to that role doesn't mean it should stay there. Especially when considering all its specs.

That role is only for D/P tho… The "part time" thieves that only knew D/P will always say thief is only good for +1 and decapping.. which is true. But when it comes to D/D, S/D and Staff... You cant ask them to do the job of a D/P because they excel in actual fighting. Not running from fights. A D/D condi thief is built to get in somebodys face and rip it off. Its job is to welcome a 1v1 and even a 2v1 fight and still walk away alive. The S/D thief is meant to stick and move and kill everything it comes across. The staff thief is meant to stall out as many people as it can to give your team the cap advantage. These are things a D/P thief just cant do. But on the flip side. You cant expect these thieves to do what a D/P thief can do either.The days of "thieves are only good at decapping and +1" are over.Ill put my money on a D/D condi thief over a rev or a warrior in a 1v1 fight anyday.

S/d strikes a nice balance between those traits, imo. Which is why I prefer it over d/d condi.

people just need to realize that D/D, S/D and Staff thieves are not OP and they are not unkillable. They just need to learn the mechanics and tweak up their builds to handle them. Instead of crying in forums for ANET to nerf them.I think people are freaking out because they are so used to a thief just running away from them and not getting into their face wanting to fight. Now they have to actually fight them... Changes everything.. as it should.

How's the build feeling post-deadly ambition nerf?

I don't really use this build anymore. Just for fun. I currently run a SA D/D condi hybrid which is nasty. Didn't even realize they nerfed deadly ambition until you said something and ive played at least 20+ matches since the update lol. So I guess its not that big of a deal. Im still able to get 3-4k poison ticks and 20+ stacks of poison.

I Just read the nerf
Looks like you lose 1 stack of poison. Big deal lol. My damage comes from stacked cloaked venoms followed by my utility venoms, weakness, bleeding and 3k+ crit physical hits.

Lose 1 stick and icd is 10 sec from 5 so u get one stack of poison every 10 seconds from trait meaning back to mug

Mug's still inferior for condi thief.

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@NorthernRedStar.3054 said:

@rowdy.5107 said:Oh and don't listen to people that say thief cant 1v1. they are stuck in the 2017 meta of D/P thieves. You play a S/D or D/D condi thief and you shouldn't lose a 1v1 fight to anybody :) js

Thief's ability to 1v1 came with the condi boost and s/d and d/d are top condi 1v1 weapons for me also but this may not last long with the condi DD cry's so be prepared to be a +1 decap bot again soon.

Thief's main role has never been that of a duelist (with the exception of staff thief). Yes, obviously a thief who knows what he's doing can 1v1 many classes in the game, with most builds. It is, however, a whole 'nother thing whether that's
time and objective -wise.

Again, it comes down to situational awareness and the position you're in.

Whenever I'm seeing or playing d/p thief, I find myself questioning why wouldn't I just play warrior or revenant, with superior survivability and CC. It is
that bad
. If you want a thief build you should practise right now, try s/d condi and s/d power. Although, again with s/d power, I find myself questioning how much easier warrior has things - with slightly inferior mobility, of course.

Condi s/d is a thief build that can stand on equal ground to other classes DPS-wise, and that's why it's hated. Obviously, on top of people not bothering with the nuances of fighting it, much less adjusting their builds. Despite people's cryouts, it does have some neat tricks up its sleeve that bandwagoners will never consider. It's a very position-reliant build, and playing it will most likely improve your spatial awareness.

If ur trying to 1v1 on power s/d u are definitely better off going warrior or many other better dueling specs. As I said the condi boost made s/d a viable 1v1 and this is the gw2 community so ofcourse nerf thief threads ensued shortly after just like the now somewhat viable staff build. Thief has unjustly been delegated to a lame +1 role throughout its specs for way to long now. Just cause it was delegated to that role doesn't mean it should stay there. Especially when considering all its specs.

That role is only for D/P tho… The "part time" thieves that only knew D/P will always say thief is only good for +1 and decapping.. which is true. But when it comes to D/D, S/D and Staff... You cant ask them to do the job of a D/P because they excel in actual fighting. Not running from fights. A D/D condi thief is built to get in somebodys face and rip it off. Its job is to welcome a 1v1 and even a 2v1 fight and still walk away alive. The S/D thief is meant to stick and move and kill everything it comes across. The staff thief is meant to stall out as many people as it can to give your team the cap advantage. These are things a D/P thief just cant do. But on the flip side. You cant expect these thieves to do what a D/P thief can do either.The days of "thieves are only good at decapping and +1" are over.Ill put my money on a D/D condi thief over a rev or a warrior in a 1v1 fight anyday.

S/d strikes a nice balance between those traits, imo. Which is why I prefer it over d/d condi.

people just need to realize that D/D, S/D and Staff thieves are not OP and they are not unkillable. They just need to learn the mechanics and tweak up their builds to handle them. Instead of crying in forums for ANET to nerf them.I think people are freaking out because they are so used to a thief just running away from them and not getting into their face wanting to fight. Now they have to actually fight them... Changes everything.. as it should.

How's the build feeling post-deadly ambition nerf?

I don't really use this build anymore. Just for fun. I currently run a SA D/D condi hybrid which is nasty. Didn't even realize they nerfed deadly ambition until you said something and ive played at least 20+ matches since the update lol. So I guess its not that big of a deal. Im still able to get 3-4k poison ticks and 20+ stacks of poison.

I Just read the nerf
Looks like you lose 1 stack of poison. Big deal lol. My damage comes from stacked cloaked venoms followed by my utility venoms, weakness, bleeding and 3k+ crit physical hits.

Lose 1 stick and icd is 10 sec from 5 so u get one stack of poison every 10 seconds from trait meaning back to mug

Mug's still inferior for condi thief.

Naw one stack of poison every 10 secs or 2000 somthing poison and a heal every 18. I'll take mug myself and u can lower that to 14 seconds with slight of hand if u dont go for BA.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@rowdy.5107 said:Oh and don't listen to people that say thief cant 1v1. they are stuck in the 2017 meta of D/P thieves. You play a S/D or D/D condi thief and you shouldn't lose a 1v1 fight to anybody :) js

Thief's ability to 1v1 came with the condi boost and s/d and d/d are top condi 1v1 weapons for me also but this may not last long with the condi DD cry's so be prepared to be a +1 decap bot again soon.

Thief's main role has never been that of a duelist (with the exception of staff thief). Yes, obviously a thief who knows what he's doing can 1v1 many classes in the game, with most builds. It is, however, a whole 'nother thing whether that's
time and objective -wise.

Again, it comes down to situational awareness and the position you're in.

Whenever I'm seeing or playing d/p thief, I find myself questioning why wouldn't I just play warrior or revenant, with superior survivability and CC. It is
that bad
. If you want a thief build you should practise right now, try s/d condi and s/d power. Although, again with s/d power, I find myself questioning how much easier warrior has things - with slightly inferior mobility, of course.

Condi s/d is a thief build that can stand on equal ground to other classes DPS-wise, and that's why it's hated. Obviously, on top of people not bothering with the nuances of fighting it, much less adjusting their builds. Despite people's cryouts, it does have some neat tricks up its sleeve that bandwagoners will never consider. It's a very position-reliant build, and playing it will most likely improve your spatial awareness.

If ur trying to 1v1 on power s/d u are definitely better off going warrior or many other better dueling specs. As I said the condi boost made s/d a viable 1v1 and this is the gw2 community so ofcourse nerf thief threads ensued shortly after just like the now somewhat viable staff build. Thief has unjustly been delegated to a lame +1 role throughout its specs for way to long now. Just cause it was delegated to that role doesn't mean it should stay there. Especially when considering all its specs.

That role is only for D/P tho… The "part time" thieves that only knew D/P will always say thief is only good for +1 and decapping.. which is true. But when it comes to D/D, S/D and Staff... You cant ask them to do the job of a D/P because they excel in actual fighting. Not running from fights. A D/D condi thief is built to get in somebodys face and rip it off. Its job is to welcome a 1v1 and even a 2v1 fight and still walk away alive. The S/D thief is meant to stick and move and kill everything it comes across. The staff thief is meant to stall out as many people as it can to give your team the cap advantage. These are things a D/P thief just cant do. But on the flip side. You cant expect these thieves to do what a D/P thief can do either.The days of "thieves are only good at decapping and +1" are over.Ill put my money on a D/D condi thief over a rev or a warrior in a 1v1 fight anyday.

S/d strikes a nice balance between those traits, imo. Which is why I prefer it over d/d condi.

people just need to realize that D/D, S/D and Staff thieves are not OP and they are not unkillable. They just need to learn the mechanics and tweak up their builds to handle them. Instead of crying in forums for ANET to nerf them.I think people are freaking out because they are so used to a thief just running away from them and not getting into their face wanting to fight. Now they have to actually fight them... Changes everything.. as it should.

How's the build feeling post-deadly ambition nerf?

I don't really use this build anymore. Just for fun. I currently run a SA D/D condi hybrid which is nasty. Didn't even realize they nerfed deadly ambition until you said something and ive played at least 20+ matches since the update lol. So I guess its not that big of a deal. Im still able to get 3-4k poison ticks and 20+ stacks of poison.

I Just read the nerf
Looks like you lose 1 stack of poison. Big deal lol. My damage comes from stacked cloaked venoms followed by my utility venoms, weakness, bleeding and 3k+ crit physical hits.

Lose 1 stick and icd is 10 sec from 5 so u get one stack of poison every 10 seconds from trait meaning back to mug

Mug's still inferior for condi thief.

Naw one stack of poison every 10 secs or 2000 somthing poison and a heal every 18. I'll take mug myself and u can lower that to 14 seconds with slight of hand if u dont go for BA.

That's not how Mug works. And the healing isn't worth it to pick it over Ambition, which grants you extra condi damage to boot. You have Escapist's Fortitude for superior sustain, if you need it apart from the condi removal. In this meta, the 1.8k healing from Mug every 14 seconds isn't notable.

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