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bo achievement time frame?


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It depends greatly on the player. I believe those collections had RNG elements as well which makes the end result variable. They also require you to have certain masteries which takes time to get if you’re new and the time to acquire those can be highly variable.

If speed/time is a concern, you’re probably better off crafting the ascended weapon.

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@weaponwh.9810 said:just curious for those who got bo, how many hr it take to get it? I like the skin, but i'm causal player, 1-2hr play per day, 2-3hr on weekend at most. so try to figure out whats the effort involved.

With that kind of play time, it will take you a month to complete one Mastery rank. Since you have to level 3 of them (gliding, nuhoch, exalted) to at least rank 4, that will take you a month to complete each rank. That's 12 Mastery ranks, 1 Mastery rank per month, so that's a year. With that kind of play time, you'll have a hard time joining events, let along completing it, so it may even take you longer to complete the Mastery ranks. Here's the kicker, you can't do them at the same time -- you have to choose one path at a time and only play in the HoT maps. It gets tedious after a while.

I've been trying to level these Masteries ever since HoT came out, but I only managed to complete Exalted and Gliding so far. Just like you, I have limited play time, but I get to play longer on weekends. Once in a while I will find a zerg running around the map doing events, but that doesn't happen all the time.

Four years later, I still don't have Bo, and I'm not as casual as you.

Just try to finish one Mastery at a time as much as you can and take note on how much time it takes you to complete one rank. That will give you an idea of how much time you need to complete up to rank 4.

Also, I found having a flying mount really speed things up rather than using the mushrooms and glider to get around. However, getting the flying mount is also a long process especially the dragon mount.

I might try to complete this myself since I don't really like the Halloween event.

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This far out from HoT expansion is going to be a long haul like Vincent rolled out for you. I love the look of Bo, but really any time I've used staff I've ended up using the first stage Daredevil staff anyway because it goes with any look, looks good on it's own and when in use, and is unassuming enough when you're trying to not look flashy.

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I tried to do this last night and thanks to the Masteries I've already ranked and for flying mount, I only need one more thing: Machined Staff Shaft -- it's a rare drop from Nox Pods and Mord chest. I ran out of Machetes, probably opened about 12 pods, and still no drop. I have to run some event in Tangled to get more Ley-line crystals to buy more Machete. Nobody's running Dragon's Stand, so no luck there. I'll try again tonight.

Note: Don't buy the Mystic Staff from the Trading Post -- it's over priced (50g). Just gather the materials and make one, very cheap. It will save you a lot of gold. Assuming of course you have saved a lot of Mystic Coins since each coin sells for 1.3g each. Either way, making it yourself is still cheaper.

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@Sir Vincent III.1286 said:I tried to do this last night and thanks to the Masteries I've already ranked and for flying mount, I only need one more thing: Machined Staff Shaft -- it's a rare drop from Nox Pods and Mord chest. I ran out of Machetes, probably opened about 12 pods, and still no drop. I have to run some event in Tangled to get more Ley-line crystals to buy more Machete. Nobody's running Dragon's Stand, so no luck there. I'll try again tonight.

Note: Don't buy the Mystic Staff from the Trading Post -- it's over priced (50g). Just gather the materials and make one, very cheap. It will save you a lot of gold. Assuming of course you have saved a lot of Mystic Coins since each coin sells for 1.3g each. Either way, making it yourself is still cheaper.

It’s guaranteed if you do the DS meta. Well so long as you don’t have any of the other collections unlock that require a component. Try to join the map a few minutes before it resets to ensure you can join a squad that’s doing it.

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@Sir Vincent III.1286 said:I tried to do this last night and thanks to the Masteries I've already ranked and for flying mount, I only need one more thing: Machined Staff Shaft -- it's a rare drop from Nox Pods and Mord chest. I ran out of Machetes, probably opened about 12 pods, and still no drop. I have to run some event in Tangled to get more Ley-line crystals to buy more Machete. Nobody's running Dragon's Stand, so no luck there. I'll try again tonight.

Note: Don't buy the Mystic Staff from the Trading Post -- it's over priced (50g). Just gather the materials and make one, very cheap. It will save you a lot of gold. Assuming of course you have saved a lot of Mystic Coins since each coin sells for 1.3g each. Either way, making it yourself is still cheaper.

True -even if he bought all the mats off the TP (buy price, no reason to rush at this point), it would still be considerably cheaper to craft it than buying it on tp. :p

Also @"weaponwh.9810", you've already asked about it like a week ago. If you spent as much time slowly(!) completing the collection instead of asking "how long it will take" on the boards, you'd probably already be done with it. So... Come on.

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@Sir Vincent III.1286 said:I tried to do this last night and thanks to the Masteries I've already ranked and for flying mount, I only need one more thing: Machined Staff Shaft -- it's a rare drop from Nox Pods and Mord chest. I ran out of Machetes, probably opened about 12 pods, and still no drop. I have to run some event in Tangled to get more Ley-line crystals to buy more Machete. Nobody's running Dragon's Stand, so no luck there. I'll try again tonight.

Note: Don't buy the Mystic Staff from the Trading Post -- it's over priced (50g). Just gather the materials and make one, very cheap. It will save you a lot of gold. Assuming of course you have saved a lot of Mystic Coins since each coin sells for 1.3g each. Either way, making it yourself is still cheaper.

really I run dragon stand twice this week, seem there is always someone doing it. got the machine staff part in the big chest after boss. now I only need exalt gather to get Sharpening Stone. though i'm out of mastery point so I need start LS3 to get insight.

I think mystic staff is ok price, 30 mystic coin that's about 39g, 50 shard is worth 10g+, i'm causal player so spirt shard is another valuable currency for me, I have about 200 right now don't want lose 50 for bo.

just curious you do have plated staff 1st to unlock the machine staff collection right?

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@Sir Vincent III.1286 said:I tried to do this last night and thanks to the Masteries I've already ranked and for flying mount, I only need one more thing: Machined Staff Shaft -- it's a rare drop from Nox Pods and Mord chest. I ran out of Machetes, probably opened about 12 pods, and still no drop. I have to run some event in Tangled to get more Ley-line crystals to buy more Machete. Nobody's running Dragon's Stand, so no luck there. I'll try again tonight.

Note: Don't buy the Mystic Staff from the Trading Post -- it's over priced (50g). Just gather the materials and make one, very cheap. It will save you a lot of gold. Assuming of course you have saved a lot of Mystic Coins since each coin sells for 1.3g each. Either way, making it yourself is still cheaper.

It’s guaranteed if you do the DS meta. Well so long as you don’t have any of the other collections unlock that require a component. Try to join the map a few minutes before it resets to ensure you can join a squad that’s doing it.

I went there last night and there's only 6 of us trying to complete the Meta. After wiping a few times, I'm done. I hope I can login and find a zerg doing it. Unfortunately, everyone is in Dragonfall and I don't blame them. :/

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@weaponwh.9810 said:

@"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:I tried to do this last night and thanks to the Masteries I've already ranked and for flying mount, I only need one more thing: Machined Staff Shaft -- it's a rare drop from Nox Pods and Mord chest. I ran out of Machetes, probably opened about 12 pods, and still no drop. I have to run some event in Tangled to get more Ley-line crystals to buy more Machete. Nobody's running Dragon's Stand, so no luck there. I'll try again tonight.

Note: Don't buy the Mystic Staff from the Trading Post -- it's over priced (50g). Just gather the materials and make one, very cheap. It will save you a lot of gold. Assuming of course you have saved a lot of Mystic Coins since each coin sells for 1.3g each. Either way, making it yourself is still cheaper.

really I run dragon stand twice this week, seem there is always someone doing it. got the machine staff part in the big chest after boss. now I only need exalt gather to get Sharpening Stone. though i'm out of mastery point so I need start LS3 to get insight.

I think mystic staff is ok price, 30 mystic coin that's about 39g, 50 shard is worth 10g+, i'm causal player so spirt shard is another valuable currency for me, I have about 200 right now don't want lose 50 for bo.

just curious you do have plated staff 1st to unlock the machine staff collection right?

Yes I have everything but the Machined Staff Shaft. I've ran DS before and have killed Mord about a dozen times but the Machined Staff Shaft never dropped for me. Probably because I have not unlocked Machined Staff until recently.

Yeah, if you value Spirit Shard that much, I guess just paying 50g for the Mystic Staff would be cheaper for you. I have over 1k Spirit Shards and I get more by just running Dragonfall a couple of times since I've already maxed my PoF masteries. Also I use all my Tome of Knowledge whenever I get one. Some people are even complaining of having too much and nothing to use it for (link). My point is, 50 shard is not a lot to pay pay for it, however, 50g, on the other hand, is heavy on my pockets.

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