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Mictrotransactions (inc. Build Templates) are Manufactured QoL Solutions at Best....


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@Obtena.7952 said:

Still, even if what he says is correct ... I don't see some solution in there ... unless he want's to kill the game with implementing a monthly sub. Always the problem with these threads ... prophetic ("the end of the world is coming"), but a little thin on much thinking beyond that.

Maybe because no solution can be offered when looking at the issue through the narrow scope of a single game. These problems are industry-wide and that's where change needs to happen. I would argue OP at least attempts to look at it through a broader scope.

Mircotransations are manufactured QoL? OK ... What's the big deal? There is a business model here .. that's part of it. maybe it's not the best, but it's what this game has ... so you can choose to play it ... or not. I don't get this 'civil protest' .... you're not a citizen, you are a customer that patronizes a service provider. Don't 're-invent' your role and relationship to complain about something you don't like to give it more credence.

It's not big deal for you, but maybe it is for me and others. I don't have to agree with something just because it's a business model. And I sure don't need to re-invent the consumer-provider relationship to voice my complaint about it. I can choose to both stop supporting financially said service
voice my complaints about it just fine. Especially since it's a proven fact that when those complaints pile up, change is more likely to happen. Social media in the age of Information are pretty useful like that.

One could just pick another service to support if the industry in its current form offered a variety of choices and business models. Sadly that's not a reality as more and more studios are making games employing those practices. So as gamer/consumer I have two choices ; either I find a new hobby
I choose to support the few who haven't been "corrupted" yet and join the many voices who complain about the rest in hope of a change. I pick the latter as the effort to do so is minimal. Just a few taps on my phone.

What I said still holds true, even if it's industry wide. If more people think like you, the industry will adapt to better serve it's market.

The problem with this line of thinking is that the industry has found a way to increase their earnings more than ever by prioritizing catering to minorities instead of the majority. So no, it's not a matter of how many are thinking this way, as long as enough players on the other side have deep pockets and lack of self-control. I do agree that in the end market will correct itself, because minnows have started to wake up and recognize their favorite past time is not targeting them anymore. And you can't have MMOs without the massive part. But it will take time.

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@AlexxxDelta.1806 said:

Still, even if what he says is correct ... I don't see some solution in there ... unless he want's to kill the game with implementing a monthly sub. Always the problem with these threads ... prophetic ("the end of the world is coming"), but a little thin on much thinking beyond that.

Maybe because no solution can be offered when looking at the issue through the narrow scope of a single game. These problems are industry-wide and that's where change needs to happen. I would argue OP at least attempts to look at it through a broader scope.

Mircotransations are manufactured QoL? OK ... What's the big deal? There is a business model here .. that's part of it. maybe it's not the best, but it's what this game has ... so you can choose to play it ... or not. I don't get this 'civil protest' .... you're not a citizen, you are a customer that patronizes a service provider. Don't 're-invent' your role and relationship to complain about something you don't like to give it more credence.

It's not big deal for you, but maybe it is for me and others. I don't have to agree with something just because it's a business model. And I sure don't need to re-invent the consumer-provider relationship to voice my complaint about it. I can choose to both stop supporting financially said service
voice my complaints about it just fine. Especially since it's a proven fact that when those complaints pile up, change is more likely to happen. Social media in the age of Information are pretty useful like that.

One could just pick another service to support if the industry in its current form offered a variety of choices and business models. Sadly that's not a reality as more and more studios are making games employing those practices. So as gamer/consumer I have two choices ; either I find a new hobby
I choose to support the few who haven't been "corrupted" yet and join the many voices who complain about the rest in hope of a change. I pick the latter as the effort to do so is minimal. Just a few taps on my phone.

What I said still holds true, even if it's industry wide. If more people think like you, the industry will adapt to better serve it's market.

The problem with this line of thinking is that the industry has found a way to increase their earnings more than ever by prioritizing catering to minorities instead of the majority.

That's not a problem at all; the thinking is correct and sound. If what you say is true, and the majority of people who are displeased with current offerings in the MMO industry is just an opportunity for market share for a MMO developer to grab up with the right offering. Again, see GW2 example ... EXACTLY why this game is successful ... it offers something that an underserved market wanted.

I mean, I don't even understand what the problem is with what you said to begin with ... so you would rather have a situation where an MMO dev barely scrapped by with millions of customers than being more successful with much fewer? That shows quite a lack of understanding about successful business on your part. What kind of capability do you think the million player game would have to serve it's customers vs. the more successful, lower population game? The answer is: Pretty crap capability if you know anything. The low pop game generating more revenue has more development dollars AND likely has a more focused and aligned population of players ... I'm putting my bets on THAT one.

See, I get where your thinking is ... you believe that if players pay for content instead GS items, they get more content ... except that isn't true. Games will get more content if the company makes more money ... it doesn't matter where the revenue actually comes from. MMO devs aren't stupid either ... they know they need to balance resources for revenue generation vs. content generation ... and any reasonable MMO customers understands this. Too far one way, the game ceases to exist because people don't get content. Too far the other and there is lots of content ... but for a very short time because the business isn't sustainable.

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