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Norn Racial Skill Update


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@LucianDK.8615 said:

@Dante.1508 said:People have been asking for racial updates for 7 years, sadly Anet just ignores these things.

The racials is just fluff abilities. If they became stronger, they would lead to people rolling only that race or having it demanded by raids. Anet have been quick to nerf racials if they became too good.

Each race should have fully valid and racially correct abilities.And with that, they should be exclusive for open world and story content.Fractals, raids, strike missions, and of course pvp combat should restrict those.That would be one way to make it work to make so they're never obligatory

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@LucianDK.8615 said:

@Dante.1508 said:People have been asking for racial updates for 7 years, sadly Anet just ignores these things.

The racials is just fluff abilities. If they became stronger, they would lead to people rolling only that race or having it demanded by raids. Anet have been quick to nerf racials if they became too good.

True, locking actually useful skills behind races miiiight have been barely acceptable if done on release*, but not 7 years later. At this point it would be unacceptable.

*probably still not, though

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All racial utilities/elites should be useful. We need to stop making excuses for development or otherwise by complaining they would somehow become super overpowered and game-breaking (e.g. the raid argument is not grounded in any sort of reality).

The player base also has to get over this comparison and jealously epidemic we seem to be in; so what if some races have useful skills that others don't? Those other races will have their own useful skills for other situations. They'll just be useful in different ways. It's called variety. No one's 'missing out on anything', it's just different. The whining that saturates the forums of "They have X so I want X too for my race/class" or" We can't give X such and such, because Y won't have access to the exact same function" Is just so unhealthy. This is what happens when the theme of 'balance' is taken far too far, driven by a player-base that wants 'everything' for themselves, all the time.

Race skills: It's really not that hard to do, just make them all useful.

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@Sobx.1758 said:

@Dante.1508 said:People have been asking for racial updates for 7 years, sadly Anet just ignores these things.

The racials is just fluff abilities. If they became stronger, they would lead to people rolling only that race or having it demanded by raids. Anet have been quick to nerf racials if they became too good.

True, locking actually useful skills behind races miiiight have been barely acceptable if done on release*, but not 7 years later. At this point it would be unacceptable.

*probably still not, though

I would argue the opposite point. The game is in a very different place in its life cycle. Now may be the perfect time to revisit early balance design in the name of fun. Norn Animal Forms changed to an elite kit/toggle as an example. With mounts wvw raven dash would not be op and we have healers now so bear would not be too tanky. The game is getting old. Think outside the box.

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@Brother.1504 said:

@"Dante.1508" said:People have been asking for racial updates for 7 years, sadly Anet just ignores these things.

The racials is just fluff abilities. If they became stronger, they would lead to people rolling only that race or having it demanded by raids. Anet have been quick to nerf racials if they became too good.

True, locking actually useful skills behind races miiiight have been barely acceptable if done on release*, but not 7 years later. At this point it would be unacceptable.

*probably still not, though

I would argue the opposite point. The game is in a very different place in its life cycle. Now may be the perfect time to revisit early balance design in the name of fun. Norn Animal Forms changed to an elite kit/toggle as an example. With mounts wvw raven dash would not be op and we have healers now so bear would not be too tanky. The game is getting old. Think outside the box.

What OP suggested was a kit that's pretty much a 3rd weapon swap option. From my understanding what people agreeing with that want to have something substantial/viable as a racial skill, probably something that could find its way into the meta. Now if all you want is just a reworked skill that in reality would be as useless as it currently is, then by all means, I have nothing against it. It's just that at that point... why even bother? It'd be a waste of devs' time and you might as well just use some combat tonic in its place.

tl;dr: Rework racial skills into something actually strong? Nope, way too late. Rework them into something that's still useless "for fun"? Waste of time, but I'm not anet so what do I know about their priorities.

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