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Raven's Sanctum: shrine puzzle?

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I was wondering of there was a way to light all of the Shrines found in Raven's Sanctum? And if so, how and what secret does doing so reveal? :)

I've tried several times, but ~3 of them always remain unlit.

Edit: I am certain there is a hidden room there somewhere (the undead giant could be a hint?), likely entered by the Raven statue holding the key chain in its beak...

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:I don’t think there is and there doesn’t appear to be a need to unless it’s part of some hidden achievement nobody has discovered yet.

That's what I was referring to when I wrote "secret".

@Ayrilana.1396 said:It lights your way and prevents the shadow thing from attacking you and giving you chill.

I know that, thank you. It still doesn't answer my question. ;)

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@"Ayrilana.1396" said:I don’t think there is and there doesn’t appear to be a need to
unless it’s part of some hidden achievement nobody has discovered yet

That's what I was referring to when I wrote "secret".

Unless there’s a third totem near the end that you can activate, I’m not sure if it’s possible to light those last few.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@"ugrakarma.9416" said:the one with mirror before library give odd boon different from light boom one, i still not understand his purpose.

It lights your way and prevents the shadow thing from attacking you and giving you chill.

this is the first boon a "blue light" icon, but theres a unamed second one with a green icon(i cant remember which exactly the picture is) when u use the mirror thing before the library. its also expires near library entrance, u can have the 2 at same time,, but this second one had no clear purpose, if not a "secret" is probably a unfinished/abandoned content. Also when u pass mouse over it, its just show a timer, not the effects description.

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I’ll have to look after reset today. I know of the totem at the beginning and there’s another further ahead where you make a left turn. I’m not sure if it gives a green buff or not as I never paid attention.

Unless you’re referring to something that’s not along the path you take to the library.

Edit: Colors also refer to the different spirits with green being wolverine. Are all of the shrines in there Raven?

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:I’ll have to look after reset today. I know of the totem at the beginning and there’s another further ahead where you make a left turn. I’m not sure if it gives a green buff or not as I never paid attention.

I have found four totems, but perhaps there is a combiation/specific order in which you have to activate them? It's really curious.

Are all of the shrines in there Raven?


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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@Ayrilana.1396 said:I’ll have to look after reset today. I know of the totem at the beginning and there’s another further ahead where you make a left turn. I’m not sure if it gives a green buff or not as I never paid attention.

I have found four totems, but perhaps there is a combiation/specific order in which you have to activate them? It's really curious.

Are all of the shrines in there Raven?


Four totems between the first room and the second?

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@"ugrakarma.9416" said:i cant find the purpose of this room because the "green icon effect" time expires before the library too.

As mentioned before, the undead giant might be a hint. Also, there is a lit Raven statue after the second trial that is holding a key chain in its beak.

@Ayrilana.1396 said:Well now I know what I’m doing when I get home.

Heh heh, good luck! And keep us posted. :)

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@Vinceman.4572 said:Hidden achievements can be detected with gw2efficiency if I'm not mistaken but there isn't one as it seems.

A hidden cheeve won't show up on efficiency until at least one registered player has completed it, but . . .

@"ugrakarma.9416" said:if not a "secret" is probably a unfinished/abandoned content.

My money is on this ;)

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@"Ayrilana.1396" said:You may need more than one person since we can't use skills and that shadow giving chill is annoying.

its seems that other ppl in same instance become invisible just like our npc companions in that area, anyway u can see their mini's running around. its point to a "cheap" mechanic used by the devs, they just give invisible to our npcs, they had not really "dissapeared". i wonder if chat is off too, because i cant remember if i see any map activity while im on the instance.

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@ugrakarma.9416 said:

@"Ayrilana.1396" said:You may need more than one person since we can't use skills and that shadow giving chill is annoying.

its seems that other ppl in same instance become invisible just like our npc companions in that area, anyway u can see their mini's running around. its point to a "cheap" mechanic used by the devs, they just give invisible to our npcs, they had not really "dissapeared". i wonder if chat is off too, because i cant remember if i see any map activity while im on the instance.

What about in the story instance?

Has anyone gotten that last raven statue/shrine to light up? I'm wondering if you need a specific number of the lights to hit it.

It's also peculiar that you get the additional unnamed buff mentioned with a countdown timer the second an orb bounces off the mirror and touches a statue/shine.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@ugrakarma.9416 said:its seems that other ppl in same instance become invisible just like our npc companions in that area, [...]What about in the story instance?


Has anyone gotten that last raven statue/shrine to light up? I'm wondering if you need a specific number of the lights to hit it.

I'm assuming you need a specific order in which to activate the statues. Like I stated, I've tried several but a couple of shrines would remain unlit (don't recall the exact number). :/ There are only four statues one can activate in that first section, correct?

It's also peculiar that you get the additional unnamed buff mentioned with a countdown timer the second an orb bounces off the mirror and touches a statue/shine.

Yeah. It would be great if a dev could tell us whether this is abandoned, unfinished content or not...

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@Perisemiotics.4579 said:since it's an expanding map there's always a chance they'll add to it next release, like the puzzles/collections in SW.

That would be great, but I doubt it, because they said each episode would be dedicated to a different Spirit of the Wild, no? Or perhaps I'm mistaken and they were merely referring to the Masteries.

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