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Needs stat progression


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Either need stat progression, which allows better player to get the win deserved, instead of getting 11/1 and still lose because team can't win a single fight without you, making the game unfun and unwinnable for good player, which is why most good player quit.

Or Half overall sustain, for currently it's too forgiving to play,but then people would abuse mechanics like teleport and stealth, so in respond to the second option of halfing overall sustain, there's already 3 specs for every class, some how teleport is still not accessible for all classes, give teleport access to all classes(also making balance less difficult, for all classes having this mechanic) and nerf stealth.


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Stat based progression:

No, because the current stats aren’t really reflective of how well you are doing. Stats shouldn’t shape gameplay when it’s hard to tell if that stat makes you a “good” player.

On sustain:

We already have people exploding and you want to cut sustain but not damage? I believe the idea was to cut both in the upcoming balance patch. So you may get this much of what you want.

On stealth and teleports:

No, because professions are balanced around their abilities now. Unless you can point out a specific profession that needs a teleport to improve its balance or a specific ability that shouldn’t have stealth or should apply less stealth, I don’t think your suggestion is sufficiently thought out.

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I love when 2 people go home and one goes far leaving 2v4 mid or when u go home and ur team loses mid team fight than continually feeds mid after while u either try and decap sides or go mid to help to be 1v3 or 4 cuz all ur team is dead and spawing within seconds after u get to mid, or ur on a node capping with no resistance and a ally comes to stand next to u while rest of teams outnumbered, than is toxic to the team saying their noobs, or being constantly outnumbered cuz ur teammates lose every fight, god the list goes on and is why the rank system being dependent on ur team performance and not ur own is garbage. I'm no great player, far from it but see this stuff all the time.

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@Lighter.5631 said:Either need stat progression, which allows better player to get the win deserved, instead of getting 11/1 and still lose because team can't win a single fight without you, making the game unfun and unwinnable for good player, which is why most good player quit.

Or Half overall sustain, for currently it's too forgiving to play,but then people would abuse mechanics like teleport and stealth, so in respond to the second option of halfing overall sustain, there's already 3 specs for every class, some how teleport is still not accessible for all classes, give teleport access to all classes(also making balance less difficult, for all classes having this mechanic) and nerf stealth.


Stat progression, teleports for everyone, nerf stealth.... 6/10, the troll is too obvious. Try harder next time, you're disrespecting the art form.

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@Mbelch.9028 said:Most of the time you feel like your team only wins with you because you are helping them zerg, outnumbering the enemies. In reality, people who think like this are the problem with SPvP.

Untrue, my team often loses even i win every single 1v1 and holds multiple 1v2 without dieing for a duration of time or even wins 1v2 multiple times.and also the team fights i'm in are even numbered ( i know how to look at mini map)

@saerni.2584 said:Stat based progression:

No, because the current stats aren’t really reflective of how well you are doing. Stats shouldn’t shape gameplay when it’s hard to tell if that stat makes you a “good” player.

u misunderstood, by stat based, i mean power/precision/etc aka item based, aka the more people u kill and less u die you get stronger item so you get to kill enemy faster.

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@Lighter.5631 said:

@Mbelch.9028 said:Most of the time you feel like your team only wins with you because you are helping them zerg, outnumbering the enemies. In reality, people who think like this are the problem with SPvP.

Untrue, my team often loses even i win every single 1v1 and holds multiple 1v2 without dieing for a duration of time or even wins 1v2 multiple times.and also the team fights i'm in are even numbered ( i know how to look at mini map)

@saerni.2584 said:Stat based progression:

No, because the current stats aren’t really reflective of how well you are doing. Stats shouldn’t shape gameplay when it’s hard to tell if that stat makes you a “good” player.

u misunderstood, by stat based, i mean power/precision/etc aka item based, aka the more people u kill and less u die you get stronger item so you get to kill enemy faster.

Just play LoL

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@Lighter.5631 said:

@Mbelch.9028 said:Most of the time you feel like your team only wins with you because you are helping them zerg, outnumbering the enemies. In reality, people who think like this are the problem with SPvP.

Untrue, my team often loses even i win every single 1v1 and holds multiple 1v2 without dieing for a duration of time or even wins 1v2 multiple times.and also the team fights i'm in are even numbered ( i know how to look at mini map)

@"saerni.2584" said:Stat based progression:

No, because the current stats aren’t really reflective of how well you are doing. Stats shouldn’t shape gameplay when it’s hard to tell if that stat makes you a “good” player.

u misunderstood, by stat based, i mean power/precision/etc aka item based, aka the more people u kill and less u die you get stronger item so you get to kill enemy faster.

Do you have videos of your play, then? If your teams are losing while you're winning every 1v1, every outnumbered situation and every teamfight, then your rotations are the problem.

Also, this is a pointless thread because it's a horrible idea. Stat progression means no "down" team will be able to come back and could be super exploitable.

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