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Easy PVe class that is durable


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@Fat Disgrace.4275 said:

@Fat Disgrace.4275 said:Open world pve? All classes/builds are.

We need more posts like this in here.

Well, come on lol. You can do open world pretty much nude. HoT mobs do hurt a bit though

Do you feel better writing crap like that? Anyone who understands the game already knows that, but threads like this one are made by players that are new or just struggle for whatever reason. Repeating "anything works in ow!11!1" helps nobody, so not sure what's the point of writing that. If OP agreed "anything works for him", he wouldn't ask the question he did.

...and it looks like you didn't even read the first post.

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@Sobx.1758 said:

@Fat Disgrace.4275 said:Open world pve? All classes/builds are.

We need more posts like this in here.

Well, come on lol. You can do open world pretty much nude. HoT mobs do hurt a bit though

Do you feel better writing kitten like that? Anyone who understands the game already knows that, but threads like this one are made by players that are new or just struggle for whatever reason. Repeating "anything works in ow!11!1" helps nobody, so not sure what's the point of writing that. If OP agreed "anything works or him", he wouldn't ask the question he did.

...and it looks like you didn't even read the first post.

Feel better? Why would I feel better? OP asked what classes are easy and durable for pve, they all are, right?

Ok so op is returning and asked what works, he asked the question just then and a few of us said pretty much the same thing that everything does. Only matters for high end frqctals and raids.

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@Fat Disgrace.4275 said:

@Fat Disgrace.4275 said:Open world pve? All classes/builds are.

We need more posts like this in here.

Well, come on lol. You can do open world pretty much nude. HoT mobs do hurt a bit though

Do you feel better writing kitten like that? Anyone who understands the game already knows that, but threads like this one are made by players that are new or just struggle for whatever reason. Repeating "anything works in ow!11!1" helps nobody, so not sure what's the point of writing that. If OP agreed "anything works or him", he wouldn't ask the question he did.

...and it looks like you didn't even read the first post.

Feel better? Why would I feel better?

I don't know why would you feel better, but I also don't know why you think "everything works in ow!" helps OP in any way. I just don't see a better explanation for the "answer" you gave.

OP asked what classes are easy and durable for pve, they all are, right?

Except he said what he wants from the class and what he didn't like, which is why it seems you didn't read his post, but instead just jumped in with "everything works in ow" after reading the title.

Ok so op is returning and asked what works, he asked the question just then and a few of us said pretty much the same thing that everything does. Only matters for high end frqctals and raids.

Yeah, ok, he didn't ask what works.

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@Sobx.1758 said:

@Fat Disgrace.4275 said:Open world pve? All classes/builds are.

We need more posts like this in here.

Well, come on lol. You can do open world pretty much nude. HoT mobs do hurt a bit though

Do you feel better writing kitten like that? Anyone who understands the game already knows that, but threads like this one are made by players that are new or just struggle for whatever reason. Repeating "anything works in ow!11!1" helps nobody, so not sure what's the point of writing that. If OP agreed "anything works or him", he wouldn't ask the question he did.

...and it looks like you didn't even read the first post.

Feel better? Why would I feel better?

I don't know why would you feel better, but I also don't know why you think "everything works in ow!" helps OP in any way. I just don't see a better explanation for the "answer" you gave.

OP asked what classes are easy and durable for pve, they all are, right?

Except he said what he wants from the class and what he didn't like, which is why it seems you didn't read his post, but instead just jumped in with "everything works in ow" after reading the title.

Ok so op is returning and asked what works, he asked the question just then and a few of us said pretty much the same thing that everything does. Only matters for high end frqctals and raids.

Yeah, ok, he didn't ask what works.

He sure as hell didn't ask what fails neither.

Yeah ok I came across a bit salty and rude, but there sorts of things shouldn't really need to be asked, you play the game for fun and enjoyment or to relax, not something that is too easy you get bored too quickly or there is no reason at all to play. None of knew when we first played what was easy/durable which is pretty much what op is asking, he wants to keep it simple until he is ready to learn other rotations?

Anyway I'd say ranger or may ranged weapon sets guardian.

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@thepenmonster.3621 said:

@reddie.5861 said:1111111111111

Please. The proper way to Thief is to p/p 333 and then run away until your initiative comes back.

As a general rule of thumb, @Vicus.5841 : Every profession down the left hand side are what you're looking for.

Play Deadeye with Maleficent Seven and you never run out of initiative so perma-3333. Just gotta press F2 - > 1 or Shadow Meld to stealth attack to reset malice after every 4-5 Unloads. That's pretty much the ultimate kiting single-target build. :3

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@"Sobx.1758" said:Do you feel better writing kitten like that? Anyone who understands the game already knows that, but threads like this one are made by players that are new or just struggle for whatever reason.

It's an old problem with every MMO I've ever played but it's excessive in GW2's online community for some reason. Possibilities for it are...

1) Bragging about skill. But if it was a way to brag about their level of skill it fails miserably: "I'm good at something even a monkey can do. Why aren't you at the same level as a monkey like I am?" An utter lack of self-awareness is common in most gamers so I wouldn't dismiss it.

Other options:

2) It's meant to make new players feel bad about their relative lack of skill and knowledge about how the game works. Gamers are generally casually petty and cruel like this so I'd put my money on this one.

3) It's part of an ongoing campaign to neg the devs into focusing on content they prefer like fractals, PvP, and raids. This would seem nuts from the outside but if you watch the forums and Reddit enough you'll notice the regulars are a very well-baked pecan pie.

4) Trying to spread personal misery. Some folks can never see a smile on someone's face that they don't want to immediately wipe off. Another strong contender.

To sum up: Eff 'em.

@LadyKitty.6120 said:Play Deadeye with Maleficent Seven and you never run out of initiative so perma-3333. Just gotta press F2 - > 1 or Shadow Meld to stealth attack to reset malice after every 4-5 Unloads. That's pretty much the ultimate kiting single-target build. :3

Now why would I do something that cheesy? Aside from it being really easy to play? And helping me get past trash mobs quickly? And generally making play time more fun?

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  • 2 years later...
On 2/15/2020 at 4:37 AM, Pirogen.9561 said:

Mesmer Mirage:

  • cheap to make:
  • variation:


  • just burn stuff:


To anyone viewing this in the future the Mesmer builds still work as advertized. The Flamethrower Scrapper just took a hard nerf with EoD due to changes in Barrier generation. 

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