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@"Gwaihir.1745" said:This is a great of example of learning how to actually increase your damage with burst. Any class will pull these numbers if you 12345 a dolyak.

lol.. uhuh.. should be a given that I wasn't really trying to put out the highest possible numbers, cuz its also a given I wouldn't be fighting target dummies on the roam, but heck what do I know right? Guess for some people it must be convenient walking around fighting target dummies all day who they can easily outplay. Unfortunately some of us have to fight real people every once in a while.. >___~"

Just taking a look at base numbers, the core damage is just too low to even justify running around in full zerk, which is the highest power damage gear set out there .. going against what? a guy in Dire and Trailblazer's sporting a core of 3k+ armor, 20k+ hp and comeptitive output in condition damage.. not even counting boons like protection.. fights is not just a question of skill..

I don't understand why they didn't tone down condition damage given they had the "foresight" to nerf cleanses. but meh, it was expected considering their track record the past 7 years, maybe someday they'll fix it.. or not, who cares at this point really.. xD

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This is because NPCs have a much higher health and armor than players, but get outplayed by player skill which is why people could solo camps. Now after the damage nerf, the defensive strength of NPCs is really being felt.

I think its fine, NPCs were basically nothing to players before, now they're something.

EDIT:As for other players, I'm still doing 4k crits sometimes even on my support set, despite the imagination that the entire meta is now people running around with bunker Condition Damage builds, there's no actual evidence of this. Many of them are still running the same builds they always ran, which includes alot of full glass Power players, like yourself. Its just that some people blew the dust off their existing, shelved characters (like Necros) that were mostly already set up that way, in the hopes they would be effective again, and they are.

When something is actually played, as opposed to not, the game is better for it.

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I cant believe they have not touched Trailblazer and Dire stats yet. That's a huge problem, and post patch peeps are reaching for it again because now power damage is so weak.

Our characters have to last longer because the fights are now much longer, and condi bunker does this the best and is the easiest to play.

I was landing 1.5k tier 3 Eviscerates, with a 3 stack of Berserker's Power, and Destruction of the Empowered, and these bunker types do not even make the effort to dodge them. Pretty pathetic. Throw in tanky food, and Protection and most power builds stand little chance.

It might not be the entire meta, but at least pre-patch we could actually kill the tankier specs in a reasonable amount of time.

You even have people running dedicated support with condi bunkers.

When Spellbreaker f1's get adjusted you will see a lot more complaints. Warrior feels pretty weak so far.

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@sneakytails.5629 said:I cant believe they have not touched Trailblazer and Dire stats yet. That's a huge problem, and post patch peeps are reaching for it again because now power damage is so weak.

Our characters have to last longer because the fights are now much longer, and condi bunker does this the best and is the easiest to play.

I was landing 1.5k tier 3 Eviscerates, with a 3 stack of Berserker's Power, and Destruction of the Empowered, and these bunker types do not even make the effort to dodge them. Pretty pathetic. Throw in tanky food, and Protection and most power builds stand little chance.

It might not be the entire meta, but at least pre-patch we could actually kill the tankier specs in a reasonable amount of time.

You even have people running dedicated support with condi bunkers.

When Spellbreaker f1's get adjusted you will see a lot more complaints. Warrior feels pretty weak so far.

Tanky build should counter glass cannon build, it's just history of MMO. Ever heard of rock paper scissors?Trailblazer and dire stats are fine. They should lower condi stack and duration so condis work but takes quite some time to kill.In the end, condi tank should kill most glass given proper time. But its target could run or avoid fight.

Full power builds have dominated everything for too long.Now, it's possible that they have gone too far in coef nerf.

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If only power didn't need 3 stats to effectively deal damage.. maybe they should flip it around and require condi to require 3 stats to put out effective damage.. hehehe.. >:D

Edit: There's also the matter of condition damage having no mitigating stat line.. honestly there's lots to think about.. doesn't justify current state tho.. ~___~"

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@Aigleborgne.2981 said:

@sneakytails.5629 said:I cant believe they have not touched Trailblazer and Dire stats yet. That's a huge problem, and post patch peeps are reaching for it again because now power damage is so weak.

Our characters have to last longer because the fights are now much longer, and condi bunker does this the best and is the easiest to play.

I was landing 1.5k tier 3 Eviscerates, with a 3 stack of Berserker's Power, and Destruction of the Empowered, and these bunker types do not even make the effort to dodge them. Pretty pathetic. Throw in tanky food, and Protection and most power builds stand little chance.

It might not be the entire meta, but at least pre-patch we could actually kill the tankier specs in a reasonable amount of time.

You even have people running dedicated support with condi bunkers.

When Spellbreaker f1's get adjusted you will see a lot more complaints. Warrior feels pretty weak so far.

Tanky build should counter glass cannon build, it's just history of MMO. Ever heard of rock paper scissors?Trailblazer and dire stats are fine. They should lower condi stack and duration so condis work but takes quite some time to kill.In the end, condi tank should kill most glass given proper time. But its target could run or avoid fight.

Full power builds have dominated everything for too long.Now, it's possible that they have gone too far in coef nerf.

What kills fulltank condis then in your game of rock paper scissors?Other fulltank condis? Thats not how rock paper scissors works.

My biggest crit on warrior so far was in a duel vs a full berserker thief. 11k arcing slice. But spellbreaker is still bugged and uses the old coefficients for f1 skills, except for hammer, that one they fixed facepalm

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