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200g for a reward track


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On 7/10/2021 at 11:28 PM, Sobx.1758 said:

Then what are you asking for? What exactly is your point/wish here?


So every time you buy anything from ingame npcs (or trade any ingame currency for anything else, which is still "buying"), you're absolutely shattered because you had to spend ingame currency for ingame stuff in an mmorpg? And if you're not then that makes you a "mobile games generation person that buys the reward"?  🤔  



My point is, for the 100th time,  "buying a reward" makes no sense. This "reward" is a disgused gemstore item. After I said this 100 times, yet you still don't get it because now you're calling me that, surely clarifies that you have no idea what mobile game trends are and how a generation got poisoned by it. 



On 7/11/2021 at 12:13 AM, Obtena.7952 said:

Except there is no reason for the 'gov't to destroy this business practice. It's how lots of businesses work and it's not unreasoanble for them to do so. Businesses create content, people can buy it. That's true in an MMO, it's true of many industries. The premise that it's unreasonable for a business to sell you content or access to that content is absurd, so your view of what is happening here is making you look very entitled. 


I honestly don't get what is enraging you here. Anet created content that they charge a price for. What is so unreasonable about that? 


Govts don't need immidiate reasons. Parents and families do, more they know and raise voice about it,  more govt will see this as an issue and do something about it. Like how lootboxes the innocent "surprise mechanics according to EA ceo" are gambling now in the Europe.

I'm not enraged, I'm just gathering feedback and content from people's reactions.


On 7/11/2021 at 1:08 AM, Telgum.6071 said:

What a cringe community. Anet is trying to make money, our governments shouldn't allow it.


I knew the WvW subforum was ridiculous but this is too much.




Everyone here that I see, doing their best to keep their inner rage as tamed as possible. But you're the first one to quote text with a screenshot.

Don't forget to print that.


On 7/11/2021 at 7:03 AM, Manasa Devi.7958 said:

I'm definitely not a "mobile games generation person". I started playing games in the late 70s. Yet,  I'm perfectly fine with how this game handles things, because I bring my own sensibilities to it and stick with them. You can do that. One of my gaming principles is to never pay real money for anything in-game related. Not because I'm cheap, but because I strongly feel that buying your way defeats the purpose of gaming as I've been doing for over 4 decades. I've never spent a penny on this game other than to buy the base game and its expansions.


This reward track is the same as anything else in the game: gather resources, spend resources, receive benefit. I don't see even a hint of a problem. Any real non-"mobile games generation person" shouldn't have a problem. So what is your actual problem? Too much effort earning 200 gold?






Mad respect. because you're not paying for microtransactions. 200g is nothing to me, admittedly, I've given 110 quids to anet once to buy a legendary for my wife. My problem is the gaming companies acting like lobbyists and washing consumers' brains with ideas like "buying a reward is ok"  thanks to the magic of marketing. When people come to me with arguments like "Anet has to make some money they are not making enough money"  I mean, their CEO's net worth is almost as much as Ubisoft's budget.


It's hard to compare GW2 with games like m.u.d, surely how the games made and sold is different today but the market is the same. So., a question, as a person who experienced that era better than me, can you compare the video game crash of 1983 with the events going on in the gaming industry's last 15 years? Don't you think the events are somewhat similar but suppressed?


8 hours ago, littlekenny.5901 said:

WvW players don't get much gold but PvE players do.

WvW players get lots of badges of honor but PvE players don't.

Why not make a WvW reward track cost more badges of honor and less gold?



Edited by artharon.9276
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8 minutes ago, artharon.9276 said:

My point is, for the 100th time,  "buying a reward" makes no sense. This "reward" is a disgused gemstore item. After I said this 100 times, yet you still don't get it because now you're calling me that, surely clarifies that you have no idea what mobile game trends are and how a generation got poisoned by it.

You're not buying a reward. And it's not a gemstore item. So if that's all, I guess you really have no valid points and just cry for the sake of crying. Oh well.


8 minutes ago, artharon.9276 said:


Ah yes, people pretending "wvw", "pvp" and "pve" modes are separate games, so if you play one, you're magically locked out of the other. Trying to use "pve players can, but wvw can't!" in place of an argument is hilarious 🙃 


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19 minutes ago, artharon.9276 said:


My point is, for the 100th time,  "buying a reward" makes no sense.

Sure, but you aren't buying a reward. You are buying access to content that has rewards in it. 


No government will see this as an issue, because paying for access to content is a VERY old and established form of economy. 

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2 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

Sure, but you aren't buying a reward. You are buying access to content that has rewards in it. 


No government will see this as an issue, because paying for access to content is a VERY old and established form of economy. 

I heard this exact same thing about lootboxes 10 years ago. Cutting content to increase profits is a not an old and deffinitely not a future proof form of economy.

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16 minutes ago, artharon.9276 said:

I heard this exact same thing about lootboxes 10 years ago. Cutting content to increase profits is a not an old and deffinitely not a future proof form of economy.

No you didn't heard this exact same thing, because buying a lootbox with random items in it is NOT the same as buying access to content, which is what the Warclaw track is. 

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On 7/12/2021 at 11:07 PM, artharon.9276 said:

attempt #101

Guildrider Warclaw Skin Reward Track (service item)

if you easily get mad with others' opinion, then it's your personal issue.


Yes, the system used in wvw is called reward track. It doesn't mean you're "buying a reward" (attempt #101, because multiple people already wrote that), it means you're getting access to the "reward track", which isn't an equivalent of "buying a reward". It's just a name of a system implemented in the game mode.

When I see someone pointlessly cry and I point that out, it doesn't somehow make me "mad", so no worries, all is fine on this side of the screen. 


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10 minutes ago, artharon.9276 said:


and that content is a pvp mode reward.

No, that content is NOT a pvp mode reward. The content is the track and what you are paying for is ACCESS to do the track.  The rewards are only things you get when you complete the content. 


I get you are trying hard to paint this like it's exceptional, but everything in the game is like this. You pay for access to content and you do the content and you get the items that are associated as rewards for doing that content. This track is no different. In fact, this is no different than ANY OTHER Media content you can pay to access online or even IRL.  

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1 minute ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Yes, the system used in wvw is called WvW. It doesn't mean you're "buying a reward" (attempt #101, because multiple people already wrote that), it means you're getting access to the "reward track", which isn't an equivalent of "buying a reward". It's just a name of a system implemented in the game mode.

When I see someone pointlessly cry and I point that out, it doesn't somehow make me "mad", so no worries, all is fine on this side of the screen. 



I just read a block of bla blas really. People complain when something is not just, deal with it. 

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5 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

No, it's not. The content is not the reward. The content is the track. The Rewards are only things you get when you complete the content. 


I get you are trying hard to paint this like it's exceptional, but everything in the game is like this. You pay for access to content and you do the content and you get the items that are associated as rewards for doing that content. This track is no different. 


I'm not painting it. It's the fact. this action, selling a pvp reward track, which is a forced black market items package deal, is first of its kind. If there's another mmo, especially a western mmo sells their pvp related items for this much money, I'd like to know it.

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4 minutes ago, artharon.9276 said:


I'm not painting it. It's the fact. 

No, selling a pvp reward track is not selling rewards because you have to do the content of the track to get the reward. There is no way to twist that to your narrative that Anet is employing some nefarious approach to tricking people into spending money on the game.  Anet is not the first game dev to sell access to content. 

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11 minutes ago, artharon.9276 said:


I just read a block of bla blas really. People complain when something is not just, deal with it. 

You say you "Read a block of bla blas really", because you clearly have nothing relevant to say and your tears are unreasonable. Sure, some people complain when something is not just, but this is clearly not one of those cases.

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4 minutes ago, artharon.9276 said:


ok. the other game that sells pvp achievement related rewards please?

I don't know any ... INCLUDING Anet because Anet isn't selling PVP achievement related rewards by selling you access to content, like reward tracks.

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1 minute ago, Sobx.1758 said:

You say you "Read a block of bla blas really", because you clearly have nothing relevant to say and your tears are unreasonable. Sure, some people complain when something is not just, but this is clearly not one of those cases.

I already said what I had to say, you insulted it by saying it's crying. To me it's unnecesary to discuss with you.

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1 minute ago, artharon.9276 said:

I already said what I had to say, you insulted it by saying it's crying. To me it's unnecesary to discuss with you.

You keep repeating the same thing since the moment you started posting here, you have nothing valid to respond, so you retort to repeating "it's CALLED REWARD! And you PAY for the track, so you BUY THE REWARD" (no, you don't) interchangable with "omg mobile gaming generation!". Pretending you're not responding because you got insulted by calling your posts "crying" just doesn't really work how 😕

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2 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

You keep repeating the same thing since the moment you started posting here, you have nothing valid to respond, so you retort to repeating "it's CALLED REWARD! And you PAY for the track, so you BUY THE REWARD" (no, you don't) interchangable with "omg mobile gaming generation!". Pretending you're not responding because you got insulted by calling your posts "crying" just doesn't really work how 😕


Look who's complaining now.

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1 hour ago, artharon.9276 said:

It's hard to compare GW2 with games like m.u.d, surely how the games made and sold is different today but the market is the same. So., a question, as a person who experienced that era better than me, can you compare the video game crash of 1983 with the events going on in the gaming industry's last 15 years? Don't you think the events are somewhat similar but suppressed?

I never felt anything of the 1983 crash, though I have read about it. I was too young to be bothered with economic trends anyway. I think it was mostly to do with 1st generation consoles, primarily the Atari 2600, losing consumer appeal. I used to have one and switched to "home computers" early on. First, a VIC-20, and soon after a Commodore 64. I got my C64 in the very same 1983, coincidentally, or perhaps not. Many people I knew were buying it at the time so maybe we were part of the cause for the crash.


The quality of games for the Atari had become quite terrible over the years and I had stopped buying them well before 1983. I was fortunate to have a video rental store near me that also rented out Atari games so I never fell victim to buying a dud, but I played plenty of rented ones for just a week, and made do with the ones I collected over the early years. The C64 pretty much conquered the world and the games on offer were so much better than late Atari stuff, it was frankly no contest.


So, I don't think there is much similarity between then and now. One of the problems in '83 I remember seeing covered in a documentary was an enormous amount of unsold stock. That's a problem that will probably rarely exist again in the age of software downloads.

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10 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

I don't know any ... INCLUDING Anet because Anet isn't selling PVP achievement related rewards by selling you access to content, like reward tracks.


I don't think I'm the only one thinks that way, I spent most of my time in mmos in wvw type of pvp modes. What I observed is, these people take enormous pride in their work., they want their ranks or kills or efforts to get rewarded.


Look at the design of it. wvw mount skin that has guild symbol on it. It doesn't glow or spread particles, it's surely designed for teams. Then, you see a vendor that sells its track. Everyone should see the pattern here. It's obvously a rushed last minute change to monetize wvw. And it's low.


again, I understand what your point clearly,

What I say will remain the same, however. It's the first of its kind, and a total shame.



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15 minutes ago, artharon.9276 said:


I don't think I'm the only one thinks that way,

It's not relevant how you think here because there isn't anything subjective about what you are getting for 200g here.  It's VERY clear it's not reward. It's access to a reward track, which is the same as any other content Anet could  and has sold us.  I mean, the offense you take to this makes no sense, because it's the same approach Anet selling you an expansion that has content in it that you do to get rewards from completiting as well. You just aren't applying your logic in an honest way ... and it's obvious you're doing so in a specific manner to express discontent with this particular bit of content and it's reward. 


I mean, I don't have a problem if you will continue to misrepresent what Anet is selling you for 200g. I'm here to make it clear to other people what this 200g ACTUALLY gets them, regardless of how you want to label or spin it, considering the difficulty you are exhibiting to honesty do so yourself. 

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