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Is it time to pull the new patch, and re think this ?


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No it's a great patch, they destroyed mirage like everyone wanted, they added a gold sink because wvw players were overburdened with gold, they gave run speed aura from mounts to help your friends with their cardio exercises, they added a new mount skin, they added another mount skin which you also get extra stuff like clovers which you can't sell but is worth a lot of gold (hence why the gold sink to offset it!), they made it so people have to cast cc or damage skills separately. Best time line for wvw. Please stop complaining and let people enjoy gloating and using the forums to praise changes.

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@Jugglemonkey.8741 said:I actually don't have a problem with the patch so far. Sure, some of my builds don't work so well, but having to take damage lines for damage while cutting down on the instagib one shot builds is a good move imo. Basically no point taking acrobatics again, but hey, not the first time we've been there.

Uhhuh.. and a meta of Dire/Trailblazers and Minstrels/Nomads builds, spamming condi, boons and heals a fun, engaging and is a display of high skill-cap.. , not saying the previous meta was good, but we've seen the current meta already its been done.. and its worse now than its previous iteration.

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@eXruina.4956 said:

@"hayabusafmw.9370" said:Well... i'd need to re-install lol

Hahaha.. xD You made my morning friend, we need laughs in these dire times.. T___T)"

Glad i did. But sadly it's what has been going on over and over again.... Here we are 8 years later the core players being ripped off and force fed once more. Feeling not listened to and cheated and like a thief backstabbed. They always tend to do the opposite of everything we actually need. I do not even lie when i say. The game pre-patch was 1 million times better and felt almost perfect. It's what made me came back from my 1 year break. Condis was out of control and no fun. They brought a power meta and it was just once again fun!!. Now everything has slowed down and it's just a complete mess they won't be able to recover from sadly. Who ever took this decision clearly needs to look elsewhere for his future endavor.

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