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The Next Priority for WvW (an EU Prime time perspective)


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We have a balance patch that is working and being actively managed. Thumbs up. But there is a critical problem remaining to be addressed. It has existed for a very long time, and is now highlighted by the reduction in the number of tiers in EU-WvW : server quality is simply insufficient to support the fights that now exist during prime time EU.1) If there are 4 guild groups (20 people each) the game is unplayable. Two or three guild groups generally seems fine.2) If there are 3 map blobs (50 people each) the game is unplayable. Two map blobs fighting each other usually is fine.

Many people are happy with the active balance patching in competitive play and are returning to WvW thanks to this. We have also seen an influx of players working on the mount skin (although I would bet the price has muted the popularity, sadly) but most of this has now peaked. So the numbers we see in EU prime time are expected/hoped to be the stable, long term population. Now is NOT the time to be having server problems. If this is not fixed URGENTLY, then the WvW population will crash.

My guild's raid (usually a 2 hour event) tonight was cancelled after 1 hour because the usual comm was unable to lead effectively in the lag. We had good fights while we had 3 twenty-man groups fighting each other on the map, but when the fourth showed up, the proverbial energizer bunny ran out of juice.

And so I ask the powers that be to investigate server quality/issues with priority. I do not feel this is something that can wait until the next relink.

I urge my fellow WvW players to get on board with this request (this is the kind of bandwagon we really need :-) ). Please leave your guild and server names out of the thread and focus your constructive commentary on getting this problem noticed and addressed. Do not get lured into the trap of "match-up thread --- robo-moderator-lockup".

Thank you for your attention in this matter.

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Our Public's Raid tonight was also cancelled after around 1 1/2h (19:30-21:00 MET (normally 19:30-22:xx MET)). Most of our zerg (46 ppl) had been exhausted cause of the massive lags when we see one other zerg.. in the past there aren't these problems and we also had queues up till the moon (e.g. the warclaw event with q100+)Hopefully we can again fight in the future without these kind of lags.. would be awesome (:

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Remove quickness from game as a team buff XDCast as much quickness u can on Zerg, that will f” up most of enemies data...and client performance.

It will help wining, besides thats what wvw is atm, clever groups will spam quickness as much they can since combat speed and effect on players that need to render animations and receive faster data, things will get nasty enough on some ends.

It seams there’s a bottleneck somewhere and can’t be the local hardware since some people having performance issues are using 1gb lan on fiber connection to isp on a top notched i9.

Anet need more hamsters on those server or game client is the culprit...

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Please leave your guild and server names out of the thread and focus your constructive commentary on getting this problem noticed and addressed. Do not get lured into the trap of "match-up thread --- robo-moderator-lockup".

Thank you for your attention in this matter.

every fight between Elona and Piken are lag free respectively still playable.It ALWAYS starts lagging when desolation joins the table - EVERY time!

Don't flame / blame me for my post - its just my observation from the last 5 days.

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