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Other classes Nerf NEEDED


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@GewRoo.4172 said:

@wevh.2903 said:Quickness has far more utility than this trait xd

I mean, I asked about DE grandmasters in game and most people favor maleficent seven.

Might just be a preference.

Eh, the issue is that Quickness is good if you can burst well, but Rifle DE cant. Instead its more sustained DPS, where the boons and the initiative regain is better.

Deadeye with rifle can't burst well lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo what the kitten did you smoke mate i'll DJ you into oblivion and MB your kitten over there get out here

Ah yes, DJ. The skill that definitely isnt so telegraphed youll never hit it. And also totally doesnt require setup using several skills that dont hit very hard, like Three-Round Burst. Yeah that is totally good Burst. Its not like Core Engineer hits harder in less time, and thats not even a good build. Nah, Deadeye with Rifle cant burst well. Its good at sustained damage spamming Rifle 2.

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@"Tayga.3192" said:Ranger pets should be utility (blind, immob, chill, poison, cc on f2, boon rip, combo fields/finishers etc) only. Less damage, no random cc.

Core thief and daredevil stolen abilities should be adjusted a bit, as far as I noticed they are supposed to counter the classes they are stolen from but some of them are outdated. Guardian, ranger and warrior steal needs to be reworked. (nerf plasma pls)

Otherwise I don't see any problem FOR NOW in this meta.

funny thing is ranger pets WERE mostly utility before (wolf pet, drake cc) after the BM pet dmg nerf wayy back in the day and even got buffed and still aren't used because one pet outshines them (smokescale) and are now forced to run birds in off pet to produce any form of damage since low coefficients and constantly nerfed weapon sets. problem with birds is with aoe of FB , condi rev, etc your bird basically survives probably only 5seconds of the fight before getting nuked - means you need to run BM as core which takes out build options automatically since you need to run marks to produce any form of dmg even with zerker/marauder amulet since you can't pressure otherwise.

pet design is trash and should honestly be removed , give us full weapon coefficients and be done with it or:

  1. have it to where theyre invisible , you have access to their skills and you do "command calls" to do their skills, they come out , do them and then dissapear again - this would give us more abilities , then you can raise back dmg coefficients and actually have full control of everything
  2. have pets auto attack lower dmg, let us control all pet abilities

people will still complain but atleast the class would be somewhat more engaging.

they don't know how to balance ranger because 95% of the community is garbage at gw2 leaving 5% at the top (why the same peeps win monthly AT, those are the 5%). so you're left with shoddy design where rangers can't control pet skills even though they should thus making it annoying to fight against and deal with. lowers the skill ceiling of the class entirely.


the facts are this, if ranger was as good as the 20 threads random scrubs sitting in silver/gold have created implied, then it would be double ranger in top comps... not even 1 is represented anywhere in top level play.

it's fun to meme against bads with longbow with annoyingly situational wind ups for maximum dmg multipliers but it has no place in top tier atm in this current meta and it is a meme with no survivability..

you can have more survivability and convert ranger into a bruiser of course, buttttt d/f LR ele can do everything bruiser ranger does and has more sustain, consistent dmg uptime (not burst of course) and support and I think the only thing it lacks is roaming mobility (bird f1 -> swoop) over ranger and arguably only has maybe 1 bad matchup against FB. it's also more engaging and actually fun. they can't do balance like this with rangers. got more engaging viability with soulbeast in merging with 2 pets and using different skills - taken out and now can only use 1 dropping the ceiling even lower which is hard to do at this point with the class.

don't confuse this with me saying the class is just "bad" , it's decent, but it lacks the things that could make it meta over current classes and it's shoddy pet design and longbow design will always hinder it along with community bias because it's annoying to fight against.

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@Chaith.8256 said:People, my eyes roll into the back of my skull when multiple people respond with information why Thief or any active- defense class is not tanky.

Obviously the correct term they were looking for instead of tanky was survivable.

Thief is not very survivable either. I mean, Bunker Staff compared to a glass cannon build is, but compared to another bunker build, not so much, while regular thief is defined by being really bad at surviving without running away.

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@UNOwen.7132 said:

@"Chaith.8256" said:People, my eyes roll into the back of my skull when multiple people respond with information why Thief or any active- defense class is not tanky.

Obviously the correct term they were looking for instead of tanky was survivable.

Thief is not very survivable either. I mean, Bunker Staff compared to a glass cannon build is, but compared to another bunker build, not so much, while regular thief is defined by being
bad at surviving without running away.

Yooo I appreciate how you are throwing out those memes. Thief not survivable?!??!??!?!?? Excuse me? Considering I can focus on stealth, mobility and/or spamming evade chains there are multiple ways of surviving nearly every situation if I am aware of it lol. Then again you are trying to compare "regular" thief builds with bunker builds just to argue about tankiness again yikes.

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@Tayga.3192 said:Ranger pets should be utility (blind, immob, chill, poison, cc on f2, boon rip, combo fields/finishers etc) only. Less damage, no random cc.

Core thief and daredevil stolen abilities should be adjusted a bit, as far as I noticed they are supposed to counter the classes they are stolen from but some of them are outdated. Guardian, ranger and warrior steal needs to be reworked. (nerf plasma pls)

Otherwise I don't see any problem FOR NOW in this meta.

Reminder that Revenant or anyone with 16k health or less can get 2 shot by Essence Sap.

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@GewRoo.4172 said:

@"Chaith.8256" said:People, my eyes roll into the back of my skull when multiple people respond with information why Thief or any active- defense class is not tanky.

Obviously the correct term they were looking for instead of tanky was survivable.

Thief is not very survivable either. I mean, Bunker Staff compared to a glass cannon build is, but compared to another bunker build, not so much, while regular thief is defined by being
bad at surviving without running away.

Yooo I appreciate how you are throwing out those memes. Thief not survivable?!??!??!?!?? Excuse me? Considering I can focus on stealth, mobility and/or spamming evade chains there are multiple ways of surviving nearly every situation if I am aware of it lol. Then again you are trying to compare "regular" thief builds with bunker builds just to argue about tankiness again yikes.

Lets go over them. "Stealth". Oh please, do stealth up. I enjoy Thieves doing that, makes me get a lot of free damage in while they waste their cooldowns/resources. If you try to use stealth to survive, you just die against any half-competent player. "Mobility" unless youre running away (which I wouldnt consider "survivability"), mobility wont help you survive. "Spamming Evade Chains" see, funny thing that. Ignoring that most builds dont even have any evade skills, even the ones that do, they pale in comparision to Weavers evade spam. And Weaver is not the top of the survivability chain. If Thief is just a vastly inferior Weaver survivability-wise (it is), then it just doesnt have good survivability (as we know. Thats why thieves run away).

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@UNOwen.7132 said:

@"Chaith.8256" said:People, my eyes roll into the back of my skull when multiple people respond with information why Thief or any active- defense class is not tanky.

Obviously the correct term they were looking for instead of tanky was survivable.

Thief is not very survivable either. I mean, Bunker Staff compared to a glass cannon build is, but compared to another bunker build, not so much, while regular thief is defined by being
bad at surviving without running away.

Yooo I appreciate how you are throwing out those memes. Thief not survivable?!??!??!?!?? Excuse me? Considering I can focus on stealth, mobility and/or spamming evade chains there are multiple ways of surviving nearly every situation if I am aware of it lol. Then again you are trying to compare "regular" thief builds with bunker builds just to argue about tankiness again yikes.

Lets go over them. "Stealth". Oh please, do stealth up. I enjoy Thieves doing that, makes me get a lot of free damage in while they waste their cooldowns/resources. If you try to use stealth to survive, you just die against any half-competent player. "Mobility" unless youre running away (which I wouldnt consider "survivability"), mobility wont help you survive. "Spamming Evade Chains" see, funny thing that. Ignoring that most builds dont even have
evade skills, even the ones that do, they pale in comparision to Weavers evade spam. And Weaver is not the top of the survivability chain. If Thief is just a
inferior Weaver survivability-wise (it is), then it just doesnt have good survivability (as we know. Thats why thieves run away).

Thing u have to remember when arguing about thief's "tankymess" or survivability is these forums are notorious for new or unskilled players making claims that are obviously miss informed. When ever a thief times his dodges/evades skillfully and out plays his opponent the players immediately blames losing on 1 the amount of evades the thief has and 2 equats thief's evasion with tankyness for some odd reason, hell even staff/staff is glassy on a per hit basis especially compared to actually tanky classes. Then they run to forums to complain cuz.... they got out played and a sore loser.This community is the only community I've seen that thinks 5 sec blocks, periodic aegis gain, invulnerability and barriers all at a press of a button once pressured is more skillful than properly timing evades and dodges to preemptively avoid attacks, its honestly mind boggling.Another example is I guess it's more skillful to chain lock a player with hard cc's and spam ur burst skills on them or spam aoe condi fields than it is to combine smoke fields and HS to pop in and out of stealth during a fight, lining up attacks to the players back all while timing ur evades and dodges to not get double tapped lol

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