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PvP version for Signet of Courage

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This skill wasn't used on any above average build for the past 3 years. If you wanna take it you would play a support build I guess. Then you would obviously take firebrand which then again allows you to take the mantra which is a much better choice lol. Maybe it's in a better place right now after the overall damage nerf but I don't see how this is more than okayish. Big teamfights shouldn't be a thing in this meta and most builds have more than enough sustain to actually profit from such an AoE heal, especially if you consider the cool down.

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Lul if you cant interrupt a 1.25 cast you're bad. And not many run it anyways. Oh he has stability and quickness up to cast it? That's the sound of you being outplayed. He invested 3 skills to get off one, so get back on your horse and get back in the fight bubba.

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@Tharan.9085 said:

@Tharan.9085 said:I mean it has a 2.5s casttime and you can't even move during it. And the passive heal is quite kitten aswell.

and guardian has no access to quickness....

Because a 1.25s casttime is hard to interrupt, especially when the guard doesn't have as much access to stability bc he doesn't rune elite mantra

Blocks work well. Stab is just as likely to be corrupted as be useful. Also with 1200 range you can use positioning to get it off.

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@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@Faux Play.6104 said:Besides arguing counter play, give me the stats for the next closest skill in the game to this for healing.

If you want to argue health / second, I got about 20 heal skills that all does that better than this.

Assuming you can heal all 5 people for an average of 20k each. That is 100,000 health every 90 seconds. This with 0 investment in any healing rune, or signet recharge. That is 1100 health per second. Traited it is almost 1400. What skills out perform that?

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@Faux Play.6104 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@Faux Play.6104 said:Besides arguing counter play, give me the stats for the next closest skill in the game to this for healing.

If you want to argue health / second, I got about 20 heal skills that all does that better than this.

Assuming you can heal all 5 people for an average of 20k each. That is 100,000 health every 90 seconds. This with 0 investment in any healing rune, or signet recharge. That is 1100 health per second. Traited it is almost 1400. What skills out perform that?

So assuming everyone runs paladin and is sat at 1 up huddled together on one node?

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@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@Faux Play.6104 said:Besides arguing counter play, give me the stats for the next closest skill in the game to this for healing.

If you want to argue health / second, I got about 20 heal skills that all does that better than this.

Assuming you can heal all 5 people for an average of 20k each. That is 100,000 health every 90 seconds. This with 0 investment in any healing rune, or signet recharge. That is 1100 health per second. Traited it is almost 1400. What skills out perform that?

So assuming everyone runs paladin and is sat at 1 up huddled together on one node?

don't have to be very huddled with a 1200 radius.

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@Faux Play.6104 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@Faux Play.6104 said:Besides arguing counter play, give me the stats for the next closest skill in the game to this for healing.

If you want to argue health / second, I got about 20 heal skills that all does that better than this.

Assuming you can heal all 5 people for an average of 20k each. That is 100,000 health every 90 seconds. This with 0 investment in any healing rune, or signet recharge. That is 1100 health per second. Traited it is almost 1400. What skills out perform that?

So assuming everyone runs paladin and is sat at 1 up huddled together on one node?

don't have to be very huddled with a 1200 radius.

Still have to be five people on a single node. Or around the node.

Anyhow, there is no way this is a legit thread. No way you're not trolling

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@Faux Play.6104 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@Faux Play.6104 said:Besides arguing counter play, give me the stats for the next closest skill in the game to this for healing.

If you want to argue health / second, I got about 20 heal skills that all does that better than this.

Assuming you can heal all 5 people for an average of 20k each. That is 100,000 health every 90 seconds. This with 0 investment in any healing rune, or signet recharge. That is 1100 health per second. Traited it is almost 1400. What skills out perform that?

Yeah let me just bust out a completely unreal scenario here. Or at least that what you should have said.

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If you stop for 2.50 seconds or even 1.25, with 11,645 health, your dead.That skill, especially for being an elite is the most unused/contributes nothing to any fight skill guardian has.Maybe you could use it with a wvw zerg, but still wouldn't be contributing anything.Post patch all of guardians elite skills are meh, no elite has damage, the invuln is sub par, the heal isn't useful in any game mode, quickness is the only elite remotely useful, I think guardian could be played as efficiently without an elite as the time you spend on it you could be doing other things much more useful for your team/match/fight

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hi, thanks for making this thread, it's really opened my eyes to how incredibly broken signet of courage is. clearly this skill needs an emergency nerf before people realize its godlike healing potential.

however, i believe warrior's battle standard is a strong contender for the title of most op elite skill. consider this scenario: all four of your teammates have died bunkering a point. they're all necros or warriors, so their base health is 19,212. since downed health is 3x normal health, if you banner them, it heals for a total of 230,544. this is an average of 1,921 health per second with 0 healing power.

but wait, there's more. the map is khylo, and you are the best trebuchet user in the game, so you downed the whole enemy team on top of each other as they were trying to stomp. they're also necros and warriors, therefore when your battle standard finishes them, it deals the equivalent of 288,180 downstate damage. all this from a skill that only has a 2 second cast time and 180 second cooldown, 120 when picked up. don't forget it also pulses boons in a radius.

in summary, nerf trebuchet

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@Torqiseknite.1380 said:hi, thanks for making this thread, it's really opened my eyes to how incredibly broken signet of courage is. clearly this skill needs an emergency nerf before people realize its godlike healing potential.

however, i believe warrior's battle standard is a strong contender for the title of most op elite skill. consider this scenario: all four of your teammates have died bunkering a point. they're all necros or warriors, so their base health is 19,212. since downed health is 3x normal health, if you banner them, it heals for a total of 230,544. this is an average of 1,921 health per second with 0 healing power.

but wait, there's more. the map is khylo, and you are the best trebuchet user in the game, so you downed the whole enemy team on top of each other as they were trying to stomp. they're also necros and warriors, therefore when your battle standard finishes them, it deals the equivalent of 288,180 downstate damage. all this from a skill that only has a 2 second cast time and 180 second cooldown, 120 when picked up. don't forget it also pulses boons in a radius.

in summary, nerf trebuchet

Wow, you're right! I just now realized how truly broken the battle standard really is.

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@Torqiseknite.1380 said:hi, thanks for making this thread, it's really opened my eyes to how incredibly broken signet of courage is. clearly this skill needs an emergency nerf before people realize its godlike healing potential.

however, i believe warrior's battle standard is a strong contender for the title of most op elite skill. consider this scenario: all four of your teammates have died bunkering a point. they're all necros or warriors, so their base health is 19,212. since downed health is 3x normal health, if you banner them, it heals for a total of 230,544. this is an average of 1,921 health per second with 0 healing power.

but wait, there's more. the map is khylo, and you are the best trebuchet user in the game, so you downed the whole enemy team on top of each other as they were trying to stomp. they're also necros and warriors, therefore when your battle standard finishes them, it deals the equivalent of 288,180 downstate damage. all this from a skill that only has a 2 second cast time and 180 second cooldown, 120 when picked up. don't forget it also pulses boons in a radius.

in summary, nerf trebuchet

Thank you! OMG!! How could I have not realized this earlier? My life will never be the same now! :o

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