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How to Counter Ranger EZ (With Examples)


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@shadowpass.4236 said:

@"BarnacleBoy.6918" said:This guy has been on a Rampage trying to justify the kinds of damage ranger can do. This is like, the 7th post?

Here’s the thing dude, More patches will come, and if certain things about ranger get nerfed or not, it won’t be because of these embarrassing string of posts.

I'm perfectly fine with damage modifiers getting nerfed lol...

I've wanted Sic Em removed for a looooong time and I've stated repeatedly that Gazelle damage and marksmanship modifiers should get lowered.

This thread isn't to defend ranger. I'll still do fine on this class regardless of what happens. These clips are just to show people how to fight against a ranger.


This thread isn't to defend ranger. I'll still do fine on this class regardless of what happens. These clips are just to show people how to fight against a ranger.

In your first post, you use these clips to show that rangers are not viable in competitive environment. This statement contradicts what you say...

I mean just because it's not viable in competitive doesn't mean it's not viable in ranked.

Ranger is a strong class atm but it's easier to counter for better players in Conquest.

I just think Anet should increase both the skill ceiling and skill floor for this class so it's worse at lower ratings and better at higher ones. They've been doing the opposite lately which has pushed this class into gimmick builds and made skills like GS4 OP by changing it into a 3s full block with an evade on the kick. I dislike the direction they've been taking with the class because it's just gotten easier and easier to play and they've removed so much versatility from our skills.

You don't play competitive why do you keep saying its not viable in competitive. Actually ranger is currently the most powercreeped spec in the game and used in low and high tiers. It is so powerful right now in competitive it can be used as a bruiser due to high sustain, boon uptime, stealth, blocks, evades or can be used as a roamer to 1 shot thieves/revs/fbs. We've scrimed on NA/EU, done AT's on both regions and ranger is currently the single most broken class in gw2. Not to mention on eu last mat a ranger won(vod on sinds stream unless deleted) and that was when it wasnt even half as broken as it currently is. I'm sure all your unranked data is accurate about your only class' bias though. People defending these outrageous numbers smh when did forums become so degen.

I've been saying sic em needs to go, attack of opportunity modifiers need to be halved, double kick bug needs to get fixed, gazelle damage lowered for a while now.
But even before these get fixed, simply bringing any combination of weakness, blind, and aegis against a ranger is enough to nullify almost all of our big hits. LoS the LB and use movement to avoid hilt bash and worldly impact in particular, and you're either going to stalemate a ranger or be able to counterpressure him enough to kill.

And how MATs has a ranger actually won? The only time it has ever been a meta pick was when bunker boonbeast was a thing for 3 months and it's only busted now because damage modifiers weren't tuned down.

It's literally linked above by Tayga, starts at the 2hr 05m mark, ends 2hr 20m more or less.

In case scrolling is too much:

The ranger that won the MAT stalemated Crann 1v1, was losing vs. Trama 1v1, couldn't decap a mirage in a 1v1, and died in a few +1s. He didn't win a single one of his duels and died several times. What exactly was so impressive about ranger in that match?

And he was even running a/a and s/wh over lb/gs which is a much stronger side noder build.


FACT: You said ranger wasn't viable in competitive.FACT: Ranger team won in a competitive game mode.FACT: Ranger is viable in competitive.

Don't know why you're trying to argue against facts. You're wrong, deal with it.

Just in case anyone needs a reminder: https://www.lexico.com/definition/viable

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@apharma.3741 said:

@"BarnacleBoy.6918" said:This guy has been on a Rampage trying to justify the kinds of damage ranger can do. This is like, the 7th post?

Here’s the thing dude, More patches will come, and if certain things about ranger get nerfed or not, it won’t be because of these embarrassing string of posts.

I'm perfectly fine with damage modifiers getting nerfed lol...

I've wanted Sic Em removed for a looooong time and I've stated repeatedly that Gazelle damage and marksmanship modifiers should get lowered.

This thread isn't to defend ranger. I'll still do fine on this class regardless of what happens. These clips are just to show people how to fight against a ranger.


This thread isn't to defend ranger. I'll still do fine on this class regardless of what happens. These clips are just to show people how to fight against a ranger.

In your first post, you use these clips to show that rangers are not viable in competitive environment. This statement contradicts what you say...

I mean just because it's not viable in competitive doesn't mean it's not viable in ranked.

Ranger is a strong class atm but it's easier to counter for better players in Conquest.

I just think Anet should increase both the skill ceiling and skill floor for this class so it's worse at lower ratings and better at higher ones. They've been doing the opposite lately which has pushed this class into gimmick builds and made skills like GS4 OP by changing it into a 3s full block with an evade on the kick. I dislike the direction they've been taking with the class because it's just gotten easier and easier to play and they've removed so much versatility from our skills.

You don't play competitive why do you keep saying its not viable in competitive. Actually ranger is currently the most powercreeped spec in the game and used in low and high tiers. It is so powerful right now in competitive it can be used as a bruiser due to high sustain, boon uptime, stealth, blocks, evades or can be used as a roamer to 1 shot thieves/revs/fbs. We've scrimed on NA/EU, done AT's on both regions and ranger is currently the single most broken class in gw2. Not to mention on eu last mat a ranger won(vod on sinds stream unless deleted) and that was when it wasnt even half as broken as it currently is. I'm sure all your unranked data is accurate about your only class' bias though. People defending these outrageous numbers smh when did forums become so degen.

I've been saying sic em needs to go, attack of opportunity modifiers need to be halved, double kick bug needs to get fixed, gazelle damage lowered for a while now.
But even before these get fixed, simply bringing any combination of weakness, blind, and aegis against a ranger is enough to nullify almost all of our big hits. LoS the LB and use movement to avoid hilt bash and worldly impact in particular, and you're either going to stalemate a ranger or be able to counterpressure him enough to kill.

And how MATs has a ranger actually won? The only time it has ever been a meta pick was when bunker boonbeast was a thing for 3 months and it's only busted now because damage modifiers weren't tuned down.

It's literally linked above by Tayga, starts at the 2hr 05m mark, ends 2hr 20m more or less.

In case scrolling is too much:

The ranger that won the MAT stalemated Crann 1v1, was losing vs. Trama 1v1, couldn't decap a mirage in a 1v1, and died in a few +1s. He didn't win a single one of his duels and died several times. What exactly was so impressive about ranger in that match?

And he was even running a/a and s/wh over lb/gs which is a much stronger side noder build.


FACT: You said ranger wasn't viable in competitive.FACT: Ranger team won in a competitive game mode.FACT: Ranger is viable in competitive.

Don't know why you're trying to argue against facts. You're wrong, deal with it.

Just in case anyone needs a reminder:

My OP says, "This is why ranger isn't good competitively." and that video you linked doesn't show otherwise. The ranger didn't win a single 1v1 and died several times when he got +1'd on a stronger side noder build than lb/gs. Keep in mind, Conquest is a team-based gamemode and the most the ranger could do was stalemate/lose 1v1s and couldn't even decap the mirage.

If your argument revolves entirely around semantics, I used the word "viable" because Crozame said it in this post.

Also, since everyone is obsessing over the fact that I had super speed in some of these, speed runes and swiftness are available for every single class to use.

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@shadowpass.4236 said:

@"BarnacleBoy.6918" said:This guy has been on a Rampage trying to justify the kinds of damage ranger can do. This is like, the 7th post?

Here’s the thing dude, More patches will come, and if certain things about ranger get nerfed or not, it won’t be because of these embarrassing string of posts.

I'm perfectly fine with damage modifiers getting nerfed lol...

I've wanted Sic Em removed for a looooong time and I've stated repeatedly that Gazelle damage and marksmanship modifiers should get lowered.

This thread isn't to defend ranger. I'll still do fine on this class regardless of what happens. These clips are just to show people how to fight against a ranger.


This thread isn't to defend ranger. I'll still do fine on this class regardless of what happens. These clips are just to show people how to fight against a ranger.

In your first post, you use these clips to show that rangers are not viable in competitive environment. This statement contradicts what you say...

I mean just because it's not viable in competitive doesn't mean it's not viable in ranked.

Ranger is a strong class atm but it's easier to counter for better players in Conquest.

I just think Anet should increase both the skill ceiling and skill floor for this class so it's worse at lower ratings and better at higher ones. They've been doing the opposite lately which has pushed this class into gimmick builds and made skills like GS4 OP by changing it into a 3s full block with an evade on the kick. I dislike the direction they've been taking with the class because it's just gotten easier and easier to play and they've removed so much versatility from our skills.

You don't play competitive why do you keep saying its not viable in competitive. Actually ranger is currently the most powercreeped spec in the game and used in low and high tiers. It is so powerful right now in competitive it can be used as a bruiser due to high sustain, boon uptime, stealth, blocks, evades or can be used as a roamer to 1 shot thieves/revs/fbs. We've scrimed on NA/EU, done AT's on both regions and ranger is currently the single most broken class in gw2. Not to mention on eu last mat a ranger won(vod on sinds stream unless deleted) and that was when it wasnt even half as broken as it currently is. I'm sure all your unranked data is accurate about your only class' bias though. People defending these outrageous numbers smh when did forums become so degen.

I've been saying sic em needs to go, attack of opportunity modifiers need to be halved, double kick bug needs to get fixed, gazelle damage lowered for a while now.
But even before these get fixed, simply bringing any combination of weakness, blind, and aegis against a ranger is enough to nullify almost all of our big hits. LoS the LB and use movement to avoid hilt bash and worldly impact in particular, and you're either going to stalemate a ranger or be able to counterpressure him enough to kill.

And how MATs has a ranger actually won? The only time it has ever been a meta pick was when bunker boonbeast was a thing for 3 months and it's only busted now because damage modifiers weren't tuned down.

It's literally linked above by Tayga, starts at the 2hr 05m mark, ends 2hr 20m more or less.

In case scrolling is too much:

The ranger that won the MAT stalemated Crann 1v1, was losing vs. Trama 1v1, couldn't decap a mirage in a 1v1, and died in a few +1s. He didn't win a single one of his duels and died several times. What exactly was so impressive about ranger in that match?

And he was even running a/a and s/wh over lb/gs which is a much stronger side noder build.


FACT: You said ranger wasn't viable in competitive.FACT: Ranger team won in a competitive game mode.FACT: Ranger is viable in competitive.

Don't know why you're trying to argue against facts. You're wrong, deal with it.

Just in case anyone needs a reminder:

My OP says, "This is why ranger isn't
competitively." and that video you linked doesn't show otherwise. The ranger didn't win a single 1v1 and died several times when he got +1'd on a stronger side noder build than lb/gs. Keep in mind, Conquest is a team-based gamemode and the most the ranger could do was stalemate/lose 1v1s and couldn't even decap the mirage.

If your argument revolves entirely around semantics, I used the word "viable" because Crozame said it in this

Also, since everyone is obsessing over the fact that I had super speed in some of these, speed runes and swiftness
available for every single class to use.

Here you say it's not viable in competitive, full quote because I like to keep context :)

@shadowpass.4236 said:

I mean just because it's not viable in competitive doesn't mean it's not viable in ranked.

Ranger is a strong class atm but it's easier to counter for better players in Conquest.

I just think Anet should increase both the skill ceiling and skill floor for this class so it's worse at lower ratings and better at higher ones. They've been doing the opposite lately which has pushed this class into gimmick builds and made skills like GS4 OP by changing it into a 3s full block with an evade on the kick. I dislike the direction they've been taking with the class because it's just gotten easier and easier to play and they've removed so much versatility from our skills.

FACT: You said ranger wasn't viable in competitive.FACT: Ranger team won in a competitive game mode.FACT: Ranger is viable in competitive.

A simple "Yeah it is viable, maybe I shouldn't have used the word viable" would do, everyone is wrong about something, don't take it to heart.

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@Tayga.3192 said:These videos are like me recording myself playing mirage prepatch and saying mirage has counters.

What you should do is, play other 8 classes and show how to fight a good ranger.

Yep I've already started this. If Eura is up for it I'll record against him but until then I'm doing them vs other good rangers I know.

Will upload raw footage since I don't have editing software anyways.

Core guard was the first one I did. I didn't win them all ofc but it's also my second least played class. (5% of my matches played on it). The fact that I was able to kill a good meta soulbeast several times (using both smokescale and gazelle in different fights, on different nodes) on it without even needing the extra damage or burst from radiance should show something.

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@apharma.3741 said:

@"BarnacleBoy.6918" said:This guy has been on a Rampage trying to justify the kinds of damage ranger can do. This is like, the 7th post?

Here’s the thing dude, More patches will come, and if certain things about ranger get nerfed or not, it won’t be because of these embarrassing string of posts.

I'm perfectly fine with damage modifiers getting nerfed lol...

I've wanted Sic Em removed for a looooong time and I've stated repeatedly that Gazelle damage and marksmanship modifiers should get lowered.

This thread isn't to defend ranger. I'll still do fine on this class regardless of what happens. These clips are just to show people how to fight against a ranger.


This thread isn't to defend ranger. I'll still do fine on this class regardless of what happens. These clips are just to show people how to fight against a ranger.

In your first post, you use these clips to show that rangers are not viable in competitive environment. This statement contradicts what you say...

I mean just because it's not viable in competitive doesn't mean it's not viable in ranked.

Ranger is a strong class atm but it's easier to counter for better players in Conquest.

I just think Anet should increase both the skill ceiling and skill floor for this class so it's worse at lower ratings and better at higher ones. They've been doing the opposite lately which has pushed this class into gimmick builds and made skills like GS4 OP by changing it into a 3s full block with an evade on the kick. I dislike the direction they've been taking with the class because it's just gotten easier and easier to play and they've removed so much versatility from our skills.

You don't play competitive why do you keep saying its not viable in competitive. Actually ranger is currently the most powercreeped spec in the game and used in low and high tiers. It is so powerful right now in competitive it can be used as a bruiser due to high sustain, boon uptime, stealth, blocks, evades or can be used as a roamer to 1 shot thieves/revs/fbs. We've scrimed on NA/EU, done AT's on both regions and ranger is currently the single most broken class in gw2. Not to mention on eu last mat a ranger won(vod on sinds stream unless deleted) and that was when it wasnt even half as broken as it currently is. I'm sure all your unranked data is accurate about your only class' bias though. People defending these outrageous numbers smh when did forums become so degen.

I've been saying sic em needs to go, attack of opportunity modifiers need to be halved, double kick bug needs to get fixed, gazelle damage lowered for a while now.
But even before these get fixed, simply bringing any combination of weakness, blind, and aegis against a ranger is enough to nullify almost all of our big hits. LoS the LB and use movement to avoid hilt bash and worldly impact in particular, and you're either going to stalemate a ranger or be able to counterpressure him enough to kill.

And how MATs has a ranger actually won? The only time it has ever been a meta pick was when bunker boonbeast was a thing for 3 months and it's only busted now because damage modifiers weren't tuned down.

It's literally linked above by Tayga, starts at the 2hr 05m mark, ends 2hr 20m more or less.

In case scrolling is too much:

The ranger that won the MAT stalemated Crann 1v1, was losing vs. Trama 1v1, couldn't decap a mirage in a 1v1, and died in a few +1s. He didn't win a single one of his duels and died several times. What exactly was so impressive about ranger in that match?

And he was even running a/a and s/wh over lb/gs which is a much stronger side noder build.


FACT: You said ranger wasn't viable in competitive.FACT: Ranger team won in a competitive game mode.FACT: Ranger is viable in competitive.

Don't know why you're trying to argue against facts. You're wrong, deal with it.

Just in case anyone needs a reminder:

My OP says, "This is why ranger isn't
competitively." and that video you linked doesn't show otherwise. The ranger didn't win a single 1v1 and died several times when he got +1'd on a stronger side noder build than lb/gs. Keep in mind, Conquest is a team-based gamemode and the most the ranger could do was stalemate/lose 1v1s and couldn't even decap the mirage.

If your argument revolves entirely around semantics, I used the word "viable" because Crozame said it in this

Also, since everyone is obsessing over the fact that I had super speed in some of these, speed runes and swiftness
available for every single class to use.

Here you say it's not viable in competitive, full quote because I like to keep context :)

I mean just because it's not viable in competitive doesn't mean it's not viable in ranked.

Ranger is a strong class atm but it's easier to counter for better players in Conquest.

I just think Anet should increase both the skill ceiling and skill floor for this class so it's worse at lower ratings and better at higher ones. They've been doing the opposite lately which has pushed this class into gimmick builds and made skills like GS4 OP by changing it into a 3s full block with an evade on the kick. I dislike the direction they've been taking with the class because it's just gotten easier and easier to play and they've removed so much versatility from our skills.

FACT: You said ranger wasn't viable in competitive.FACT: Ranger team won in a competitive game mode.FACT: Ranger is viable in competitive.

A simple "Yeah it is viable, maybe I shouldn't have used the word viable" would do, everyone is wrong about something, don't take it to heart.

I should've used the word "good" like I did in my OP.

If you really have an issue with that word choice, take it up with Crozame as well because he misquoted my first post.

But yeah, your argument is pretty irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.

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