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The right way to solve CC spam


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We definitely do not need a system on top of stability and CC breaks. They frequency, duration and/or existence of some CC skills need to be reduced. AOE CC should be close to nonexistent. No CC should be unblockable. This would solve most of CC issues.

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@JTGuevara.9018 said:Yeah, the CC right now is completely bonkers, both soft and hard CCs.

And, OP, I like those ideas! Another note, you can have all the stunbreaks you want, they won't save you against pulsing AoE CCs! You also need to remove a few entirely from all classes.


  • Pulsing AoE CCs should be removed.
  • AoE CCs should be really rare, and no damage.
  • AoE CCs laying on the floor (trap/mark) should have delayed activation time, just like Updraft
  • Single target CC should have cast time, and low damage.

Together with the nerf to CC, I wouldn't mind more nerfs to block/blind to accommodate it. Many classes are still way too tanky, and that would be problematic when CC got nerfed.

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@Sunshine.5014 said:

@JTGuevara.9018 said:Yeah, the CC right now is completely bonkers, both soft and hard CCs.

And, OP, I like those ideas! Another note, you can have all the stunbreaks you want, they won't save you against pulsing AoE CCs! You also need to remove a few entirely from all classes.

  • Pulsing AoE CCs should be removed.
  • AoE CCs should be really rare, and no damage.
  • AoE CCs laying on the floor (trap/mark) should have delayed activation time, just like Updraft
  • Single target CC should have cast time, and low damage.

Together with the nerf to CC, I wouldn't mind more nerfs to block/blind to accommodate it. [...]

Those are all very good and sensible suggestions! But please let's not add another unique buff.

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