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Elite Specialisation - EXP3 SUG.


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Specialisation name: Soldier/Commander


  • PistolMH + PistolOH

New burst abilities:

  • F1- F2 - F3 - F4 - F5Weapon only

Utilities -

  • There is a possibility out of 3 options to run for this, Summons, Kits or Devices.This part is totally up to suggestion.Summons will bring something new to the warrior, Ele, Ranger, Thief, necro, Mesmer and Engineer all have a form of summon. A summon for the warrior could be a band of soldiers Swords, Greatswords, Rifles and Pistols, Support medics that will heal allies and yourself with a pulsing AOE. Physical walls with health that prevents movement through, projectiles and Line of Sight attacks. Summon a cloaked minefield that is under stealth but reveals itself every 5s for 1s to allow counterplay.


  • Double Tap [1] - Fire 2 shots at your target, the second hit causes vulnerability 2% for 2s (900 range)Surpressing fire [2] - Fire a volley of 10 rounds in a cone like aoe inflicting physical damage while crippling foes for 1s per hit (400 range)Evasive step flare shot [3] - Quickly dodge backwards and fire a flare shot into the target causing blind for 3s (900 range)


  • Shatter shot - fire a shot into the air causing AOE reveal [3s T1, 6s T2, 9s T3] Blind 4s, grants fury on a successful hit [3s T1, 6s T2, 9S T3] and causes fixed damage AOE radius dependant on burst level [250 T1, 300 T2. 450 T3] (900 range)


  • Rapel shot [4] - Fire a rapel towards your target pulling them intwards you (900 range) Flip skill
    • Pistol butt [4] - After pulling the target you can now pistol butt the target causing confusion and damage (130 range)Flash and Thunder [5] - Fire a round into your target primed with an explosive set to explode after 3s, causing AOE damage (600 range) (AOE blast 200 range) Flip skill
      • Thunder shot [5] - Fire a second round to detonate the explosive charge early. (900 range)

Burst skills F2-F5 existing for all other weapons.

  • These bursts will focus on AOE support, to self and allies in the area. Using a burst will put all burst skills on cooldown for 4s (weapons F1 ability is not effected)

  • F2 - Use 10 adrenaline and provde an AOE buff for 10s reducing incoming physical and condition damage by 10%F3 - Use 10 adrenaline and provide an AOE buff for 4s providing superspeed for 4sF4 - Use 20 adrenaline and provide an AOE buff for 10s giving an additional 15% attack speed and 7% damageF5 - Use 30 adrenaline and throw down a protective shield device pulsing barrier till destroyed, or runs out of time for 15s, Barrier per pulse 400 base every 1.5s Device will have 2,000 health.

This i put forward, lets hear some feedback and hope that we do get something of this nature on its release.

Why pistol? Warrior is the only core class that doesnt have a ranged 1h weapon, this will allow a huge amount of new builds to come forwards, if you like melee combat you can slap the pistol on offhand to bring them in close, want range and some defence Pistol and shield/sword. I see more builds and fun that can come out of a pistol combination than what could ever come out of say 'staff'.

Traits and Utilities is something that im not decided on, I suppose we could go for a trait that effects a core weapon - the rifle and converts it into a shotgun for mid range AOE combat.

So, lets hear it, views, opinions, what you'd change why you'd change it or what you'd like to see.

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  • 2 months later...

@"rdigeri.7935" said:I do like the idea of having multiple ways to spend adrenaline.Personally i'm not fond of pistols, but i'll definitely give a read if you or someone comes up with skills, traits, or a more defined theme

I put one together a while ago:https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/92430/elite-spec-idea-commander#latest

Smoosh, I like your ideas as well. You need a draw back though, probably have to lose the original bursts altogether with what you want to add.

I suggest something like gadgets or elixirs for utilities based on the theme you have going.

Protection and retaliation in the traitline somewhere. Another source of barrier as well in the traitline.

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wouldn't also mind a ranged or mid range weapon kit, give it more than just a pistol plz. Warrior is severely lacking in ranged options for effects/damage.

I like the idea of a pull, it's indeed missing, if the tether could be pulled in like DH, might be a little different, but it's not...

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Actually, I'd love the Tether to be something more like the harpoon in Forging steel, which means that while chained/tethered, you can pull back and limit the range of escape of enemies, and have a cc to interrupt them with no damage. Trait line could enable you to aoe harpoon/chain/tether more foes instead of only 1. This is to enable more possible pressure from melee since passive damage and ranged is so lacking...Close ranged combat needs to be menacing and have a good chance to disrupt the fight and enable damage to be done.

Hell I would also love to see something like the opposite of push from wisps in W7, with a pull/vaccum in effect on GS3 and Axe 5. Doesn't need to be an actual cc, but the effect would be good enough...

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I believe the game needs more flip skills as well, giving the weapon more functions and control.

Another thing that could work since we know the tech is there, wirlpool grenade, throw a grenade down on the ground that makes enemies swirl around and become weakened for the duration.

As for the utilities I am leaning more towards summons than anything else, since this is one thing the warrior can not currently do.This would allow you to place down support summons granting Barrier or Healing. Attack summons either turret or NPC form. The options are vast that would still fit the theme of the warrior.

A physical wall that prevents players/mobs and damage from passing through would be something new to the game and still fit the theme.

This overall would allow the warrior to fulfil a bruising support role, protecting its allies with summons and being a mid ranged bruiser with the pistols.

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If they ever give pistols to warriors, you'll see they would just somehow make it melee. It's a toe to toe class and should stay that way. I'd rather give Warrior's a staff or scepter and a pet soldier with awesome group play abilities. Pretty much like lotro's captain.

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@artharon.9276 said:If they ever give pistols to warriors, you'll see they would just somehow make it melee. It's a toe to toe class and should stay that way. I'd rather give Warrior's a staff or scepter and a pet soldier with awesome group play abilities. Pretty much like lotro's captain.

Pistols would be 900 range, so it is still toe-to-toe range really.

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The idea of pistol and having a mid range spec / support spec is to change the way the warrior functions. We have been stuck with a build that relies only on being up close to the target to perform, however that is proving difficult and is holding back the class. If you look to the current meta for the WvW and PvP scenes, you'll see that there are more area denial classes than ever before, the amount of AoE's that prevent melee play. The Warrior needs more options, it needs the choice to fight in the mid range.

Please do note that the warrior does not currently have a 900 range weapon (or 1 handed ranged weapon).

I believe hands down that pistol is the next weapon for the warrior, this has been slightly confirmed with the mobs in the newest living story map, Charr with two pistols and providing might to people around them, seems a little too convenient if you ask me. I commited to this weapon a few months back and will stand by my choice.

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@"Smoosh.2718" said:The idea of pistol and having a mid range spec / support spec is to change the way the warrior functions. We have been stuck with a build that relies only on being up close to the target to perform, however that is proving difficult and is holding back the class. If you look to the current meta for the WvW and PvP scenes, you'll see that there are more area denial classes than ever before, the amount of AoE's that prevent melee play. The Warrior needs more options, it needs the choice to fight in the mid range.

Please do note that the warrior does not currently have a 900 range weapon (or 1 handed ranged weapon).

I believe hands down that pistol is the next weapon for the warrior, this has been slightly confirmed with the mobs in the newest living story map, Charr with two pistols and providing might to people around them, seems a little too convenient if you ask me. I commited to this weapon a few months back and will stand by my choice.

Well Charr do have a racial skill that grants might to allies... https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Battle_Roar

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