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Does Conflux really require PvP currency?


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@Blockhead Magee.3092 said:

@apharma.3741 said:Also costs 2,000 memories of battle, good luck getting that many unless you no life WvW.

Aside from being purchasable on the TP, those of us who play wvw more than the other modes are not 'no life' wvw and will have plenty of memories for the legendary.

I only play WvW now, I don't quite manage Diamond each week because everyone I know left the game so I play less and less. Even if I did make it to Diamond every week I would only get about 139 Memory of Battle.

This would take just over 14 weeks to get through playing alone without spending any at all.

In comparison you get 665 shards of glory and then 210 per Byzantium repeatable from PvP and it costs 250 Shards of glory (420 if you get the mist band from PvP) which is very manageable in a week or 3 of playing PvP at a similar rate.

To put it bluntly the amount of PvP currency it costs is trivial and that's without looking at the massive supply disparity between the game modes.

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@"Tinnel.4369" said:Is the wiki accurate that Gift of the Mists requires Gift of Glory which is purchased with Shards of Glory? I thought it was a "WvW trinket".

Think it was the Warbringer that also uses the Gift of Glory to make too which is a "WvW backpiece" funny how some people have only picked up on the new Ring needing it. :)

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