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Random "horn" sound?

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Can anyone tell me what this noise is? It reminds me of an old timer car horn. It's a random blip, beep, or boop. I cannot figure out what this noise means. I can be standing AFK around no one and hear this random "bloop."

It sounds like it's some type of UI notification, but I cannot figure out for what.

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@Drennon.7190 said:Mystery solved. Apparently the Blizzard App was automatically opening in the background and was beeping every time someone I knew went online.

:lol: Okay then.

I recommend you stop all unnecessary applications from automatically launching when you start Windows. It's always better to be in control of what your computer is doing. ;)

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@Drennon.7190 said:

@Drennon.7190 said:I’ll try to capture it.

Please do. I'm curious now as to what you are referring to.

Mystery solved. Apparently the Blizzard App was automatically opening in the background and was beeping every time someone I knew went online.

It was just pure coincidence that I only heard it when playing GW.

So Blizzard was trolling you because you were playing a competitors' MMO. Sounds about right :lol:

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