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Double necro every game

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Low division issue and lots of newbies in wvw run this too and learn the limits of these builds pretty quick (right a minute ago I facerolled such a player on EBG). It's like minion master. People know it's tanky in pve and think they will have success with it in the competitive modes as well. It works in an environment where players behave like pve mobs: in bronze division.

Against skilled opponents their experience is the worst possible. They will lose the attrition fight for sure as they don't have a chance to kill their target at any moment of the encounter. The definition of a punching bag...

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It's double necros all the way, dam. What does this mean? They're so dark and so emo. What does this MEAN? And it sometimes even ends up tripple necros. Double necro all the way 'cross the game, wow wow oh my god look at that death shroud. . . too much. . . I can't even damage them with my CC. Wooooooooo. This is the badest fkn meta I've ever seen.

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Necro is the hot new bandwagon right now. I've been playing a lot of power Rev lately. In teamfights I'll call target on the support, burn them down quickly with the help of my allies, then turn on the necro and kill him.

If that's not an option (people refusing to focus targets, which is rare) then I use my mobility to out rotate them.

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@Chase.8415 said:At what level? Gold t3 and plat+ doesn't seem to have this issue. I very rarely see necro tanks?

Unless this is a top 100 thing, I'm not good enough for that.

you been fortunate to to come across this, but is usually every game or every other game necros are everywhere in Low, mid, High plat and I'm sure you will see them in mid or high gold too if you come across someone abusing the meta to climb.

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