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Can Two People Play the Same Class Together for Leveling and End Game

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Hello! Sorry for this stupid post, but I've searched the internet and can't seem to find an answer. I'm playing GW2 with my wife. We started to play since we are on lockdown, and we are finding we really enjoy the game. The problem is that we both really love Ranger. Is there an issue with us both playing the same class, for leveling and endgame (we aren't PVPers). If not, what would be the best compliment for Ranger, between a Guardian or Warrior? Thanks in advance new pals.

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If you both go ranger one can be heal/condi druid while one goes soulbeast or both can be soulbeast/core power ranger. It won't be the best setup but can work while leveling. If you literally mean leveling as in hitting level 80 , rather than figuratively (because all of Heart of Thorns/Path of Fire/Living Story is level 80 content) then it isn't great because if doing core Tyria map it is slanted toward power builds and isn't helpful to run heal/conditions especially when rangers don't have fast damage conditions but mostly slower ones such as bleed/poison.For "endgame" either warrior or guardian is fine as generally only one ranger brings frost spirit for 5 man content ; for 10 man content unless there's no alacrity renegades or healing tempest/firebrand then people bring druid so more than one ranger will be sort of redundant in the damage role.(Warrior has a banner buff for endgame ; guardian provides quickness/stability.)

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For leveling there is absolutely no issue. Play the profession you want.In endgame PvE content the ranger often fills the role of a healer. In 5-man content bringing more than 1 healer is usually detremental, so one of you would have to play dps. While it is possible to play ranger as dps, many professions come with their own unique buffs, so if you bring 2 rangers, you still only get the ranger buffs. If you bring another profession, you get the ranger buffs and that profession's buffs. As @Infusion.7149 mentioned, Warrior and Guardian are both excellent company for a ranger, quite beginner friendly and have a solid spot in the meta.

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Both can play Ranger.

In fact, both can play any of the same Profession.Gw2 is a game where each profession can, through traits and skill choices as well as gear choices, make their character either do alot of damage, or sustain well or a mix of both.Two Rangers also come with two pets, which also participate in combat and take hits from enemy mobs.

Gw2 also has personal healing skills for each player, so there is no real need for a healer unless it is an organised group that wishes to dole out roles to their members to be more efficient.The build freedom for open world is what makes Gw2 such a fun open world MMO game, and it is what makes people enjoy PvE.

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GW2 is very flexible in this way. Professions aren't restricted to set roles - there are no professions which have to be healers for example - and you don't have to have a set combination of professions in a group to succeed. In a few end-game areas (mainly raids and PvP) you do need certain things in your party, for example you will need to make sure that between everyone in the group you can provide all the boons you'll need, be able to remove conditions etc. but there's generally a lot of flexibility in how you do that, although certain builds and professions are considered better than others. But for most of the game anything will work.

A lot of people do prefer to use pure damage builds in core Tyria maps, rather than using conditions or worrying about healing or defence, because as long as you know what you're doing you can kill things faster (and therefore generally complete content faster) that way. But as long as you're not in a hurry to get through the game as quickly as possible you don't need to do that and other things absolutely can work, you just might find yourself pushing a few more buttons or waiting an extra few seconds in each fight.

So yes, two rangers playing together definitely can work. Once you get to level 11 I recommend at least one of you uses Healing Spring because it will heal both of you (as long as you're close enough together) and you might want to experiment with using different pets, weapons and skills so you're not both doing the same things. In particular there's no need for you both to use the same spirits (if you use any spirits) because those affect everyone nearby. But you can experiment and work out what you enjoy playing and what works well for you.

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There is enough variety within the individual professions to do what you want in general PvE, and to a lesser extent endgame PvE. If you know your build and are competent with it, then you'll be better than a Metabattle Lemming who is bad at their rotation.

Both of you should play Ranger! Use all the weapons. One of you may really like Axe/Axe or GS while the other loves Longbow or Shortbow. Or both of you may like LB or SB, at which point you can take turns ping ponging the mobs. If one likes LB and the other SB then the LB user can knock the mob away while the SB user immobilizes and then stuns them while the LB user uses Barrage and Rapid Fire to burst them down.

There are LOTS of combos you two can do together like that and as a pair that can coordinate what you do you'll be able to play very well together, even in high end content.

You can do this also with a pair of warriors. One can run Hammer and Mace/Mace and the other Axe/Axe and GS. The CC user locks the foes down while the Axe/GS user bursts the mobs down while taking thing like Impact Sigil to increase their damage to the axe, and that is just one example.

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No reason you can't be successful in pve with same class.

Core ranger for me is tough. Without soulbeast I probably wouldn't use it much. I have trouble finding longbow much fun in pve. But here's something I might use until 80:


Once I got serious about finishing heart of thorns I used this:(all through path of fire with no major issues)


(it was just something fun/different than spamming arrows)

My current favorite, where I can survive pretty much anywhere:


Full berzerker gear/weapons/trinkets will get you through. Nowadays people push for viper. If you aren't into crafting maybe assassins or a combination.Also, that synergy between skirmishing+wilderness survival can be tough to pass up. One of you should be using Spotter.

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