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Tips for new/returning players

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First off here's the wiki page: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Player_versus_PlayerAt the very least, read that to get a picture of how the gamemode works.

  1. Don't duel on capped nodes. Each node gives 1 point every 2 seconds. Each player kill gives 5 points. So unless you can kill them and decap the node in <10s, there's no point in dueling them. Go join a fight on another node instead.

  2. Find a build online to start. You can get them from youtube, metabattle.com, etc. Don't bring your pve build, that's just going to frustrate you and your team because those builds generally don't include much cleanse or any stunbreaks- both of which are essential in pvp.

  3. Bring a stun break. Bring two, or even three. There are a lot of CC heavy builds being used right now, if you don't have stunbreaks you'll just get bounced around the point until you die. That's not fun for you, that's not fun for your team.

  4. Make sure you run plenty of condition cleanse. It's a condi meta, the core necros and guardians aren't going anywhere. Instead of crying about it, run traits/utilities/weapons that can remove them.

  5. Climb the walls. Every map has little jumping puzzles that allow you to kite more effectively. Try finding out where they are in unranked matches or in open private arenas.

  6. Line of sight. There are some exceptions to this, but in general if the enemy can't see you they can't cast any targetted skills. It won't save you from ground based aoes but it definitely helps against anything else.

  7. "CTRL+t" allows you to call a target. Then anyone on the team, including you, can press "t" to target the same person. This is extremely beneficial as it allows your whole team to focus one person down at a time without having to type out who it is you're trying to kill first.

  8. To follow that, don't focus the bunker in a team fight. Core necromancer and revenant are the biggest offenders here, both can be VERY tanky- especially with team support from a tempest or guardian. These classes used to be the go to target because they're easily stunned, that's not the case anymore. Core necro in particular can survive for a very long time, time you could have spent focusing down the glassy soulbeast or firebrand that's dumping damage into your team.

  9. When stomping someone, blind them or give yourself stability first. Every class has a way to stop you from stomping, you need to mitigate it.

  10. Res your teammates when you have a GOOD opportunity to do so. If you're fighting 2v2 and your partner goes down while you're at half health, run. Trying to res in that scenario is just giving them another free 5 points. If you have a way to secure a res (blood magic necro, function gyro/elixir r scrapper, etc) then it might be worth going for the res, providing you can also stop the enemy players from stomping or cleaving you with blinds or crowd control.

  11. Finishing a downed player allows your team mates to rally. Like a free res. Don't try to res your teammate when there's a down right next to them that you can stomp, they'll res from that instead.

  12. When you respawn, think about which node you're going to. Can you get to a 3v3 quickly enough to make a difference? Or will you get there as your team is wiping, which then leaves you 1v3? Is there a 1v1 somewhere else that you can turn into a 2v1? Is there an empty node that you can get to quickly for a decap?

  13. Secondary map objectives. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Conquest <Listed here. In general, only do beasts when you can QUICKLY secure a kill because the other team can steal it. It's almost never worth going for the lord on foefire, it'll take you a long time to get there and kill it- especially with their respawn right next to it. Always get to the hammer on skyhammer and bell on capricorn if you can, those are large bonuses for your team.

Feel free to add anything else you can think of in the comments please =D

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@RisenHowl.2419 said:

@georgessj.4198 said:Any tip on how to deal with critical--ferocity that cause an 180 damage skill to hit for 4k with 100% crit chance rate? (other than wait for anet a decade to realise theres an issue there)

Blind them

Is there a class with some dmg mitigation trait for crit? since 9999 toughness or 0 is almost the same in pvp mode

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Man, I probably could have used some of this advice tonight!

I queued with my friend who is new and doing her first placement and I guess because I placed into platinum, we ended up matched with a bunch of obviously high-end players. Well, that didn't go very well and our teammates had something to say about every bad decision we made. Then I disconnected and when I came back they were salty about that, too.

Anyway, I didn't get an answer from them on this, so maybe you can enlighten me as to where I went wrong? I disconnected during the match and came back...which is apparently a problem but I don't understand why? Is there some benefit to my team if I disconnect and don't come back? Or some additional penalty if I do return?

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@georgessj.4198 said:

@georgessj.4198 said:Any tip on how to deal with critical--ferocity that cause an 180 damage skill to hit for 4k with 100% crit chance rate? (other than wait for anet a decade to realise theres an issue there)

Blind them

Is there a class with some dmg mitigation trait for crit? since 9999 toughness or 0 is almost the same in pvp mode

Necro might.

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@AliamRationem.5172 said:Man, I probably could have used some of this advice tonight!

I queued with my friend who is new and doing her first placement and I guess because I placed into platinum, we ended up matched with a bunch of obviously high-end players. Well, that didn't go very well and our teammates had something to say about every bad decision we made. Then I disconnected and when I came back they were salty about that, too.

Anyway, I didn't get an answer from them on this, so maybe you can enlighten me as to where I went wrong? I disconnected during the match and came back...which is apparently a problem but I don't understand why? Is there some benefit to my team if I disconnect and don't come back? Or some additional penalty if I do return?

Yeah, if you disconnect it's better to stay off in ranked. When someone d/c's the match becomes a 4v5, which often gives a significant point advantage to the other team. If the d/c'd player stays off, they are the only one who loses rating. If they come back, the whole team loses rating. Coming back after d/cing is essentially saying 'fuck you' to your teammates rating

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@RisenHowl.2419 said:

@AliamRationem.5172 said:Man, I probably could have used some of this advice tonight!

I queued with my friend who is new and doing her first placement and I guess because I placed into platinum, we ended up matched with a bunch of obviously high-end players. Well, that didn't go very well and our teammates had something to say about every bad decision we made. Then I disconnected and when I came back they were salty about that, too.

Anyway, I didn't get an answer from them on this, so maybe you can enlighten me as to where I went wrong? I disconnected during the match and came back...which is apparently a problem but I don't understand why? Is there some benefit to my team if I disconnect and don't come back? Or some additional penalty if I do return?

Yeah, if you disconnect it's better to stay off in ranked. When someone d/c's the match becomes a 4v5, which often gives a significant point advantage to the other team. If the d/c'd player stays off, they are the only one who loses rating. If they come back, the whole team loses rating. Coming back after d/cing is essentially saying 'kitten you' to your teammates rating

Ah, thanks. I had no idea it worked that way. No wonder they were upset! But thanks for explaining that.

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@AliamRationem.5172 said:

@AliamRationem.5172 said:Man, I probably could have used some of this advice tonight!

I queued with my friend who is new and doing her first placement and I guess because I placed into platinum, we ended up matched with a bunch of obviously high-end players. Well, that didn't go very well and our teammates had something to say about every bad decision we made. Then I disconnected and when I came back they were salty about that, too.

Anyway, I didn't get an answer from them on this, so maybe you can enlighten me as to where I went wrong? I disconnected during the match and came back...which is apparently a problem but I don't understand why? Is there some benefit to my team if I disconnect and don't come back? Or some additional penalty if I do return?

Yeah, if you disconnect it's better to stay off in ranked. When someone d/c's the match becomes a 4v5, which often gives a significant point advantage to the other team. If the d/c'd player stays off, they are the only one who loses rating. If they come back, the whole team loses rating. Coming back after d/cing is essentially saying 'kitten you' to your teammates rating

Ah, thanks. I had no idea it worked that way. No wonder they were upset! But thanks for explaining that.

No problem, I wish anet had some of these things in game so people don't get blindsighted lol

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