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Wvw builds and gear stats


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Hi. I have just get 80 lvl with my revenant and want to try him on wvw, which I'm starting to enjoy, even through playing there only about 2-3 weeks. All the info I have found is probably outdated, since it already about 1-2 years. And builds on metabattle, as far as I understand, is also outdated?I have full ascended berserk gear, but as far as I understand for power build it's better to use Marauder gear or at least combine it with Berserk? And what about condi builds? I have few exotic armor sets without selected stats. Which one to choose for condi? Trailbrazer? Viper? For weapons I will probably go with Dire, since don't have yet another options. Would appreciate any help and suggestions. Thanks!

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Back in the days (1-2years ago) i spent hundreds of hours in wvw with my rev, with pure berzerker gear. I was lazy and annoyed to feel that i have to make an equip for WvW extra, so i just ran with berzerk. Was pretty good. Was able to oneshot most of my enemies. Its still an second option to play for me now.

Now im playing Condi Herald mainly. It has good sustain, mediocre-good damage (no burst dmg tho) and ,my favorite, it can handle conditions. Normal revs are struggeling hard with that.Especially after the new update ,where everyone is playing condi-tank, this is an good way too play.

Im playing with most of my gear as Trailblazer, Some pieces do have Dire stats. I just wanted to put my Torment-Duration to about 100% with trailblazers-expertise.Normal dire should work too and is pretty cheap as exotic in TP.

Both builds can be played in zergs too. berzerk with hammer, condi has its own AoEs.But i do have to say, im still playing Berzerker & condi-tank equally much in wvw. Depends on my mood ^^

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After Feb 25 patch it isn't so much about gear stats for power revs , more that rev has no stunbreak that doesn't require energy. Because you have to use a stunbreak off the utility bar now, it becomes a lot more risky to use up most of your energy.

The Trailblazer/Dire type condi revs get around this just by being so tanky that you can just sustain passively with torment runes until your Pain absorption or Rite of the Great Dwarf is up.

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If yu are still keen on playing with Power builds, just go Marauder Armor and Weapons and Berserker Trinkets and Durability Runes.

Luckily for Rev, or Herald builds, we have get out of jail free cards like Infuse Light and using PT to teleport to ambient critters.Going full Berserk is also an option, but I wouldn't recommend it due to how badly it opens yu up to being withered down by chip damage and condis.

At least with some amount of Health, yu have a bigger buffer before yu are forced to use a heal or switch to Staff.Also, Marauder gives slightly more Precision in exchange for Ferocity, so yu can hit yur crit caps easier.

Power is still playable, but it is way more difficult than before the nerf patch.Yu have to answer to the nerfs with better reflexes, game knowledge, and using terrain to benefit.

The builds yu wanna avoid are those blatant bunker style Firebrands or Core Necros, or stupid Druids.Any other match up is based on skill.

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Thanks alot for the answers. I'm definitely gonna try power build at first, because at least I have some gear for it. But I guess full berserk, especially with Scholar runes, wouldn't be that great :DSo power is : devastation/incovation/herald with dragon/assasin stances?. And for weapons - hammer with sigils of force and accuracy and 2 swords with cleansing and energy?And is there any other portals except metabatlle where I can have a look on builds? Cause it's pretty hard to find some relevant information. Probably because noone likes to share their builds?) Thanks

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@"mantebose.5623" said:Thanks alot for the answers. I'm definitely gonna try power build at first, because at least I have some gear for it. But I guess full berserk, especially with Scholar runes, wouldn't be that great :DSo power is : devastation/incovation/herald with dragon/assasin stances?. And for weapons - hammer with sigils of force and accuracy and 2 swords with cleansing and energy?And is there any other portals except metabatlle where I can have a look on builds? Cause it's pretty hard to find some relevant information. Probably because noone likes to share their builds?) Thanks

I would only recommend Metabattle and maybe youtube. Wouldnt know any helpful other sites.Hammer i would definetely only recommend for running in Zerg.

Berserker could be used with Devastation/Invocation/Herald ,but there are many ways to play.I played my marauder back then with Retribution/Invocation/Herald ,but i would say Deva/invo and either Retribution or salvation can definetly be used, if looking for more sustain. (esp after balance, Retri&Salvation are almost equal for sustain)I also always played with dwarf, since i hated shiro ^^

If im not playing Condi-Tank, im mainly running with this:http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PmwAwyZlpQHMLyhdRNMM6hJSfsCKgp/la7F-zVIYR0xXGtlCVUB2OA-wits full glass cannon (+dwarf) and what i use in pve mainly (some things switched). Im having fun with that.(Tip if using it: Always have Dwarf hammers active,if playing that)

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@"Taobella.6597" said:if you want to play power i would go something like this http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PmwAwyJlpQMMLyjdRdMMijJSksCigp/ldzG-zRZYBhIYFEuY0R7dUKFGBlGC9mAVUA+dACZP8aowpF-e

that way you have 99% crit rate with fury a ton of healing

Elder's Respite is also a good pick for Adept tier Herald because it makes Regen incoming heal for more over time.

Shining Aspects is better than Shared Empowerment because it gives yu 444 heal on all yur Facets, essentially giving yu potentially up to 444 x 6 heal burst if yu run behind cover and pop all Facets.

Draconic Echo is also better than Forceful Persistence due to how it synergizes with the strategy above, and also allows yu to retain a few more seconds of Boon uptime after consuming the skills for Damage or before swapping Legends.

Glaring Resolve is a bad pick.We no longer have Stunbreak on Legend Swap, and we no longer have on demand Stunbreaks which are cheap. (one is a cooldown based stunbreak, one costs 40 energy)

Cleansing Channel will still be the better pick due to how Rev still lacks Condi cleanse on a Power focused build.Yu could also run Rising Tide to see if yu can rofl burst targets hard.

Vampire Runes are overkill on Vitality and pretty useless in any encounter for anything other than the base set effects.Durability runes are still the best because the meager amount of Toughness it gives helps a long way, in addition to the Resistance, Regen and Toughness.Also it has 15% Boon duration which is also significantly better than Vampire Runes.

Alternatively, Rune of the Pack can be used for the Fury and Might upon entering Combat, allowing yu to stack up to 25 Might even faster with Incensed Response.

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Herald/Shiro Marauder is still very viable and fun to play in wvw. As mentioned, use Durability runes and use Cleansing Ire.

Herald/Mallyx Trailblazer/Carrion condi is extremely fun to play. The gear is probably a bit expensive to get with Tormenting runes

And it is aggravating seeing you type out “you” as “yu” when your O key works. :(

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@mantebose.5623 said:Thanks alot for the answers. I'm definitely gonna try power build at first, because at least I have some gear for it. But I guess full berserk, especially with Scholar runes, wouldn't be that great :DSo power is : devastation/incovation/herald with dragon/assasin stances?. And for weapons - hammer with sigils of force and accuracy and 2 swords with cleansing and energy?And is there any other portals except metabatlle where I can have a look on builds? Cause it's pretty hard to find some relevant information. Probably because noone likes to share their builds?) Thanks

I still feel like Herald is one of those specs that can get away with running full zerk. If you are playing with friends or poking at groups, I think going balls-deep on the damage is a totally respectable choice. Power Rev can still delete people with its damage, even post-patch. When I roam on power Rev I'll try to hit around 18k health on core, but Herald has the 10% health default and I consider the ability to be able to instanuke the squishies to be of more value when playing in something like a cloud setting (I am on Mag, basically an omnicloud server so it kinda fits with that playstyle) since Infuse Light can still save you if you are smart with your positioning.

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