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All story instances seem to be kittened!

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I've been having serious issues with Personal Story and LW story instances where I'm getting disconnected continually. On one character I had to do Victort or Death (you know the wait around and do kitten all mission that takes FOREVER!) numerous times before it let me complete it.

Current toon having issues with the Romke mission where it DCs me at the end wiothout giving credit.

One of my other characters had issues with the LW2 Corrupted story instance...again multiple attempts required.....it DCd me last night, luckily after getting the "completion music".

I've whitelisted the GW2 folder in AV. Whitelisted GW2 in the Firewall. Repaired the installation. Uninstalled and reinstalled. Playing on the lowest possible graphics settings.

So, what's the answer? Give up on PS & old LW?

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@"Marshall Sed.8643" said:you know the wait around and do kitten all mission that takes FOREVER!

What "missions"?

VoD, killing Zhaitan is the biggy that takes forever. I know that later xpac and LW instances will "save" you at certain points so that you don't have to run from the start so that would be nice for them to retro implement into the older stuff. I think I did VoD about 8 or 9 times before getting the completion. ...and that's a LOT of time invested with frustration. And it's generally (90%) at the end dialogues where the issue occurs.

I haven't had a normal open world DC in months, maybe even a year, and it's local to the story instances. I've even sat through all the talky bits, rather than skipping to the end, in case that's had an effect.....which it doesn't! ><

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Having the same issue myself - disconnections in the final 90% of a story instance, no issues in Open World, and normally right after a cutscene (skipped or not). I've only had it with Story instances after chapter 6 though - never in the early ones. Raised a ticket with support about it but just keep getting told it's not an issue with them it's the internet providers (who then state they can't find an issue with their systems and to go back to the developer). Looks like a tough-it-out and just keep trying situation.

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@morty.4019 said:Having the same issue myself - disconnections in the final 90% of a story instance, no issues in Open World, and normally right after a cutscene (skipped or not). I've only had it with Story instances after chapter 6 though - never in the early ones. Raised a ticket with support about it but just keep getting told it's not an issue with them it's the internet providers (who then state they can't find an issue with their systems and to go back to the developer). Looks like a tough-it-out and just keep trying situation.

Get a ip in game and have your internet provider do a search on the route to that ip so they can find the problem.

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