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me. i have bought these games a long time ago but never really played them. starting about 2 1/2 weeks ago, i decided to just jump in and at least hit 80 and finish the personal story. well, by the time i did that, i really started to enjoy the game. i'm playing a sylvari thief atm.

currently, i've finished every single expansion/story except LWS3 which I'm working on now. I've spent money on cosmetics and upgrading storage because I'm actually loving this game. It does everything right in an mmo (for me). i love the fact the entire world seems to be relevant since i see groups everywhere.

corona seems to be sticking around for a while so i hope the activity stays.

also one last thing...the graphics/art...is breath taking. i have so many screen shots saved from this game.

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I simply come back to Guild Wars 2 after a few years here and there to check out what's new, and to see how long it'll keep me occupied.

Also, with a massive lack of Mmorpg's out right now, and due to me currently in general just being bored of everything, I'm hitting up some older games I've played, both single player, and Multiplayer games, this being one of them.

It's kind of a feeling where I'm just trying to fill a gap while waiting for something new to come by, in this case, it's Phantasy Star Online 2 (Western PC release), which should keep me occupied for a while, though having played the japanese version, it's hard to say if that will even keep my attention long enough. I might end up just sticking with Guild Wars 2 for a while, and try to rack up them Mastery Points/Mounts. I did after all come back, and purchase the Living Story bundle (s2-s4), and haven't touched a single expansion, aside getting the raptor mount, even when I did purchase the expansions day one of release for both of them. So, there's no real shortage of stuff for me to do in Guild Wars 2. It's just a matter of getting the motivation, to do them.

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I'm new. I started playing to get my mind off of work (which they have given so much now that I can work from home). I liked the game so much after a day's playthrough that I bought the expacs right away. I'm not sure if I will be playing after the lockdown (whenever it ends). All I can say is for now, I like the game and am looking for other guilds to join to do things together in open world.

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I'm playing less though I'm a veteran casual. Since I work from home, they given me a ton of work to do, and I'm swamped almost every other day. I try to get my dailies in but it doesn't always happen because work is an alt+tab away now. At least I got some people into the game (Anet sale tipped the scales), I hope they stay.

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For me nothing has really changed. I'm a freelance translator working from home, so I can work at whatever time I want (I don't tie myself up to the whole 9 to 5 schedule). I do see less people because of the social distancing at the moment, and events/concerts I was going to attend have been cancelled, but I have enough other interests to spend the extra time I now have on. So the time I spend in Tyria hasn't changed.

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