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Reaching 36k AP.

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Given the fact 15k AP cap is for dailies, atm i have 27k AP, and one of my main goals is to reach 36k to get Hellfire armor. And still 9k AP to go is still alot, especially that daily AP is out of this. Seen many players with over 36k AP, so what's their story, what exactly did they focused on and managed to reach that?Also, Anet didn't mentioned anywhere that they might plan to remove the daily AP cap in future?

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@NEOCROM.8957 said:Given the fact 15k AP cap is for dailies, atm i have 27k AP, and one of my main goals is to reach 36k to get Hellfire armor. And still 9k AP to go is still alot, especially that daily AP is out of this. Seen many players with over 36k AP, so what's their story, what exactly did they focused on and managed to reach that?

Your best bet is to use GW2efficiency to monitor which achievements you are lacking. If you PvE a lot, but don't sPvp or WvW, I can already tell you that you will be lacking a ton of achievement points from those 2 game modes.

@NEOCROM.8957 said:Also, Anet didn't mentioned anywhere that they might plan to remove the daily AP cap in future?

Not so far, no.

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It's also important since when your playing. If you missed e.g. LS1 you missed a lot AP.


@Cyninja.2954 said:

@"NEOCROM.8957" said:Also, Anet didn't mentioned anywhere that they might plan to remove the daily AP cap in future?

Not so far, no.

See also https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/102706/please-extend-the-daily-achievment-point-limit

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@Dayra.7405 said:

@"NEOCROM.8957" said:Also, Anet didn't mentioned anywhere that they might plan to remove the daily AP cap in future?

Not so far, no.

See also

The question was: has there been any official announcement as to AP and intentions to increase this. The answer to that is a simple: No.

There have been dozens and more threads over the years about this issue, your latest being nothing new.

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@"Dayra.7405" said:With "See also" I simply meant, see a recent discussion of this topic.And yeah, not only ANet did not anounced anything, also a not small amount of player is against it.

Ah, okay I misunderstood. My bad then.

@TC, to summarize: the topic comes up regularly. There are valid pro's and con's for lifting and keeping the limit in place. Occasionally this issue will get linked with another AP issue: lack of access to past achievement points which are not available any longer, most notably Season 1. No, the developers have not made any indication as to what their plans are.

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@NEOCROM.8957 said:Given the fact 15k AP cap is for dailies, atm i have 27k AP, and one of my main goals is to reach 36k to get Hellfire armor. And still 9k AP to go is still alot, especially that daily AP is out of this. Seen many players with over 36k AP, so what's their story, what exactly did they focused on and managed to reach that?Also, Anet didn't mentioned anywhere that they might plan to remove the daily AP cap in future?

The best way to reach high numbers of AP is by spreading out and finish a variety of content. The expansions and the seasons will give you most of what you need (and the daily cap of course). But most important advice I can you is to make this a very long term goal. It's not something you will reach any time soon.

The current maximum is 43.3k but that's for players who have everything unlocked

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@maddoctor.2738 said:

@NEOCROM.8957 said:Given the fact 15k AP cap is for dailies, atm i have 27k AP, and one of my main goals is to reach 36k to get Hellfire armor. And still 9k AP to go is still alot, especially that daily AP is out of this. Seen many players with over 36k AP, so what's their story, what exactly did they focused on and managed to reach that?Also, Anet didn't mentioned anywhere that they might plan to remove the daily AP cap in future?

The best way to reach high numbers of AP is by spreading out and finish a variety of content. The expansions and the seasons will give you most of what you need (and the daily cap of course). But most important advice I can you is to make this a very long term goal. It's not something you will reach any time soon.

The current maximum is 43.3k but that's for players who have everything unlocked

There are quite a lot of retired achievements that cannot be obtained, require you to having played GW2 since launch without taking a big break from the game

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@crepuscular.9047 said:

@"NEOCROM.8957" said:Given the fact 15k AP cap is for dailies, atm i have 27k AP, and one of my main goals is to reach 36k to get Hellfire armor. And still 9k AP to go is still alot, especially that daily AP is out of this. Seen many players with over 36k AP, so what's their story, what exactly did they focused on and managed to reach that?Also, Anet didn't mentioned anywhere that they might plan to remove the daily AP cap in future?

The best way to reach high numbers of AP is by spreading out and finish a variety of content. The expansions and the seasons will give you most of what you need (and the daily cap of course). But most important advice I can you is to make this a very long term goal. It's not something you will reach any time soon.

The current maximum is 43.3k but that's for players who have everything unlocked

There are quite a lot of retired achievements that cannot be obtained, require you to having played GW2 since launch without taking a big break from the game

True, but you don't need any of those to reach the 36k AP the OP is asking for. Current maximum is 43.3k, "missing achievements" are about 5.9k meaning the OP has about 1.4k AP that they can completely ignore to reach their goal of 36k.

Also, something I missed, @"NEOCROM.8957" you need "only" 30k to complete your first AP armor, at 30k you get the first chest and at 36k the second chest, so by 30k you will have one of the two entire sets, meaning you are much closer than you think (3k more!) to completing your achievement armor set.

Good luck!

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@maddoctor.2738 said:

@"NEOCROM.8957" said:Given the fact 15k AP cap is for dailies, atm i have 27k AP, and one of my main goals is to reach 36k to get Hellfire armor. And still 9k AP to go is still alot, especially that daily AP is out of this. Seen many players with over 36k AP, so what's their story, what exactly did they focused on and managed to reach that?Also, Anet didn't mentioned anywhere that they might plan to remove the daily AP cap in future?

The best way to reach high numbers of AP is by spreading out and finish a variety of content. The expansions and the seasons will give you most of what you need (and the daily cap of course). But most important advice I can you is to make this a very long term goal. It's not something you will reach any time soon.

The current maximum is 43.3k but that's for players who have everything unlocked

There are quite a lot of retired achievements that cannot be obtained, require you to having played GW2 since launch without taking a big break from the game

True, but you don't need any of those to reach the 36k AP the OP is asking for. Current maximum is 43.3k, "missing achievements" are about 5.9k meaning the OP has about 1.4k AP that they can completely ignore to reach their goal of 36k.

Also, something I missed, @"NEOCROM.8957" you need "only" 30k to complete your first AP armor, at 30k you get the first chest and at 36k the second chest, so by 30k you will have one of the two entire sets, meaning you are much closer than you think (3k more!) to completing your achievement armor set.

Good luck!

Isn't the chosing between radiant and hellfire each time? I mean, if you choose now hellfire, next time your only option will be radiant. Same for 27k and 30k. At 27k i choose hellfire leggings, so at 30k won't be the radiant?

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