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[Salvage Pile Home Instance Node] now is per Character, but still have /account per day limit.

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There is a thread about this in the Bugs section of the forum. All kinds of wackiness seems to be going on with this node. Not only does it only show in the home instance of the char who bought it but when it does show, it apparently can be under or even inside of other resource nodes. If you are thinking about buying this node, I'd hold off until it's clear Anet has resolved the issues. The node costs too much to put up with such bugged implementation. If these issues don't get resolved, I'm going to file a ticket asking for my gold and karma back.

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@Alpha Neuxs.5483 said:Doesn't look like it fixed it. I still do not see it (in any of my home instances), and I accidentally spent 100G because I thought I didn't buy it, but I was using another character in Driftwood. This feels like a really bad bug.

You can probably get your second 50g back by contacting support. Just be prepared for a bit of a wait, since they're backed up.

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Ok, I just took two of my toons on a run of each capital city. Toon A is the one that bought the node, and Toon B is an alt who hasn't touched the latest story stuff.

Divinity's Reach - Toon A and Toon B could see the node, and it wasn't under anything.Rata Sum - Neither Toon A nor Toon B could find the node.Hoelbrak - Toon A and Toon B could see the node, and it wasn't under anything.Black Citadel - Toon A and Toon B could see the node, and it wasn't under anything. The mini map icon is slightly covered by the HoT chest icon.The Grove - Toon A and Toon B could see the node, and it wasn't under anything.

So, Rata Sum definitely seems to still be bugged in some way.

Edit: Both toons were finally able to find the Rata Sum node, but it's still under the Crystallized Cache chest and isn't really visible on the mini map.

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