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The new episode without voices feels just wrong


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@Ben K.6238 said:

@"Teratus.2859" said:Anet has so many other things they could focus on besides releasing new.. and to be blunt.. "incomplete" content.

There are so many ways they could fix up the core world, add new events or rebalance Orr to make it a real endgame location.They could use this time to rework and reintroduce Living world 1 content which they already have all the voice acting for.They could go back and fix up the Dungeons, make the story modes single player etc.Add new core world adventres, races or challenges..There are plenty of places in the existing game which could use attention that Anet hasn't been able to give it largely due to new Living world episodes demanding too much time and resources.

This whole lockdown situation while sucky for everyone.. really has provided probably the best time for Anet to put new content on hold and go back and fix up older parts of the game that really really need a bit of TLC.The Reworked Living world 1 alone would be more than enough to satisfy a lot of peoples hunger for new content as for a lot of people it would be new content.. and for others.. well it's been more than half a decade since they last got to play it so it will suffice for the vast majority of players, of that I am certain.

I get where you're coming from there, but when I think about it, I wouldn't come back for any of those changes. I haven't even played the LS1 revisits in the Scrying Pool yet, because I already know what happens and it just doesn't appeal anymore.

It's entirely possible I'm one of a small handful who just isn't that interested in old content, but if updating old content was all you needed to keep people coming back, I'm sure a lot more companies would be doing it. (Besides EA with all their sports games.)

Aye I get where you're coming from too.

I have a lot of characters myself so running them through old content is something im pretty familiar with, it's where i've spent most of my time as a player over all these years, even today since I like to do world completion and all the existing story before I take new characters to new content and sometimes I end up getting though all that then thinking.. hmm new character idea and start a new one and do it all over again xD

The difference in quality and difficulty between old and new content is extremely noticable and unfortuante.. plus that big story gap with living world 1 has been really bugging me for many years now XD

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I agree it's not quite the same, but I completely understand why ANet decided to release it without VO. Personally I'd have been fine with waiting another 3-6 months for the LS to continue, but I've got plenty of other goals in the game (Legendaries, PvP, WvW) to work towards in the meantime.

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