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Heavy armor fashion issue + suggestions

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I just want more heavy armour skins that match up with the invisible stompers... Ive had the same look for the last 2+ years now, all because nothing else goes with them on Heavy classes.

You cant use 90% of the leg armours due to the ugly ankle bashers, you cant use some of the skirt armours due to very low res textures vs newer stuff. Then you have the issue of 90% of the top armours being way too bulky. Seriously half foot of steel on your chest?!

Heavy really does need more skimpy armour designs, or designs that arent so thick. (look at all the heavy armour gloves and look at the giant space around the wrists, way. too. bulky.) Also more designs that end at the knee so more boots/no boots can be used to create unique looks.

On 6/1/2020 at 12:45 PM, Roche.7491 said:

I suggest an outfit

Why would you even suggest that?! Outfits are a scourge :C

Edited by Smoosh.2718
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I would realy like to get 2 pieces of Guild Defender heavy armor. We got chest but no shoulders and leggings. Legacy armor btw that can't be earned in game (blc skin unlock only I guess). Have so many unlocks of heavy armor but most are not that apealing to me. Females have it better but I found combo that just worked on males, so made complete change of my main guardian to male human.  

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