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Balance Change Suggestions for the Next Update

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@Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

@Stand The Wall.6987 said:smothering auras is fine. its strong and it helps ele have more builds.would you rather fight against earth/ water weaver?

Now that im thinking about it, I think the issue is more that transmute fire on focus 5 is on a 10(8) second cooldown. I think it would make more sense to increase the cd, which would also help reduce easy might stacking.

sounds good.

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@"Stallic.2397" said:I wouldn't change smothering auras either. Before that change, Ele's would die to any condition build if not speccing Water. And the main post is complaining about Bunker Builds? If Ele's are forced into water because of Smothering Aura's change, it'll just exacerbate the problem.

Tempest was the common Ele build in MOTA. Not LR, which is just find so conveniently ironic. Since everyone suggested nerfing LR to oblivion. Anyhow, if tempests are too much of a problem, then nerf Tempests, don't touch core

Who the hell plays core ele? Maybe we should put a huge target icon on ele and remove all skills while reducing HP to 100...that would make people finally say :" ele is balanced" as ele is considered balanced when it can be killed even by a hamster on a wheel

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Helpful tip vs Renegades: If you notice one on the enemy team, turn on Effects LOD. It reduces the visual clutter down to manageable levels. Enough so that you can tell what's going on.I'm not sure if it was a visual bug, but it also made their spirits appear opaque in the last game when I played against one. Not sure if that was a recent change or PvP being its usual buggy self.

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Your logic in your post is a bit flawed, but it’s on the right track.

The first thing to understand about balance in video games is that it is an artificial construct.

By definition, balance implies that all things must be equal. If all things are equal then they MUST be the same thing. The moment one thing becomes different to another, the are in principle imbalanced. If I were to ask you steps you would have to take to attain perfect balance, to the point where no one can complain about anything, your answer would have to be the removal of any meaningful choice.

Meaningful Choice = Diversity.Balance = absolutely no diversity.

This is the case for video game balance. But it’s not the only type of balance. There are other ways to attain balance, and this is through competition. Things like capitalism and evolution work by this principle of competition, which create a different kind of balance, by providing meaningful choices.

The more meaningful choices there are, the more autonomous agents are able to compete with each other and this will naturally bring about balance as seen in natural, competitive systems that are diverse.

So fun is a factor to consider in terms of game design, but it’s not the sole reason for implementing good balance in a highly diverse game like gw2. This is why every balance patch that nerfs or buffs professions brings less and less real balance, it’s because this artificial process removes meaningful choice.

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