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somewhere deep in a thread of discussion, he said

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Engines of cars are made of sundries metals and most of them, use only liquid fuel to move.Βut with a transmutation on engine, it can use only LPG to move or both, with more benefits.So a car mechanic, can do the same engine to move with other fuel oil.Here we talk for programs on pc , and not for metals or aliens.They can do everything on pc.Pc for tasking needs 2 things, electricity and numbers (0-1) nothing more.With numbers i mean programming languages and the operator-s of this language.People said , this engine is very good and they cant understand why people said for newest engine....On wvw when i was play with 50 people blob on lowest settings, that isn t make the game enjoyable(but with lowest settings there i have 50-60fps, ok its fine but it isn t nice picture).And vs 2 enemy blobs? there maybe i have 15 fps on lowest settings. ( on 4,6mhz percore cpu and i have several cores ), and game working with a few cores.So yes, the engine of the game needs reprogramming for using more cores, for better fps and much more, for me and many many others...If they cant remake the engine of game, more close at newers and next generation engines , what we will wait on future?This engine on gw2 its fine for arena-pvp- and maybe for gvg.Its not good for bigscale pve and wvw,so for the most of gamers.They can reduse the players number on wvw maps per server, who they are active on blobs or just active on map.But it is right solution?And pve?

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Okay, I'm just going to come out and say it: Have you tried to code a video game or, heck, just a simple program to solve basic problems? You're over-simplifying a very intricate process. Is what people are saying not getting through to you, or are you just so hellbent on being right that you're just ignoring facts?

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Ok listen the > @Tsakhi.8124 said:

Okay, I'm just going to come out and say it: Have you tried to code a video game or, heck, just a simple program to solve basic problems? You're over-simplifying a very intricate process. Is what people are saying not getting through to you, or are you just so hellbent on being right that you're just ignoring facts?

xDListen the facts, unruly youth...I don t give for a 2 years cpu 400+ euros for high fps on gw2 +more euros for a mobo, who they will be old gen on next 2 years.New consoles will be coming on this year(sony-microsoft) , and do you know how many cpus they will use?8cores+16 threads and they will be working all cores at games because of newer engines.Now imagine the pcs with newer cpu s with 12 or 16 cores, that future games(with their engines) will use them .Gw2 and many other games use only 2-6 cores, and their old engines needs higher hz per core with few core and not many cores with a mid- high as the newer games-engines.if that game did not upgrade their engines are ded.So semi-learning is worse than ignorance.So okay into your face.

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@Mitsen.3247 said:Ok listen the > @"Tsakhi.8124" said:

Okay, I'm just going to come out and say it: Have you tried to code a video game or, heck, just a simple program to solve basic problems? You're over-simplifying a very intricate process. Is what people are saying not getting through to you, or are you just so hellbent on being right that you're just ignoring facts?

xDListen the facts, unruly youth...I don t give for a 2 years cpu 400+ euros for high fps on gw2 +more euros for a mobo, who they will be old gen on next 2 years.New consoles will be coming on this year(sony-microsoft) , and do you know how many cpus they will use?8cores+16 threads and they will be working all cores at games because of newer engines.Now imagine the pcs with newer cpu s with 12 or 16 cores, that future games(with their engines) will use them .Gw2 and many other games use only 2-6 cores, and their old engines needs higher hz per core with few core and not many cores with a mid- high as the newer games-engines.if that games did not upgrade their engines are ded.So semi-learning is worse than ignorance.So okay into your face.

That...wasn't my question. Never mind, it's pointless to argue with someone who is afraid to be wrong. Also, The Tsakhi is a pretty awesome name, it's better than "A Tsakhi", nah, it's The Tsakhi, with a capital T. XD

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@Mitsen.3247 said:Ok listen the > @Tsakhi.8124 said:

Okay, I'm just going to come out and say it: Have you tried to code a video game or, heck, just a simple program to solve basic problems? You're over-simplifying a very intricate process. Is what people are saying not getting through to you, or are you just so hellbent on being right that you're just ignoring facts?

xDListen the facts, unruly youth...I don t give for a 2 years cpu 400+ euros for high fps on gw2 +more euros for a mobo, who they will be old gen on next 2 years.New consoles will be coming on this year(sony-microsoft) , and do you know how many cpus they will use?8cores+16 threads and they will be working all cores at games because of newer engines.Now imagine the pcs with newer cpu s with 12 or 16 cores, that future games(with their engines) will use them .Gw2 and many other games use only 2-6 cores, and their old engines needs higher hz per core with few core and not many cores with a mid- high as the newer games-engines.if that game did not upgrade their engines are ded.So semi-learning is worse than ignorance.So okay into your face.

At this point, I am uncertain as to whether you willfully ignore things for the sake of it or are intellectually incapable of grasping them. Listen, noone would be against an engine overhaul. Everyone wants to have a better engine. Yes, GW2 will become more unappealing with time passing and technology marching on. And at some point it will die. You apparently are unable to understand that it is very probably the more economical decision to let that happen than to take on the humungous endeavour of basically rewriting the whole game. Products have a life-cycle, products die. GW2 will die and at some point in its life, huge investments will seem unreasonable.

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@"Dawdler.8521" said:What new MMOs with "strong engines"?I'd like to quote myself and point out that there's never been any answer for this.

In the meantime, we've had New World PvP (ie WvW like) gameplay footage drop, using the Amazon Lumberyard engine (ie CryEngine derivative backed up by billions upon billions upon billions of dollars) and guess what... the performance is looking absolutely atrocious. Janky as hell with heavy LoD scaling. And by heavy I'm not talking lowpoly, I'm talking the engine literally reducing animation frames from smooth (player) to 2-3 fps (players 20m away) because it can barely handle a dozen people on screen at once.

So yeah... "strong engines". For sure.

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@Dawdler.8521 said:

@Dawdler.8521 said:What new MMOs with "strong engines"?I'd like to quote myself and point out that there's never been any answer for this.

In the meantime, we've had New World PvP (ie WvW like) gameplay footage drop, using the Amazon Lumberyard engine (ie CryEngine derivative backed up by billions upon billions upon billions of dollars) and guess what... the performance is looking absolutely
. Janky as hell with
LoD scaling. And by
I'm not talking lowpoly, I'm talking the engine literally reducing animation frames from smooth (player) to 2-3 fps (players 20m away) because it can barely handle a dozen people on screen at once.

So yeah... "strong engines". For sure.

As trash as I think gw2 has become I think new world will be a big disappoint as well. Could be wrong tho.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@Dawdler.8521 said:What new MMOs with "strong engines"?I'd like to quote myself and point out that there's never been any answer for this.

In the meantime, we've had New World PvP (ie WvW like) gameplay footage drop, using the Amazon Lumberyard engine (ie CryEngine derivative backed up by billions upon billions upon billions of dollars) and guess what... the performance is looking absolutely
. Janky as hell with
LoD scaling. And by
I'm not talking lowpoly, I'm talking the engine literally reducing animation frames from smooth (player) to 2-3 fps (players 20m away) because it can barely handle a dozen people on screen at once.

So yeah... "strong engines". For sure.

As trash as I think gw2 has become I think new world will be a big disappoint as well. Could be wrong tho.

I had high expectations, but a last minute 180 on fundamental design decisions really is a red light.

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@Algreg.3629 said:

@Dawdler.8521 said:What new MMOs with "strong engines"?I'd like to quote myself and point out that there's never been any answer for this.

In the meantime, we've had New World PvP (ie WvW like) gameplay footage drop, using the Amazon Lumberyard engine (ie CryEngine derivative backed up by billions upon billions upon billions of dollars) and guess what... the performance is looking absolutely
. Janky as hell with
LoD scaling. And by
I'm not talking lowpoly, I'm talking the engine literally reducing animation frames from smooth (player) to 2-3 fps (players 20m away) because it can barely handle a dozen people on screen at once.

So yeah... "strong engines". For sure.

As trash as I think gw2 has become I think new world will be a big disappoint as well. Could be wrong tho.

I had high expectations, but a last minute 180 on fundamental design decisions really is a red light.

Yep. I had high hopes as well. But the more I see, the less it looks like it would be worth while. Game has no content, combat is so-so, War mode is a cluster F...Maybe they're j-baiting but I doubt it. Once the "we need to delay cause of c-rona" video went up, hype train derailed.

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