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PvP: when team is bad/bot then i have to take ranked points loss


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Suggestion: Why not let every player be rated on his/her own stats after the match. Like kills, healing, damage, defense etc and be rewarded/penalized in ranked points, Because right now, if someone wants to AFK or disconnects due to internet failure... I suffer the rank loss, I cannot see this being fair in any way... Im not in pvp for the gold/item rewards, I want a better rank and i cannot achieve this if the random team mates i get feed into a 1v5 the entire time because they get gold rewarded even if they lose. So for them its "why try when i can feed to lose faster and get pips rewarded anyway". Please consider implementing this, It would only make for a less toxic community.

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@"Blake.1908" said:Suggestion: Why not let every player be rated on his/her own stats after the match. Like kills, healing, damage, defense etc and be rewarded/penalized in ranked points, Because right now, if someone wants to AFK or disconnects due to internet failure... I suffer the rank loss, I cannot see this being fair in any way... Im not in pvp for the gold/item rewards, I want a better rank and i cannot achieve this if the random team mates i get feed into a 1v5 the entire time because they get gold rewarded even if they lose. So for them its "why try when i can feed to lose faster and get pips rewarded anyway". Please consider implementing this, It would only make for a less toxic community.

because games don't rely heavily on just stats, they rely on rotational awareness... there isn't a stat for using your brain and knowing where to go , where to 1up , when to goto skyhammer, when to kill a beast , when to stomp or cleave, etc there's much more things that can't be tied to stats... there's no stats for ACTUAL difference makers.

you're paired up with randoms, this is a potential result of that , it's better not to take the pvp THAT seriously because it isn't and just roll with it or find a top tier duo to q with and increase your chances of a better match.

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It's not fair, that's for sure. I made a thread about it as well. Reaching Plat doesn't change the problem either. For some reason, you'll still face tougher enemies with what seems like 4 terrible teammates. You really have to look at it as another version of pve:

You're playing with 4 bots, against 5 other bots. And the point of the game is, how well can you carry to make sure you achieve a win, no matter the odds.

Best way to do that is create an unkillable tank and really focus on nodes and rotation. One thing can reliably be guaranteed: your teammates will try their best to damage/chase/kill. You gotta make sure you do the rest.

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there is no other fair way of gain/loss rating, especially since top stats don't reflect performance in any way (maybe 0 deaths, which isnt even a top stat)to my experience, while matches aren't always balanced, rating is pretty accurate and myself hanging around the same rating for many seasons

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I know it seems unfair but I bet games you win the other team could have a bot and that bot feeds your team. The way you sound is like only you get bots. You get bots they get bots I get bots everyone gets bots. Anet needs to clean that up but most likely we win as many as we lose because of them

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It could work if the leaderboard and stats were changed so that they accurately reflected what really matters in a Ranked game of conquest. Top stats don't completely do that, and they're also unfair to certain classes sometimes.That would take a lot of effort though.

But I totally understand why people don't like the way it is. The current system is 100% RNG based on who you're matched with and nothing else.

You could carry an entire game, including an afk and there's still potential for the afk person to gain more than you did despite contributing little to nothing.On the opposite end, that afk person could cost you the game and you're just as likely to lose more rating than they did even though you actually tried.

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