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AoE alacrity for thieves


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Any thoughts or opinions about alacrity being a boon that thieves can grant to allies? Alacrity doesn't have to be exclusive to a few professions.

It would improve thieves boon support role a bit better. Yeah sure they can give it with the plasma stolen skill, but a skill or trait that focuses on this would be better.

Mechanically, I know it's not that important for thieves to have, but it's not like it's useless on them either. Thematically, its would be like Thieves are showing others how to use their skills efficiently and more often like they do.

Again any thought? It wouldn't be the worst thing ever.

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Besides the fact that alacrity is entirely not in flavour for thief, the problem is that support thief would need to get way too many things to be good. Id rather they just up thieves damage. The lowest utility class that basically provides only damage should at least have top tier DPS.

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Quickness is a better option than Alacrity, and honestly support thief sounds like it will be more of a gimmick than an actual legit build.

Their Profession mechanic revolves around dealing alot of damage due to no cooldowns, so what is a Support build gonna translate into?Spamming skills for "support" instead of damaging the enemy?

It's not that they can't do both even if such a change were made, it's the trait choices picked in order to do so : Would it be less effective than simply having one of the meta supports do that instead and letting the Thief focus on what they do best, which is to DPS?

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It was clear the devs had aims to make support deadeye a thing, still is if you really need the might and fury, but it failed horribly. I wished the direction for deadeyes mark was a new kind of debuff that would benefit allies attacking the marked target, but anet didn't seem they had any clue what to do about DE; as seen with horrendous bugs and a rework months after PoF released.Support thief is regulated to boon thief from detonate plasma. Perma alac isnt possible with boon thief, for good reason. As others have posted it wouldn't be enough to warrant a spot in group content with just alacrity being the only form of utility. Competition among support slots is tight.

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I'm still hoping that Thief will get a support E-Spec at some point.

With stolen skills being party buffs along the lines of Detonate Plasma (All of them, not just a handful. I.e. Detonate Plasma, Time in a Bottle and Blessing Seed)

It's not like Thief can't even make a full build with support in mind. Thrill of the Crime and Bountiful Theft from Trickery allows you to apply Might, Fury, Swiftness and Vigor to allies. While Merciful Ambush, Shadow Saviour and Leeching Venoms from Shadow Arts allows you to provide some healing for allies.

It just needs a 3rd spec that can back up this support, providing something like Alacrity/Quickness (More consistently than stealing Detonate Plasma or Time in a Bottle from Raids/Strikes) and/or being able to push out some more healing.

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