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What's the best PvP class for soloq?

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@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

  1. Condi Herald - Currently the best side node, also effective in team fights. <- Play that if you want to side node

Well, good rangers can kill it. It also lack dmg to kill some of the bunkersL such bunker core guard and DH, and now maybe the well scourge.I am not saying Condi Herald is weak, but its not that effective as you think.

Also, the Mase Axe / Sword Shield version is better suitable for teamfights, while the staff version is better for sides.

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@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:Best classes for solo queue this season:

  1. Condi Herald - Currently the best side node, also effective in team fights. <- Play that if you want to side node
  2. Holosmith - Nearly as good of a side node as Condi Herald, but more effective in team fights. <- Play this if you like team fights
  3. Scourge - Easiest Support/Team Fighter hybrid to play and currently OP. <- Play this for easy support presence
  4. DP Daredevil - Fastest class, best disengage, nothing compares to this as a +1er Decap Roamer <- Play it for easy +1er Decap Roam

It's not that other things couldn't work for yolo queue. But the aforementioned classes are just currently OP and easy to pick up and play right now.

You forgot to mention the skill differences between being decent at 1-3 vs 4 is the size of the universe 3 times over.

Also thief is probably one of the worst solo queue classes up there with support. Best duo queue though.

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I had high success last season with Wizard ammy spite/curses/soul reaping necro. running scepter/dagger, staff and aristocracy rune.

when i initially made the build, i landed rank 44 and rank 53 solo queueing only (two different accounts). I haven't played this current balance cycle, so I don't know how it fares anymore, but it was pretty solid.

I was using the corruption 33% reduction trait,consume conditions, corrosive poison cloud, wyrm, spectral walk, and plaguelands.

Can 1v1. Can sometimes 1v2. More dps than a reaper in team fights. More survivable than a reaper in team fights. better corruption than reaper. better healing/condi removal than reaper.

again, dunno how it matches up against the current meta, but before this balance patch this build was possibly the best pvp build in the game, and of my own creation.

its slow as hell, but with teleports+spectral walk you'll probably be fine. do not take warhorn. the dagger is there for condi removal/blind

life blast hitting for 2k plus an additional 1k burning is fucking dope as hell. Wizard amulet highly underrated.

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i'd say its your own pref. there is many classes that u can play that is "carryable" and not having to rely on team, but IMO power rev is probably the way to go, you can rotate fast with shiro, you can take 1v1s and 1vX (depending how good you are mechanically) you can kite for your god damn life and carry teamfights by spiking a support or big dps class fast, you have boonstrip, you have CC, you also got blind to outplay certain stuff.power rev is harder to play in this meta compared to condi rev, but it gives way way more reward if you can pull it off ^_^

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