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What's the best PvP class for soloq?

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Hi all,

just recently came back to the game and rolled a rev. Absolutely love playing her but I seem lose a lot of games due to bad teams (and sometimes i'm bad too lets be honest).

I'm wondering if there's a soloq class that can kinda carry a little harder. I came here for some clarification because after asking around in the PvP lobby it seems that people have suggested almost every class, lol.

any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Side noders and classes that have enough dps and mobility to side node and roam without changing spec are always best for solo q. The idea is be able to impact fights quickly and dominate on your own. This also goes to show why sometimes thief builds are known to struggle solo- they have amazing roaming power and can be everywhere at once basically, but a zerker d/p thief cannot 1v1 so there are times where you cannot do anything on your own. That’s why u want both capabilities.

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As far as the meta right now the classes themselves that are best overall for ranked would have to be- 1.) ranger. Go to metabattle.com the 2 builds there plus core bunker using marks and valk are all insane in ranked 2.) engineer. Pmuch any holo build can do well, especially nades holo 3.) rev. It was nerfed making it not as good at 1v1ing as ranger or holo, but condi rev can 1v1 team fight or roam and is the most flexible build in the game and power rev is an amazing roamer and with some variants can 1v1 well or team fight.

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As always there is no right answer to this. What is your level? What is your understanding of other professions?

If you want a profession that can do a little of everything (teamfight, side node), then professions like necro, builds like condi revenant or holo are your go to but you need a little understanding of when to back up.

If you want a build easy to pick and play for beginners then core ranger or core burn guard are right up your alley. I think necro or a scourge with wells are also beginner friendly because the aoe cover small nodes and they have a decent sustain. But all those builds will have drawbacks you will notice the higher you climb.

All the professions have builds that can punish mistakes up to plat so nobody is wrong when they give you a profession. After plat this is a different story between solo queue, duo queue and tournament.

Also take everything with a grain of salt because while people described the last patch as “too small” or “not doing anything”. The small tweaks here and there to some profession (like herald) could mean something in the long run we do not realize yet.

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@Mr Kitten.7359 said:Condi rev i would say

I would agree. Especially given the damage nerf, if a condi rev goes onto a side node against anything other than a really bursty setup, you can dodge, block, cc, blind your way through a decap. Also you can usually get the glint heal back up before they can put you down... making you essentially invincible. All this of course is in addition to solid offensive pressure.

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@aymnad.9023 said:As always there is no right answer to this. What is your level? What is your understanding of other professions?

If you want a profession that can do a little of everything (teamfight, side node), then professions like necro, builds like condi revenant or holo are your go to but you need a little understanding of when to back up.

If you want a build easy to pick and play for beginners then core ranger or core burn guard are right up your alley. I think necro or a scourge with wells are also beginner friendly because the aoe cover small nodes and they have a decent sustain. But all those builds will have drawbacks you will notice the higher you climb.

All the professions have builds that can punish mistakes up to plat so nobody is wrong when they give you a profession. After plat this is a different story between solo queue, duo queue and tournament.

Also take everything with a grain of salt because while people described the last patch as “too small” or “not doing anything”. The small tweaks here and there to some profession (like herald) could mean something in the long run we do not realize yet.

I just wanted to say thank you for everyone for the responses and for helping me out.

You're absolutely right, I missed some key details here. I have been playing a condi rev and placed into silver three. The class is currently my main but I find it a little hard to solo queue with, so that's why I was considering some other classes.

I took your advice too heart and rolled a HoloSmith and a ranger. Now I know I shouldn't expect to have a complete understanding of how the class works just by playing it for a day, but here's a couple of things I struggled with and maybe I can get some advice.

I can see why ranger is strong. Great DPS and sometimes you can just free shoot in the background. my only struggle is anytime anyone ever got in my face I feel like I died instantly. Even while trying to utilize my stealth shot and movement skills. I think maybe this comes down to me not utilizing the greatsword correctly, because I would normally just panic and try to run without attempting to switch to it.

I must say that I do love the holosmith and all of their skills, but I'm really bad at staying alive with them. Maybe I'm playing them too sword based and not kiting enough with grenades, but whenever I try to jump in The fray things I feel like I get dropped very quickly.

but yeah, I just wanted to give you guys an update on where I am and see if you guys had any further advice to help me optimize these classes in PvP.

Thanks again !

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@TEAMeLLis.6832 said:

@aymnad.9023 said:As always there is no right answer to this. What is your level? What is your understanding of other professions?

If you want a profession that can do a little of everything (teamfight, side node), then professions like necro, builds like condi revenant or holo are your go to but you need a little understanding of when to back up.

If you want a build easy to pick and play for beginners then core ranger or core burn guard are right up your alley. I think necro or a scourge with wells are also beginner friendly because the aoe cover small nodes and they have a decent sustain. But all those builds will have drawbacks you will notice the higher you climb.

All the professions have builds that can punish mistakes up to plat so nobody is wrong when they give you a profession. After plat this is a different story between solo queue, duo queue and tournament.

Also take everything with a grain of salt because while people described the last patch as “too small” or “not doing anything”. The small tweaks here and there to some profession (like herald) could mean something in the long run we do not realize yet.

I just wanted to say thank you for everyone for the responses and for helping me out.

You're absolutely right, I missed some key details here. I have been playing a condi rev and placed into silver three. The class is currently my main but I find it a little hard to solo queue with, so that's why I was considering some other classes.

I took your advice too heart and rolled a HoloSmith and a ranger. Now I know I shouldn't expect to have a complete understanding of how the class works just by playing it for a day, but here's a couple of things I struggled with and maybe I can get some advice.

I can see why ranger is strong. Great DPS and sometimes you can just free shoot in the background. my only struggle is anytime anyone ever got in my face I feel like I died instantly. Even while trying to utilize my stealth shot and movement skills. I think maybe this comes down to me not utilizing the greatsword correctly, because I would normally just panic and try to run without attempting to switch to it.

I must say that I do love the holosmith and all of their skills, but I'm really bad at staying alive with them. Maybe I'm playing them too sword based and not kiting enough with grenades, but whenever I try to jump in The fray things I feel like I get dropped very quickly.

but yeah, I just wanted to give you guys an update on where I am and see if you guys had any further advice to help me optimize these classes in PvP.

Thanks again !


I hope you will find something you enjoy with those 2 builds. Obviously starting with something new will get you more losses than wins :)

I do not play engineer so if any holo main comes here feel free to correct me.Holo build spam 2 before going to a node for the movespeed and heat generation. They engage fights with 2 - 3 - 4 (photon forge). Once they have a lot of heat (>100) they go out of photon forge and spam grenades because they build might with Enhanced Capacity Storage Unit. While using the grenade kit they do not stay on the node (if this is mid and there are too many aoes) but move slightly around it. Then they can wait for additional cds with shield + elixirs and go in / out to trigger Prismatic converter or run away quite fast if needed (photon forge 2). The elite elixir can create a lot of chaos in fights allowing for a kill or securing an ally stomp.

For ranger you will do well vs power builds but have a harder time vs condi. Rotate your defensive skills to last longer (heal, gs block / evade, stealth, survival skills). You will need to stay (and keep your pet) in range if there are too many aoe. When you see that your enemies used a few defensive / offensive cds you can go in and try to burst with GS. Use GS 2 with the pet F2 because it boosts the pet next attack (at the end of Maul animation). Pet swapping (F4) is super important because it gives you a fresh pet (meaning you do not get an increase cd), it also clears 2 conditions (because it triggers a dispell with Lesser zephyr + Wilderness knowledge) and increase your next attack (because it triggers remorsless and gives you a first strike). Also after pet swapping your pet next attack is unblockable + does more damage (Clarion Bond) which also means it is a great time to use your pet F2 if the enemy is in close combat. Do not hesitate to run away if you have to (it is better to stay alive) heal and come back to pressure with lb.

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The player above me was correct with the ranger things, idk about holo.

Try to save your condi cleanse on ranger a bit, like if you play against crev or burnguard, they often stack their condition first to 4 and a second later to 6-8 if you wait this second you get a bit dmg but have a few condi cleanses left and you can survive way longer in a duel, try on core ranger not to fight in mid, your pet will die instantly, stand more outside and poke in, take a look at pet HP and risk your heals kill if no pet swap is not available, the condi cleanse, super speed is always a good thing to have on 15 seconds cooldown.

Go in mid fights in meele if you realy know you can do now a kill because if not, you could fuck up, die and probably also loose complete fight and the map (because you should actually sit on far or close)

Look always at the minimap and the ways that goes to your node that you should hold and go to the node if someone is walking down there.

On ranger 1vs1 can be done good against most classes but if you get + by a thief or Rev you gonna have a hard time, leave the node and move to the kite spots arround the node (there are at every side node things to jump on or stay behind)Try to survive at go to the node later when the other guy leaves it, it's better to loose the node than beeing dead (5 points more for enemy and they got node anyways) you can try to fight them a little time but beeing alive is way more important than beeing dead

Even if the second guy does not leave the node or comes back all 5 seconds you gain value out of it, because the rest of the map will evolve to a 3vs4 for your team (sometimes it takes time, but it will work mostly)

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Bro if u silver 3 I would forget about class carry at the moment and focus on a role play to improve areas at a time because u got a long way to go. Because u playing a class that’s op makes your team mates change into less op classes and then u get farmed cus silver.... and they can’t hold map because there op class that’s ment to be makeing something happen is feeding. I would say play thf. Be a decap bot and + never 1v1 just be annoying until u understand not only what u are doing but what they are. Then when a gold level pick up something broken then boom u plat son like most of them in it.

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Thief was good until people figured out to play builds invincible to condi thief. For some reason I don't see condi thieves anymore even though it's still busted as hell, I guess they fight too many condi revs and scourges then give up on the build.

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@Shiyo.3578 said:Thief was good until people figured out to play builds invincible to condi thief. For some reason I don't see condi thieves anymore even though it's still busted as hell, I guess they fight too many condi revs and scourges then give up on the build.

they die of severe brain damage eventually or quit the build before its too late

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do best but if you want to learn a new class play a class that 1. is not dependent on your team mates and 2. has a lot of impact in the game e.g. a DD or sup is not optimal since both are dependent on the other and a side or rather not because this can hold a node permanently but if your team loses the rest of the map it does nothing. in the end you have to play something i would recommend a roamer that has good damage e.g. power rev or so but the meta always changes. But in the end you can get up with every class if you can do it well so my tip play the class you enjoy and don't give up at least p2 or 3 if you master the rotation and mechanics of your

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Best classes for solo queue this season:

  1. Condi Herald - Currently the best side node, also effective in team fights. <- Play that if you want to side node
  2. Holosmith - Nearly as good of a side node as Condi Herald, but more effective in team fights. <- Play this if you like team fights
  3. Scourge - Easiest Support/Team Fighter hybrid to play and currently OP. <- Play this for easy support presence
  4. DP Daredevil - Fastest class, best disengage, nothing compares to this as a +1er Decap Roamer <- Play it for easy +1er Decap Roam

It's not that other things couldn't work for yolo queue. But the aforementioned classes are just currently OP and easy to pick up and play right now.

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