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Funny fails

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Anyone have any stories about funny fails to tell? I have a few.

  1. Just yesterday I decided to join a squad doing Drakkar on a whim. We were beating on its left foot (as you do) and I thought we were doing pretty well! Then I looked at the time and we had 50 seconds left. We got Drakkar down to 1 percent! ...and then we failed xDAnd to make things worse, many people were stating that condis actually finished it off but we still failed!
  2. I was playing wvw. I jumped off a ledge to glide. Enemies captured the area. I died.

Now tell me your stories! :)

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Screwed up my mount keybinds once..

I ran upto a cliff edge, mounted up on my Griffon and jumped right off the edge.

Turns out I hadn't mounted my griffon and flown off the cliff as intended..I had instead yeeted myself off a cliff riding a rabbit..

Friend got a good laugh out of that one lol

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My first foray into WvW, I completely forgot that you need to train masteries to be able to glide there. Okay, no big deal (I thought on the way down), I'm diving into water.Found out the hard way the water was about two inches deep.KERSPLAT.

My various fails with learning how to Daredevil in HoT involve dodging, flipping, bouncing, jumping, and catapulting myself off of more cliffs than I care to remember. I'm sure at some point the Mordrem didn't even bother fighting me: they just stood back and passed the popcorn as I knocked myself out reenacting Robin Hood Daffy.

"Dragonhunter sucks," I whined to a friend. "I mean, I love the class and all, but longbow damage is so RIDICULOUSLY weak - even in open-world PVE! - that I might as well be hitting enemies with a pool noodle!""Wow. Did it get nerfed?" she replied."Not that I know of. I don't know how people can play this class in the first place..."Several days later, on a whim I looked at my equipment and saw my cute little exotic longbow, sitting there nice and pretty in my character's hands - without any stats."So...[friend's name]..." I sheepishly said, "I think I found out why Dragonhunter hit like a wet noodle."

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Most of this stuff is quite embarrassing, but I managed to laugh about each situation. Life is too short to take everything seriously:

  • Drizzlewood Coast, old meta-chain. We killed the final Keeper around the final moment of the timer. The Door opened, the door closed. Happened to me twice so far.
  • Accidentally hit the mouse-key I mapped for Bond of Faith, while I tried to reach a special spot with my Griffon. Took me about 30 minutes to get this far ... and back to 0 XD.
  • Did a guild-rush with my guild, 15/15 completions. Barely made it in time, until i realized I forgot to launch the mission in our guild-panel.
  • Decided to help a guildmember or just a random person in LFG with the final Battle of Mordremoth - end of Heart of Thorns. We were able to carry the fight pretty far, until the storm-phase triggered and one of the updrafts decided to launch me into outer-space. This happened so many times, I stopped counting.
  • Climbed all the way up to Abaddon's Ascent, waypointed and realized I forgot to loot the chest.
  • Wanted to unlock Jakka Itzel for a gather-character. Started flying from Shipwreck Waypoint, reached the Flax spot, farmed and switched chars. Realized I forgot to unlock the waypoint. Returned to that character, waypointed to Shipwreck again. Started flying again, messed up with the Griffon ... death. Back to Shipwreck. Made it almost, but overshot the range a little. Switched to the Glider, got shot by a Sniper, dead again. Back to Shipwreck again. Reached Jaka Itzel, but was a bit too low to get on any branches. Waypointed again XD. Finally made it to the village, did NOT unlock the Waypoint and logged off. The next day, I logged in on that character, descended to the flax-spot, farmed and realized, I did not unlock the waypoint yet. Back to Shipwreck, using raptor to walk/run to Jakka Itzel to avoid further fails. Unlocked the waypoint and the sadly remembered that bouncing mushroom near the flax-spot that brings you back to the surface >_>.
  • Switched the stats of my ascended gear-set once, happy that I finally managed to craft the right Insignias and Inscriptions. Just to realize a few seconds after, that I forgot to remove the infusions. 160 AR blown to dust.
  • Decided to salvage and refine my loot after a long farming tour and accidently crafted 300 Mithril Plated Dowels.
  • Wanted to get an Aqua Breather for my Necromancer. Checked my gear-mule, nothing of suitable weight class. Went to Bitterfrost Frontier, almost bought it. Decided to check the mule again, just in case. Found an ascended Aqua Breather with the wrong stats, got an Insignia and the other pieces, switched stats. Grabbed it with the Necromancer. Could not equip. Relogged a few times, still nothing. Checked the item in the inventory again, wrong weight class. Went to BFF again, purchased the Aqua Breather, selected stats and equipped it. Another ascended Aqua Breather popped up in my Inventory, it appeared I had one already. Wrong stats obviously. Sigh.
  • Once made a personal guild for a friend, who ran out of bank/inventory space. Collected Favor and unlocked the tier 1 guild bank. The friend quit playing GW2. Now I was stuck with that extra guild-bank. I almost had it an entire year. I tried to sell it, tried to give it away for free, no one wanted it. Refused to delete it, as it costed me 52 gold and a little extra work to unlock the bank. Then a member of my main guild pmed me, asking for assistance with unlocking bank on a personal guild. I offered that one, but the person refused. Has to be their own guild ... sigh. Helped them with the unlock. Then I came into that odd situation of running out of guild-slots. Sadly decided to delete the bank-guild, as no one wanted it anyway.
  • A few months ago, I tried to claim Windswept Haven for my personal guild. Asking for mercenaries, offering 10 g for every player who joined. No one joined. So I asked in map-chat. There was one commander tag up, gathering people for Serpent's Ire. There was another commander tag, gathering people for a bounty train. The squad for the bounty filled rather quickly, the Serpent's Ire squad did not. I felt sad for the poor commander and joined his squad. We talked a little and I tried to acquire more people for the meta-event. We agreed to join forces and do the tasks step by step. I started talking in map-chat, asking the bounty commander/squad if they would mind joining for Serpent's Ire. No answer. A new tag showed up, Forged with Fire meta-event. The that squad was also in the LFG and also managed to fill up within a few minutes. Meanwhile we were still at 2 squadmates, the commander and me. I suggested to modify the LFG and we started advertising in map-chat, explaining which collections are relevant for Serpent's Ire. No one joined us. The commander became more sad. I talked to him, told him the people in the bounty-squad would have read our map-chat. There are always some who need the collections, they are probably discussing with that commander at the moment about joining us. He cheered up a little. Forged with Fire finished, we advertised again. The squad left the LFG, the map became empty again. Then a new tag appeared, Champion Branded Ley Anomaly. So I started again asking if we could join forces? Silence. The commander of the Serpent's Ire squad was sad again. I promised to brb, left the squad and joined the Champion Branded ley Anomaly Squad. I planned to help them quickly, then ask for aid with the meta-event. That squad was made of two people. One was the commander who needed the Anomaly, the other was me. /shrug. Left that squad, returned to the Serpent's Ire Squad, now that squad was made of two people. Next attempt to persuade the bounty-squad to aid us. Silence. Then a new tag appeared, Forged with Fire meta-event AGAIN. Kindly asked again if we could join forces, as Serpent's Ire was about to start soon. Silence. Forged with Fire finished again, we advertised again for Serpent's Ire. The squad for Forged with Fire left the LFG, map became empty again. Except for the bounty-squad of course which was around 45 member-count. Commander was not very happy, close to giving up. I placed Heroes + Sprit banner and told him to re-open the LFG with mentioning buffs/banners. Meanwhile I went to the map-chat once again, advertised for Serpent's Ire mentioning those shiny banners. Silence. One person joined us. Another person joined us. A few more joined us. Serpent's Ire was about 5 minutes away. Next attempt with the bounty-squad. Their commander told me, they do one last and then join us. I placed some ascended food as well, announced once again. ... Finally enough people to make it. It took us ages to find the Zealots, absolutely horrible RNG with the spawn-points, but made it. The commander of the original squad had their collection-item, thanked the squad for the aid and left. The squad dissolved and the map became empty again. The tag with the Ley Anomaly also disappeared. ... And then I realized, that I have spent the entire afternoon focusing on anything but my personal goal XD. It was still fun and exciting, but I neither got any good loot, nor did I need the meta for any collection. Laughed a little and decided to try again late. I got my guildhall later that day in the evening with a bunch of helpful raiders, big thanks again.
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I once crafted an entire set of ascended armour of the wrong weight class for the intended character.

The first time I went into PvP I didn't know about the whole amulet thing and thought I was using my current gear. The NPC duelists were pretty hard to beat, I thought.

Did a fractal with a couple of friends, with the sole purpose of spying one of the birds for a nevermore collection. Left the gizmos in my bank.

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