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@ProtoGunner.4953 said:

@ProtoGunner.4953 said:This isn't even a JP, it's just some minor platforming. The game is full with this stuff. You can't expect a game for everyone...

And it serves no purpose in the story whatsoever, so what's the point of adding it? Stuff like this should be entirely optional, not a dexterity check for a story instance.

Yes, it serves a purpose; diversification of gameplay. I never heard from people who complain these have hard jumping sections in games until let's say 10 years ago. Maybe people don't know what to expect in GW2, but I think the addition of jumping section in GW2 very refreshing (well back in 2012). I think the problem is more the demographics entering gaming; casuals who only played some mobile games where you need no dexterity.

That's not what I believe he's saying. To me, the argument is that it doesn't serve a story purpose. Platforming doesn't advance the narrative and shouldn't be made mandatory for a story instance. I tend to agree with that.

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I absolutely despise jumping puzzles too. So, anytime I'm confronted with them I immediately watch a video of someone else doing it (god only knows how many attempts it took them to create the video!)...but even then you will fail over and over again. So, I always ask if there is anyone at the end of the puzzle, in map chat...then just use a teleport-to-friend to get there. Or, I just live without whatever it is they've locked behind the undesirable content...like the Gleam of Sentience, for example.

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@keenedge.9675 said:You won't care for Fractals either. Most of it is platformer dungeons. A few are not.

It is not even half of them.Chaos, Solid Ocean, Uncategorized, Twilight Oasis, and Volcanic has some.

Even for these only one person in the party actually needs to make it across. The rest can just use /gg and respawn at the new checkpoint.

Shattered Observatory is debatable. It has jumping elements but it also gives you a skill to bounce over to where you want to go.

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@ProtoGunner.4953 said:

@ProtoGunner.4953 said:This isn't even a JP, it's just some minor platforming. The game is full with this stuff. You can't expect a game for everyone...

And it serves no purpose in the story whatsoever, so what's the point of adding it? Stuff like this should be entirely optional, not a dexterity check for a story instance.

Yes, it serves a purpose; diversification of gameplay. I never heard from people who complain these have hard jumping sections in games until let's say 10 years ago. Maybe people don't know what to expect in GW2, but I think the addition of jumping section in GW2 very refreshing (well back in 2012). I think the problem is more the demographics entering gaming; casuals who only played some mobile games where you need no dexterity.

Dude, not everyone has twitch reflexes or is even under 50 y/o. How is the gaming community becoming more diversified "the problem"?

@kharmin.7683 said:

@ProtoGunner.4953 said:This isn't even a JP, it's just some minor platforming. The game is full with this stuff. You can't expect a game for everyone...

And it serves no purpose in the story whatsoever, so what's the point of adding it? Stuff like this should be entirely optional, not a dexterity check for a story instance.

Yes, it serves a purpose; diversification of gameplay. I never heard from people who complain these have hard jumping sections in games until let's say 10 years ago. Maybe people don't know what to expect in GW2, but I think the addition of jumping section in GW2 very refreshing (well back in 2012). I think the problem is more the demographics entering gaming; casuals who only played some mobile games where you need no dexterity.

That's not what I believe he's saying. To me, the argument is that it doesn't serve a story purpose. Platforming doesn't advance the narrative and shouldn't be made mandatory for a story instance. I tend to agree with that.

You hit the nail on the head.

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