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Game UI is bigger.

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@"Jon Olson.8439" said:DPI scaling is enabled on 64-bit only.

So while you can turn this thing off in the options...

The problem is that when you shut the game off and load it up again, DPI scaling gets turned back on...

Sitting here on a Macbook Pro in bootcamp, so running in 64-bit Windows... this thing makes the game's UI look silly huge, as in the chat bar fills 1/4 the screen and the options panel fills half. This is because a 'retina' monitor like a Mac running windows is actually at 2880x1800 DPI, and we set scale to 300% to make anything visible on the Windows desktop, then run games in "low rez" mode, using 19200*1200 resolution for the game. To run it at 2880 would overheat the machines and fry our GPUs...

So just let the setting 'stick'... If I turn this "feature" off... let me keep it off.

Why do developers think MASSIVE changes to the look and feel of basic graphics settings should be opt-out? Things like this should be Opt-in...

I had to give up Playing WoW when they did a massive change like this to their WoW client causing all "retina" Macs to have blurry UIs... They also had a complex series of settings to opt-out... that they kept changing every patch... and half the time you simply could not opt out and loading the game would trigger headaches as everything in the 'UI' had a sort of blurry double image to it...


Not Opt-out.

Or at least... if I do Opt-out... let that choice stick.

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@Jon Olson.8439 said:

@Cell.6821 said:This really needs a fix, urgently.

What specifically do you feel needs fixing?

Really?! how about our screen res being messed up and not being able to do anything about it? I cant uncheck DPI scaling, its greyed out, so i dont have that option. someone didnt do their homework as to what problems this change was going to cause

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Guys, i know how to fix it :) its years old bug, graphic check boxes will reset after you restart game, to make them stay after you check or uncheck what you need, you need to change something in popup menus, shadows, antialasing, shaders anything from that, you can turn shadows to low and then to high for example, after that all your check boxes will be saved.BTW, devs please make Launcher small again, or make it optional, i had 125% window settings but new launcher toke 70% of my screen.

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@Moira Shalaar.5620 said:

@killermanjaro.5670 said:

@Ariurotl.3718 said:Uncheck the new DPI option.

Unchecking it changes the UI back to it's normal size for me, but the problem is it doesn't stay unchecked. Every time I load the game back up it defaults back to checked/on.

I noticed the same thing, glad to know how to fix it, but it should STAY fixed.

Same for me. I have to uncheck the DPI option every time I start up the game now.

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@Anapxist.5314 said:its years old bug, graphic check boxes will reset after you restart game, to make them stay after you check or uncheck what you need, you need to change something in popup menus, shadows, antialasing, shaders anything from that, you can turn shadows to low and then to high for example, after that all your check boxes will be saved.

Wow... that's amazing '/fail' but also thanks. That work-around worked around...

I unchecked the DPI thing, then turned shadows to none. Quit the game client completely, loaded it back, and put shadows back in place...

Quit the game client again to make sure it was still sticking after putting shadows back, and it is now.

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@Anapxist.5314 said:Guys, i know how to fix it :) its years old bug, graphic check boxes will reset after you restart game, to make them stay after you check or uncheck what you need, you need to change something in popup menus, shadows, antialasing, shaders anything from that, you can turn shadows to low and then to high for example, after that all your check boxes will be saved.BTW, devs please make Launcher small again, or make it optional, i had 125% window settings but new launcher toke 70% of my screen.

Many thanks! Just tried this, unchecked it and changed another setting, and that's saved it. (now changed the other thing back too). A great solution to a problem that should never have existed lol.

My launcher is still appearing wrong though since todays update, it's now about 1.5x bigger than before, and no longer appears in the centre of my screen. It appears lower down with the bottom half containing the buttons cut off the bottom of the screen.

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Thanks I've just had a look at that. But I think I'm gonna wait and hope anet fix the issue. No reason I should have to adjust to having everything else on my PC resized and look different just to get the game launcher back so it's normal size and not off the screen. Really needs a proper fix from anet for the launcher issue I think.

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@Jon Olson.8439 said:DPI scaling is enabled on 64-bit only.

@Cell.6821 said:This really needs a fix, urgently.

What specifically do you feel needs fixing?

For 32-bit client, not only has the 'Look and Feel' changed significantly, there appears to be no way to disable this most unwelcome change, as the DPI Scaling Tickbox is checked, but greyed out. There is some evidence that the client is more prone to crashing, which may or may not be related.

Apparently, for 64-bit clients, changes to the DPI setting are not being carried over to the next play-session.

I would suggest that:

  1. defaulting DPI Scaling to off (for both 32-bit and 64-bit clients), would be a good starting point ;
  2. once that is achieved, ensuring that changes to the setting (for 64-bit clients) are preserved, is a slightly less urgent requirement.

I hope that this helps.

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Not only is this DPI option an issue, my game has been suffering heavy stuttering and massive performance drops that makes the game outright unplayable. How am I supposed to play with less than 5 Frames-per-second? This has never been an issue over the past two years! It is getting rather tiresome...

@Ajina.1890 said:If you change your system scaling, under display options, to 100%, mine was at 125%, the issue goes away.

Sacrificing the general resolution of your screen just to play a game is dumbfounding. In my case, everything becomes absolutely small to the point where it is a struggle to read.

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@Anapxist.5314 said:Guys, i know how to fix it :) its years old bug, graphic check boxes will reset after you restart game, to make them stay after you check or uncheck what you need, you need to change something in popup menus, shadows, antialasing, shaders anything from that, you can turn shadows to low and then to high for example, after that all your check boxes will be saved.BTW, devs please make Launcher small again, or make it optional, i had 125% window settings but new launcher toke 70% of my screen.

Pretty much. I've had this problem a long a time with graphics options in game not sticking to what I select. Even if I fool around and check/uncheck boxes, or change options in the drop downs, it still won't fix itself.

But I did find a (temporary) solution.

Go into C:\Users(username)\AppData\Roaming\Guild Wars 2Delete these files:GFXSettings.Gw2-64.exe.xmlLocal.dat

Next time you launch the game it will have a small "patch" where it will redownload those files. Keep in mind you will need to reselect some of your graphics and sound options in the game. Don't forget the motion blurr slider if you've changed it before as it will reset to the center. I've found this to fix it every time something in the options didn't stick. If you later decide to change an option and it won't stick again, delete those 2 files again. It's a pain, but it works.

I'm running Windows 10 Pro 64bit, and my monitor has a max resolution of 1900x600. To be honest, I didn't notice any difference at all whether this new DPI thing was on or off. Turning it off while playing the game would freeze the game up for a couple seconds while, but no noticeable difference in the UI.

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@Anapxist.5314 said:Guys, i know how to fix it :) its years old bug, graphic check boxes will reset after you restart game, to make them stay after you check or uncheck what you need, you need to change something in popup menus, shadows, antialasing, shaders anything from that, you can turn shadows to low and then to high for example, after that all your check boxes will be saved.BTW, devs please make Launcher small again, or make it optional, i had 125% window settings but new launcher toke 70% of my screen.

I just tried this and it solved my resetting DPI issue. Many thanks Anapxist!

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Yeah I was wondering what the heck happened, I thought my laptop was acting up again but now the game launched starts super bloated and halfway off my screen, I have to drag it to the center (which covers the ENTIRE screen) every time I want to launch the game which is extremely annoying and tedious because it never saves it's position, and then the scaling in game is so ridiculous it's literally unplayable, the login screen alone the character boxes are massive and take up the entire lower half of the screen. Not to mention before this patch as another user said, the graphics check boxes would never save like Vsync, I would have to recheck/uncheck every time I launched the game which as I said is really tedious and annoying. I honestly can't even play the game right now and I just bought the expansion and was hoping to get back into it but now I'll have to go invest in a different MMO unless this gets fixed soon. =\

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