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Ability to Hide All Armor

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@lokh.2695 said:

@"DeanBB.4268" said:I would rather see skimpier outfits offered than have people running around in their underwear. Shrug.

A good two thirds of the internet is devoted to people in skimpy outfits and less, do you actually need this in a game that's sold to kids?

I'll be honest, I just checked and I didn't think this would be twelve plus. I assumed PG 13 at best

It's not that I mind the human form, but with all the images, videos, VR stuff and games available that show lots of skin, I just don't get why "skimpy" has to be a thing everywhere.

Hmm, it seems you misunderstood the intention of my post. I don't specifically want skimpy stuff, I just figure if we can already take it off anyway there might as well be a toggle

I got your intention, that's why I replied to the guy/gal that asked for skimpier stuff below your initial post and not you directly.Your about charr-feet, that's fine by me, to each their own.

I wouldn't say I'm into Charr feet (if that's what your implying) by any stretch. I'm just not into the shoes they get. I dislike how the back and front is open in a lot of cases, and they feel more like a thin layer of fabric rather then an actual shoe. Some manage to pull it off, but not all that many as far as light armor. (I could be misinterpreting what you said though.)

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