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Improving the mount toggle and mount-up abilities.


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Hello, was wondering if the devs could add a couple features that would make mounting up more smooth; my suggestions are:

  1. When going onto water/underwater that the mount skill automatically allow you to mount up on the skimmer. I.e. it switches from your dragon to the skimmer mount, and when you return to land that it returns to your previously selected mount.
  2. Adding either a button that brings up a toggle for selecting a mount OR allowing us to hotkey specific mounts to certain buttons for faster access to specific mounts.

Thank you

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I have all of my mounts bound to Shift+1 through Shift+8 (Raptor, Springer, Skimmer, Jackal, Griffon, Skyscale, Beetle, Warclaw) and can easily toggle whichever one I need at the time. My default is Skyscale so that when I'm tumbling to my death, it is quick to access. That works for me.

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Mine are bound to 8, 9. 0. -, =. p. [ and ] just because that's an area of the keyboard where I had space.

My default is usually the griffon because if I'm not taking the time to think about which one I'm using I probably just want to get moving quickly and that covers all the options (including having already fallen off a cliff). I know the skyscale is more versatile but it can also be slower to get started.

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Yeah all my mounts have their own dedicated keybinds.

R = raptorT = skyscale*Y = bunnyV = griffonX = jackalG = skimmerJ = beetle

*Every time I go sailing off a cliff on a raptor instead of a skyscale, which is more often than I want to admit, I curse the fact that R and T are right next to each other...

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