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Tone down maps like Southsun Cove

dS T nE.6823

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You can use this page to see when the karka queen event is going to start: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/World_boss#Current_events

That requires all 4 settlements to be secure, so you get a lot of people coming into the map and making sure that happens so they can fight the boss. If you want to do it outside of those times your best bet is to use the LFG tool to find people to help you secure the settlements. Although it might be harder than usual to do that now when so many people are focused on Halloween, if you can wait until nearer the end of the festival (or afterwards) you'll find more people in other areas of the game.

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Yep. I randomly ported over there when the Kara Queen was being farmed yesterday... and saw a zerg running here and there. Followed along and we cleared the whole map in a few minutes...

When stuff is up, the place gets packed. Then all the world boss farmers vanish and for about a short while you have a map all to yourself to enjoy before everything resets.

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