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A small change that will help chrono in fractals


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Make the Chronophantasma trait to have no daze so the damage will be more burst. It wont affect damage since the cd is the same.Anothe one is to change the animation of sword phantasm to make it like before. Spawn and attack once ,not leap blurr fenzy etc. It take to much time. Of course the damage will change to be the same. These change will make chronomancer better at fractal without affecting the overall damage of the spec.

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@Stavros.8249 said:Make the Chronophantasma trait to have no daze so the damage will be more burst. It wont affect damage since the cd is the same.Anothe one is to change the animation of sword phantasm to make it like before. Spawn and attack once ,not leap blurr fenzy etc. It take to much time. Of course the damage will change to be the same. These change will make chronomancer better at fractal without affecting the overall damage of the spec.

you can just run quickness trait and have respectable damage on chrono, you dont need 40k dps omegadamage to be viable.

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Chrono is riddled with countless problems that makes it horrible to use in a fast paced fractal setup regardless of whatever you do to it:

  • needs slow on target or suffers a ~15% dmg loss
  • needs to go through 4.5s of csplit... breakbar stun only lasts 5s
  • csplit on a massive 105s CD
  • wastes a number clones to enter csplit instead of using it for more instant dmg during stun like (core) F1
  • chrono F1 changed to deal less instantaneous dmg
  • phantasm respawn is overkill on trash/non bosses and tends to miss breakbar anyway

tl;dr: You want to fit as much as dmg into stun as you can, yet chrono is for some reason still essentially ‘pre-casting’.

Balance-wise, things apparently get to do more overall dmg the longer it takes for it to happen. This is the working basis for swordsman’s highest dmg among phantasms (one quick stab would never be allowed to do that much dmg), and chronophantasma’s supposed 100% dmg increase. Imo, this is their interpretation of chrono’s offensive tradeoff vs not-chrono (core/next spec?); chrono is garbage on things that don’t last for very long (trash, breakbars), and only shines on things that do get to last long enough (target golem, raid bosses). I highly doubt they would change chrono from this design. You’d have better hope supporting the next espec or core.

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