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Suggestion, there should be a ''favorite'' option on character selection screen !


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@DeanBB.4268 said:OK, so long as you can pick more than one favorite.

Personally, I'd like to see a rework where all characters headshots are shown in a grid (can scroll if they won't all fit) with options on how to display them: by class, alphabetical, user-arranged, etc.

Totally agree ! I have actually 5 favorites on 21 characters. Would be a charm to organize them

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@DeanBB.4268 said:OK, so long as you can pick more than one favorite.

Personally, I'd like to see a rework where all characters headshots are shown in a grid (can scroll if they won't all fit) with options on how to display them: by class, alphabetical, user-arranged, etc.

This. All of this. I've been wanting a re-work of the character screen for so long. Sorting options are a huge QOL for those with a lot of invested characters.

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Favourites would be a useful option, but I'd prefer a variety of ways to organise our characters.

My ideal would be something like what Elder Scrolls Online ended up doing where you can manually sort them into any order you like (previously that game had them stuck in the order they were created) but a few options like sorting by age, most played, most recent (what we have now), by race, by profession etc. would probably work, and a favourites option would be a nice addition.

I do have characters I play more and less often, but what I want most is the way to put them into an order and have them stay there, so I know where to look to find the one I want at any given time.

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@Danikat.8537 said:Favourites would be a useful option, but I'd prefer a variety of ways to organise our characters.

My ideal would be something like what Elder Scrolls Online ended up doing where you can manually sort them into any order you like (previously that game had them stuck in the order they were created) but a few options like sorting by age, most played, most recent (what we have now), by race, by profession etc. would probably work, and a favourites option would be a nice addition.

I do have characters I play more and less often, but what I want most is the way to put them into an order and have them stay there, so I know where to look to find the one I want at any given time.

More functionality is always good!

Personally, I'd like to add in a sort for Last Played (Date), then invert it so the characters I haven't touched in a while are most available. It would help so much more than jamming my mouse button to scroll through the list.

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@DeanBB.4268 said:OK, so long as you can pick more than one favorite.

Personally, I'd like to see a rework where all characters headshots are shown in a grid (can scroll if they won't all fit) with options on how to display them: by class, alphabetical, user-arranged, etc.

I'd like that a lot as well.

I'd also like to be able to customise the character select screen.. choose the background music and display from each of the expansions (HoT is still the best one imo)I've heard there is a way to put custom music on the character select screen but I couldn't get it to work.

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