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Let's talk about Lightning Orb


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@"Arheundel.6451" said:You literally used a benchmark golem build blowing up half the bar just to get a 5s+5s stability to prove..my point...that ranger has low access to stability but you still wanted "to win" the argument

That isn't what I demonstrated at all. I say 15s, from SoTP, and another 15s from Dolyak, and you say "5s+5s". You're totally ignoring what I'm saying and just imagining something else that is more comfortable to your ears.

This is going way too far off topic, so I'm stopping here. The fact that you can't use ranger optimally or understand its mechanics isn't my problem.

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@Ragnar.4257 said:

@"Arheundel.6451" said:You literally used a benchmark golem build blowing up half the bar just to get a 5s+5s stability to prove..my point...that ranger has low access to stability but you still wanted "to win" the argument

That isn't what I demonstrated at all. I say 15s, from SoTP, and another 15s from Dolyak, and you say "5s+5s". You're totally ignoring what I'm saying and just imagining something else that is more comfortable to your ears.

This is going way too far off topic, so I'm stopping here. The fact that you can't use ranger optimally or understand its mechanics isn't my problem.

Here come the personal attacks...didn't take long...

  • You proposed that guardian needs "hollow ground" to have stupid amount of stability....with a proper META spec I shown everybody otherwise....and guardian your main...Yeah
  • You come with a non functional build soulbeast.. using jacaranda where you use heal skill + stunbreak - proposes that you have 5 sources of quickness and other goodies....in the end you use the elite followed by the stunbreak(out of the 5 sources of quickness you state to have.....it's the only one usable off combat) and finally the heal skill to reach the fabled 15s x 6stack stability from just the elite...Yeah...

Of course you went and say to L2P..sure...typical last sentence to "win" the argument but can we have you play this 15s stability build in actual combat? I surely can show and play the META firebrand build I posted...fact vs fiction

It would surely be interesting to see this 15s SoTP followed by another 15s dolyak stance

Finally you claimed that guardian your main but you didn't know how much easy stability the class has and nobody needs Hallowed ground for stupid stability uptime...then I suggest to check again how much actual dmg the symbols can do..

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@bethekey.8314 said:

@Megametzler.5729 said:Naah, in team fights it is not good anymore, because it
only shoots the nearest target
. So it usually spreads its damage across multiple players, illusions, pets, anything.

It is a fun bunker breaker though indeed. But there are far far more pressing issues at the moment. I barely encounter anyone else trolling with this in actual games.

You heard it here first, folks. 15k+ damage into a team fight isn't good.

Are elementalists this spoiled?

I lol'd. Yeah, eles are spoiled by this awesome warhorn everybody uses and has always dominated ranked.

No, 15k every 25 seconds shot by a slow moving orb, blockable, dodgeable over 3-4 seconds is not great. Especially not because you need a zerker yolo build for that, which gets farmed by too many other classes.

Yes, I meme with this sometimes. Yes, it is a noob filter and strong in certain compositions. But it auto loses in too many situations. Is this the result of some unranked nightmare?

Can we change this skill into Sevenshot please? Zerker tempest would greatly benefit from that change and everybody would be happy.

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I wish GW2 had haha reacts. This is such a ridiculous complain. Next up: Someone is asking for a nerf to meteor shower once they get killed by it from an 11K HP berserker staff weaver because they stood still in the aoe range. I guess we will also ask for a nerf to Air overload since the same berserker fresh air tempest that used the lightning orb can use air overload and it hits almost as hard as the lightning orb... Lightning Orb has so much counter play. It is a projectile so it can be reflected or even blocked completely. It doesn't pierce. You can walk out of it's range because it just that slow.. or like just dodge... It has a massive animation and takes forever to reach far away.

In order to get a killed with lightning orb,1) Tempest also should be at least a marauder but most likely has to play berserker amulet.. meaning it has at most 14k hp with lowest armor (if they pick a runeset with HP) or 11k HP with lowest armor (if they pick a rune set for even more lol dps)2) You need to be silly enough to follow the ball, or stand still and like.. not dodge and then die obviously.3) If you're dodging it and all and looking at the screen to avoid it, a tempest has to be insanely skilled to CC you into the ball to pull off a proper kill with this slow moving move while having like 11-14k hp and no armor and very little sustain.. If you got cc'd into it and killed, you got outplayed. This is literally how classes like spellbreaker play. They cc you to land big hits with big flashy animations.

I meme with it in unranked. I usually just drop it in front and run in the direction of the moving orb. Noobs chase me, keep getting hit by it, die and then rage whisper me. It's the quintessential trolling experience. To top it off, I also get hate whispers from team mates for not playing a support tempest to carry their butthurt when they rush a point and die to DH traps.. "QQ tempest should heal".. priceless moments...

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