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I always hear the same things regarding warrior in versus game modes. Look, the only thing that matters is that you like your class, play it however way you want. If you're lacking competitive aspects, forget about it, take it easy and just be you.

I found that in breaking the metas and playing the way I want to play instead of how others wanted me to play, life essentially became a lot better. WvW guilds don't want me? Fine I'll go it alone, don't need them. PvP metas dictate how you "have" to base your warrior to be effective? No thanks, I will play my way, and how I want to.

I see this as a common trend for successful pvp players especially, you'll mostly see people who tend to run "off-meta" builds and I first saw this when I watched Arken play on twitch one day about two years ago. Remember that as a player in pvp modes, what you bring to the platter is what matters.

For me my focus is damage, so naturally I would prefer Berserker. Why? Because it's how I want to play! And because I find it comfortable, I'm able to get k/d ratios of like 16-0, 17-2, 12-2, and it happens around like 80% of my matches. Of course, whatever happens, is a result of how effective I work with my team.

I think at one point I was playing unranked against another berserker running sword with a power build using the arms line and rampage, and the dude not only completely wrecked me to the point where I gave up along with another teamate, but he also carried the enemy team as well. On another few occasions I've gone up against warriors running the current trendy meta, which I personally find lacking in warrior's full potential, and I've completely destroyed them on 1v1, why? Because they follow and do not lead.

It's like I said, to be successful, you have to think independently, stop following metas, stop following people who say warrior is bad, stop listening to them. Heck if I had to choose a time to listen to anyone telling me what to do for war is raiding, and even then you don't need to listen to too much or do what others say.

A good player simply is an independent thinker especially on the warrior class it should be imperative to focus on making your build work for you. For instance, if you have superior rune of rage on, are you proccing fury enough? Little things like that.

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Well, it's not always about a class being 'meta', moreso the fact that warrior doesn't have the capability of dealing very big damage while also sustaining enemy fire. Glassy Berserkers are fun to play but against a team with a tempest for example, you will probably be the first to die.

Just because I do not expect my teammates to support me, I usually run offmeta builds focusing on some form of team support. A tanky spellbreaker with a lot of boonstrip (WoD too, very good for outnumbered mid fights) or a Berserker with Might share and might heal. I run full tank in Berserker traitline, but I have a very big and long-lasting upkeep on might, which also heals me. This is more offensive than the spellbreaker build and I use the Battle Standard for rez.

All in all, warriors with a bit of support can be unstoppable no matter if they are meta or not. But due to the simple fact that you can't expect for someone to support you, or escort you to another point when you gotta defend, it's better to train your power Revenant, weaver or something.

I do agree though, that people play for their own sake. It's different to raid in wvw and needing to switch to a more meta build for your guild though.

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Warrior bad? Nope not at all.Warrior not matching up to a good number of OPGGEZ Meta builds out there? That's an undeniable fact.

At the end of the day, play what yu are most comfortable with.There is no point playing something meta when yu can only pull out at best 20% of its effectiveness whereas yu can play a Warrior build yu are used to and pull out 100% effectiveness.

That being said, Warrior isn't "bottom of the barrel" tier, so I don't see why people would say warrior is bad.

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@"Aridon.8362" All i could personaly say is ..... Warrior on Power is not just "death" , it is only weaker than some other Builds yes. The Only thing that is surely too weak at the Moment is just Core Warrior since there is only one endurepain left you seems to have alot of defence left (sure you could just help it out by playing tactics instead of Defense to gain more heal over all .... but yea you just left with only one cc brake to gain heal and might so this is only good in just 1v1 situations and 1vx made it near impossible plus the just hard nerf of Eviscerate)

This are at least the Power Builds that left:

Power Berserker (is only good cause you got a second skill like endurepain, called Savage instinct/ its only good when played with Armored Attack ... maybe if they get a rework on the Defi pain traitlineskill the normal weapon skills will left with too low damage but im not so sure here)

Power Strength Spellbraker (its just all in all in a okay spot .... but also in a week one since cc skills damage got nerfed to near 0 Damage)

Power Core Tactics Warrior (is pretty week cause you only get a 60 seconds stunbrake here)

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I like your outlook OP. This is also how I play now. Dun care if I die a lot now in sPvP (actually, I turned off chat at all). I just go with the flow on what I want to do and how I wanna do it. Of course when it comes to group content on PvE with my friends, I try to be better than yesterday so I can yell a lot in our discord with the phrase, "BOOM DECAP! BOOM DECAP!" everytime i press F1 on Berserker Mode :)

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@"SASHI.7260" said:I like your outlook OP. This is also how I play now. Dun care if I die a lot now in sPvP (actually, I turned off chat at all). I just go with the flow on what I want to do and how I wanna do it. Of course when it comes to group content on PvE with my friends, I try to be better than yesterday so I can yell a lot in our discord with the phrase, "BOOM DECAP! BOOM DECAP!" everytime i press F1 on Berserker Mode :)

So pve is group content, but a 5v5 pvp match apparently isnt. Kinda sad, to say the least

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@"Yasai.3549" said:Warrior bad? Nope not at all.

This is true.

That being said, Warrior isn't "bottom of the barrel" tier, so I don't see why people would say warrior is bad.

It isn't bad damage wise. But when you're matched up against these constantly:

Warrior not matching up to a good number of OPGGEZ Meta builds out there? That's an undeniable fact.

It ends up feeling "bottom of the barrel". All the damage in the world doesn't matter if the way you deliver it is clunky and avoidable.

Still play warrior though.

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Warrior was pretty much always middle-of-the-road. The damage and sustainability are decent enough, but not the best. OP you are right, warriors have to think independently in what works for them and what doesn't. I do the same. The thing is, you have to. Warrior does not excel in anything that in which other professions cannot provide in greater numbers. In a sense, it's a true "jack of all trades" class. Yes, I know engineers exist, but they easily surpass warrior in mobility and support. Holos also dish more straight damage. Guardians, revs, necros surpass us in conditions. Obviously, tempest, druid, FB pass us in healing as they should! The only possible exception is CC. A warrior SB wielding say hammer, dagger or mace along with physicals is something unique. Even then, you have to be skilled enough to wield that big lumbering molasses known as warrior hammer! However, the big February update threw that possibility out the window -- warrior physicals and its general damage just got gutted.

Also, the thing with warrior is -- it's pretty straight-forward. Warriors don't have stealth or teleports. Any experienced player knows and sees right in front of them what warrior is going to dish out at them. This forces us warriors to be more creative and strategic in how we fight. Positioning matters, cooldowns matter, every little thing matters. Warriors also require a lot of time and investment in order to become skilled and get anything out of it. Again, you're a jack of all trades! You don't have the absolute best tools, so you need to practice and make do with the tools you do have.

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@RedShark.9548 said:So pve is group content, but a 5v5 pvp match apparently isnt. Kinda sad, to say the least

Yeap! Unless I am mistaken, you cannot queue as a 5man group on ranked matches. Hence I cannot be with 4 of my other friends thus it is not a group content for me nor my friends. What I deem as a group content means I can have fun with my friends as a group.

Sure we can do the AT but happens on a 3 hour timer with a 15min registration period and our schedule of playing is not that concrete to the point that we will be online before an AT (we still have personal lives too)

P.S: This is only my personal view of things.

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