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Off-hand sword?


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It does not provide the same amount of utility compared with other off-hand weapons that we have. Focus provides a swiftness boost coupled with reflect on Phantasm and a pull; torch is useful for a condi/stealth combos in PvP and WvW; shield is bar-none the best in that it provides an extended block that can be repeated with Continuum Split plus destruction of projectiles, damage and stun on Tides of Time. It's just great.

Don't get me wrong, for open-world I'm rarely using something else other than Sword/Sword for the flavour, and admittedly the stellar damage on the Illusionary Swordsman, but the block is not that great and the daze on it is very circumstantial. So yes - other off-hands win.

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Yes sword fall behind by most of other offhands. However, i mostly use it and find usefull in power-condi hybrid mirage interrupt builds in pair with scpeter.My setup is scepter-OH sword and MH sword-pistol.

If i use scepter 2, i have block with nice damage and torment if im hit, or confusion and blind if i press it again. CD of 4.75s just so low that you can chain it in between dodges, leaps, jaunts. In off hand i have powerfull phantasm on oh sword 5, which do nice damage wherever it hit or crit. If i block with oh sword 4 - i do a lot of damage, and i can daze on demand if needed with second press of a button. And remind you OH sword - block is on 7.25 second CD.

Other weapon set is sword MH, for mobility and ambush daze, blurred frenzy which while channeled allow you to jaunt on top of enemy so they won't run out. And pistol in offhand for powerfull phantasm and stun on demand.

This setup allow me, with adventurer runes and false oasis, to chain blocks with dodges (you may include disortion and blur in here too). In my build each interrupt is direct damage from sigil of draining and confusion + blind from ineptitude and with help of power lock, sword ambush, counter blade, magic bullet and diversion you can interrupt up to 7 abilities in a row (if all chained it would be ~7k direct damage and heal from sigil alone + ~14 stacks of confusion from ineptitude).

TL; DR, it might be not a best OH, but it can do give you a lot of situational help if used right. Don't be afraid to experiment.

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These 1 instance block skills (scepter & sword) could be changed so that you can choose to either block all incoming attacks for the full duration or stop blocking early in order to deal damage, inflict torment (scepter) or daze (sword) and summon a clone. This way you would be able to use them as a real defensive tool or sacrifice the block for more offense. The CDs would have to be made longer though.It would also help these skills in PvE because triggering the effects on mobs' attacks is pretty annoying.

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Off-hand sword is ultimately a PvE weapon as it has the highest damaging phantasm outside of iWarlock vs. an enemy rocking one of every unique condition. In PvP it lacks a lot of utility that other off-hands have, such as the stealth on Torch, the swiftness, pull, and reflect on the Focus, or double-block and slow, quickness, daze (?) of Shield.

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I run scepter/sword as main set in wvw. Both power (assas/zerk) and condi (dire) versions are fine to play. I have had multiple fights in which squishy power version has hold against thieves. When deadeye appears, I have to focus on it, unfortunately.

Traits for power build are:

dueling 2 1 3 % desperate decoy / blinding dissipation / deceptive evasioninspiration 3 2 1 % persisting images / restorative illusions / mental defenseillusions 1 1 3 % compounding power / shattered strength / malicious sorcery

Traits for condi build are:

dueling 2 1 3 % desperate decoy / blinding dissipation / deceptive evasioninspiration 3 2 1 % persisting images / restorative illusions / mental defenseillusions 3 3 3 % the pledge / maim the disillusioned / malicious sorcery

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