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@razaelll.8324 K guess I'll just dunk on you instead since you don't know how to math anyway:

Σn₁n₂...nₙ = 1

Evaluate the Summation Σ as the limit approaches 1 obviously.

Example : n₁(+100 -300) + n₂(+200-500) + n₃(+200+300)

(-200 )+(-300)+(500)

500-500 = 0

500 = 500

1 = 1thereforeΣn...nₙ = 1

No matter what each individual operations give you as a result, and no matter which one you choose to do or exclude, all operations in totality HAVE to add up to 1, therefor all operations are equivalent with respect to the system as a whole. Get dunked on.

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@JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:@razaelll.8324 K guess I'll just dunk on you instead since you don't know how to math anyway:

Σn₁n₂...nₙ = 1

Evaluate the Summation Σ as the limit approaches 1 obviously.

Example : n₁(+100 -300) + n₂(+200-500) + n₃(+200+300)

(-200 )+(-300)+(500)

500-500 = 0

500 = 500

1 = 1thereforeΣn...nₙ = 1

No matter what each individual operations give you as a result, and no matter which one you choose to do or exclude, all operations in totality HAVE to add up to 1, therefor all operations are equivalent with respect to the system as a whole. Get dunked on.

?????you are showing that every scenario have a counter scenario which leads to same result we AGREED on that long time ago i dont not why you continue repeating it as if we dont agree on it? Do you just feel joy to repeat your self and be toxic to people? What are you trying to achieve here?

Ragnar asked you specifically are A+100 and B+100 equal to A+100 and B+0. He is asking you ARE THEY EQUIVALENT TO EACH OTHER NOT ARE THEY EQUIVALENT TO THE SYSTEM AS A WHOLE and your answer was YES which was WRONG and you already acknowledge it.

You can continue posting math for fifth grade (on which we agree I never said your math is wrong) and claim that i dont understand math all you want mate, but you cannot prove that so it is just an empty claim.

Get dunked on.

you are dunking your self mate not me :D

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@razaelll.8324 said:Ragnar asked you specifically are A+100 and B+100 equal to A+100 and B+0. He is asking you ARE THEY EQUIVALENT TO EACH OTHER

He asked if the scenario's are equivalent, which they are...did you not read his words or do you need to take reading comprehension class again? The act of nerfing or buffing something literally makes no difference what you decide to do, as they both yield the the same end state of a system...so yes the scenarios are equivalent.

@"Ragnar.4257" said:You're actually saying that Scenarios 1 & 2 are equivalent and indistinguishable.


And I said the "scenario's" are equivalent ...which they are... They aren't indistinguishable, you can clearly distinguish one scenario from another scenario...but they both will end up doing the same thing and changing the system with the same level of meaning.

Anyway you are just trying to pick apart my argument with lingual semantics. Just because I didn't specify the word "scenario" doesn't mean I wasn't talking about the scenario...and just cause I didn't specify the word "indistinguishable" doesn't mean I said the two are exactly identical operations. If I wanted to say that, then I would have done so.

The two operations lead to equivalent resultant states of the system therefor they are equivalent operations. End of story period. Is that exact English enough for you bud or do you want to specify that I'm speaking to you on Planet Earth, with a computer, typing on a keyboard, and that the year is 2021 and not 1980...How exact do you want me to be huh? Or is extrapolating context not enough for you?

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@JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

@razaelll.8324 said:Ragnar asked you specifically are A+100 and B+100 equal to A+100 and B+0. He is asking you ARE THEY EQUIVALENT TO EACH OTHER

He asked if the
are equivalent, which they are...did you not read his words or do you need to take reading comprehension class again? The act of nerfing or buffing something literally makes no difference what you decide to do, as they both yield the the same end state of a system...so yes the scenarios are equivalent.

@"Ragnar.4257" said:You're actually saying that
1 & 2 are equivalent and indistinguishable.


And I said the "scenario's" are equivalent ...which they are... They aren't indistinguishable, you can clearly distinguish one scenario from another scenario...but they both will end up doing the same thing and changing the system with the same level of meaning.

Anyway you are just trying to pick apart my argument with lingual semantics. Just because I didn't specify the word "scenario" doesn't mean I wasn't talking about the scenario...and just cause I didn't specify the word "indistinguishable" doesn't mean I said the two are exactly identical operations. If I wanted to say that, then I would have done so.

The two operations lead to equivalent resultant states of the system therefor they are equivalent operations. End of story period. Is that exact English enough for you bud or do you want to specify that I'm speaking to you on Planet Earth, with a computer, typing on a keyboard, and that the year is 2021 and not 1980...How exact do you want me to be huh? Or is extrapolating context not enough for you?

he is asking you are this 2 specifically are equivalent and NO they are not equivalent to each other.

They are NOT unique in respect to the system because both scenarios have equivalent counter scenario which lead to the same result.

Every scenario has a equivalent scenarios that does not make all scenarios equivalent to each other it only shows that there is no unique scenario

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@razaelll.8324 said:he is asking you are this 2 specifically are equivalent and NO they are not equivalent to each other.

They are NOT unique in respect to the system because both scenarios have equivalent counter scenario which you lead to the same resultExactly this is what I said...like a million billion times...you are picking apart what I said semantically...I don't care if Ragnar specifically wanted to ask me 3=/=45 cause nobody cares about that it's irrelevant.

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@razaelll.8324 said:he is asking you are this 2 specifically are equivalent and NO they are not equivalent to each other.

They are NOT unique in respect to the system because both scenarios have equivalent counter scenario which lead to the same result.

Every scenario has a equivalent scenarios that does not make all scenarios equivalent to each other it only shows that there is no unique scenario

Dude this is what i said like 3 pages ago :

@JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said :His claim that buffing one class is meaningfully different operation then nerfing another class (or just leaving other classes alone), and that because he believes it's different, that this has meaning. I'm saying it's not different or a unique change, there is an infinite number of changes that give you the same resultant state of the system as a whole.

You are literally spitting back verbatim...word for word what I explained to you over 3 pages ago.

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@JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

@razaelll.8324 said:he is asking you are this 2 specifically are equivalent and NO they are not equivalent to each other.

They are NOT unique in respect to the system because both scenarios have equivalent counter scenario which lead to the same result.

Every scenario has a equivalent scenarios that does not make all scenarios equivalent to each other it only shows that there is no unique scenario

Dude this is what i said like 3 pages ago :

@JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said :His claim that buffing one class is meaningfully different operation then nerfing another class (or just leaving other classes alone), and that because he believes it's different, that this has meaning. I'm saying it's not different or a unique change, there is an infinite number of changes that give you the same resultant state of the system as a whole.

literally spitting back verbatim...word for word what I explained to you over 3 pages ago.

His claim that buffing one class is meaningfully different operation then nerfing another class

He never claimed this.

.I don't care if Ragnar specifically wanted to ask me 3=/=45 cause nobody cares about that it's irrelevant.so you are having a dialog with someone and you dont care what he is asking you? - - thats explains why it took you 4 pages of text to understand what we disagree on.

But i am really done with you. this gone way beyond off topic and ridiculously stupid argument.

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@razaelll.8324 said:

so you are having a dialog with someone and you dont care what he is asking you? - - thats explains why it took you 4 pages of text to understand what we disagree on.

Dude this is like if I asked you if 1 equals 2. how dumb do you think that kind of question is? If i assumed that Ragnar purposefully asked me such a dumb question, I would be doing him a disservice.

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@JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

so you are having a dialog with someone and you dont care what he is asking you? - - thats explains why it took you 4 pages of text to understand what we disagree on.

Dude this is like if I asked you if 1 equals 2. how dumb do you think that kind of question is? If i assumed that Ragnar purposefully asked me such a dumb question, I would be doing him a disservice.

by answering on that dump question that 1 equals 2 you did exactly that

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@razaelll.8324 said:

so you are having a dialog with someone and you dont care what he is asking you? - - thats explains why it took you 4 pages of text to understand what we disagree on.

Dude this is like if I asked you if 1 equals 2. how dumb do you think that kind of question is? If i assumed that Ragnar purposefully asked me such a dumb question, I would be doing him a disservice.

by answering on that dump question with 1 equals 2 because 1+1 equal 2 and 2-1 equals 1 you did exactly that, namely:"doing him a disservice"

Thats why i am telling you that you chose the wrong words to prove your point and what you wrote was not correct in terms of the question he asked you

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@razaelll.8324 said:by answering on that dump question that 1 equals 2 you did exactly that

Do you really think Ragnar asked me if 1 = 2. I mean this is probably the dumbest question in the history of the universe. Ragnar is not that incompetent man. If you think he asked this, then really your just throwing massive shade at him right now.

If he admits that this is what he meant to ask, then okay, I'll be dumbfounded by why someone would ask such a dumb question.

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@JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

@"razaelll.8324" said:by answering on that dump question that 1 equals 2 you did exactly that

Do you really think Ragnar asked me if 1 = 2. I mean this is probably the dumbest question in the history of the universe. Ragnar is not that incompetent man. If you think he asked this, then really your just throwing massive shade at him right now.

If he admits that this is what he meant to ask, then okay, I'll be dumbfounded by why someone would ask such a dumb question.

for me there are no "dump" questions thats your description of the question.

Ask him mate, if thats not what he asked you then i will admit that i misinterpreted the conversation.

What led me to believe that is what he asked you is that he asked you that same question multiple times also his answer to your response also lead me to the same conclusion.

@Ragnar.4257 said:

@Ragnar.4257 said:Exactly, we're NOT making a change that's equivalent to something else.

We're NOT buffing A by 100, and also buffing B by 100. We're ONLY buffing A by 100. So yes there is a difference.

Scenario 1:Buff A by 100, Buff B by 100

Scenario 2:

Buff A by 100, leave B untouched.

You do accept that scenarios 1 and 2 are different, right?

zzz. Listen they are not different.

Thanks for once again not addressing the scenario I posited, and making up one of your own.

Let me ask once again:

Scenario 1:Buff A by 100, Buff B by 100

Scenario 2:Buff A by 100, leave B untouched.

You're actually saying that Scenarios 1 & 2 are equivalent and indistinguishable?

I fully accept that +100 to A and -100 to B are equivalent and interchangeable. But that is not the scenario I am positing. Can you please address the scenario I am positing.
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@razaelll.8324 said:

@razaelll.8324 said:by answering on that dump question that 1 equals 2 you did exactly that

Do you really think Ragnar asked me if 1 = 2. I mean this is probably the dumbest question in the history of the universe. Ragnar is not that incompetent man. If you think he asked this, then really your just throwing massive shade at him right now.

If he admits that this is what he meant to ask, then okay, I'll be dumbfounded by why someone would ask such a dumb question.

for me there are no "dump" questions thats your description of the question.

Ask him mate, if thats not what he asked you then i will admit that i misinterpreted the conversation.

What led me to believe that is what he asked you is that he asked you that same question multiple times

I can see why he would ask me this though, because he wanted to bait me to say that they aren't equal, and thus prove his more primitive argument correct that the two things "aren't equal". Because everyone knows that 1 does not equal 2... What I at least was trying to say....is speak on the equivalence of the meaning of the operation, not the actual specific numbers. So he basically just set up a semantics trap and of course its no surprise that the thread would spiral out of control. It's like he set up the argument to make it seem like i was debating that 1 equals 2, which is definitely not what I was saying.

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make it seem like i was debating that 1 equals 2, which is definitely not what I was saying.

I am glad that you see how the conversation looked like now and why i even decided to take a part of it. I think we can now end it here. Do you agree?

Edit: And by the way i was serious about the ingame duel , i know that i will probably loose , but i am always up for a challenge and every duel is experience which helps me learn and improve.

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@razaelll.8324 said:

make it seem like i was debating that 1 equals 2, which is definitely not what I was saying.

I am glad that you see how the conversation looked like now and why I even decided to take a part of it. I think we can now end it here. Do you agree?

So long as we agree that Ragnar asked a dumb question, then sure. Truce.

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@JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

@"razaelll.8324" said:

make it seem like i was debating that 1 equals 2, which is definitely not what I was saying.

I am glad that you see how the conversation looked like now and why I even decided to take a part of it. I think we can now end it here. Do you agree?

So long as we agree that Ragnar asked a dumb question, then sure. Truce.

hehe i told you for me there is no "dump" question. Anyways have a good day mate i am going to do some pvp now ;)

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And now, another intermission. . .

Light Yagami Justice: Hmph. Your arguments are elimentary. I can easily see through them. I don't even have to try.

Raz: Oh yeah? You arrogant fool. It is I who is hardly trying!

Justice: Very well. I'll make you an offer. In my left hand is one million dollars. In the other, a rock. Which will you choose?

Raz: Okay... Doubt. Who in their right mind would choose the rock.

Justice: Precicely! Now, imagine I doubled it to two million dollars. Now what would you do?

Raz: Is that even a question?

Justice: Precicely, One option is clearly superior to the other, and that is the option you choose. I could replace the one million dollars with a yacht and the end result is the same.

Raz: ... Right because a million dollars is the same thing as a boat. Is that really your best argument?

Justice: You miss my poin--

Raz: Look boss, I could pay you the thousand dollars I owe you, but if you think about it, if I give you 10 dollars or 10000 dollars, it's the same outcome mathematically speaking, so you should just clear my whole debt right now!

Justice: Nice deflection

Raz: Nice FACE

Justice (cracks knuckles) Lets startt from the beginning. . .


Stay tuned for the next exciting episode of the justice v Raz saga!

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@Kuma.1503 said:And now, another intermission. . .

Light Yagami Justice: Hmph. Your arguments are elimentary. I can easily see through them. I don't even have to try.

Raz: Oh yeah? You arrogant fool. It is I who is hardly trying!

Justice: Very well. I'll make you an offer. In my left hand is one million dollars. In the other, a rock. Which will you choose?

Raz: Okay... Doubt. Who in their right mind would choose the rock.

Justice: Precicely! Now, imagine I doubled it to two million dollars. Now what would you do?

Raz: Is that even a question?

Justice: Precicely, One option is clearly superior to the other, and that is the option you choose. I could replace the one million dollars with a yacht and the end result is the same.

Raz: ... Right because a million dollars is the same thing as a boat. Is that really your best argument?

Justice: You miss my poin--

Raz: Look boss, I could pay you the thousand dollars I owe you, but if you think about it, if I give you 10 dollars or 10000 dollars, it's the same outcome mathematically speaking, so you should just clear my whole debt right now!

Justice: Nice deflection

Raz: Nice FACE

Justice (cracks knuckles) Lets startt from the beginning. . .


Stay tuned for the next exciting episode of the justice v Raz saga!

Hehehehe very good one mate ?

But now very accurate in my opinion.

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